#dc discord roleplay




DC Comics Roleplay

Hey! Ever wanted to roleplay DC comics? Just haven’t been able to find the right group or anything? Well, I have a discord server for you! Fun, fairly relaxed staff, big server wide events, plenty of characters available, everything you could ever want in a roleplay is all right here.

Taken Characters:



-Beast Boy

-Black Canary

-Blue Beetle

-Captain Cold


-Commissioner James Gordon

-Eobard Thawne

-Flash (Barry Allen/Wally West)

-Green Arrow

-Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)

-Harley Quinn



-John Constantine

-Martian Manhunter



-Poison Ivy

-Red Hood

-Red Robin

-Robin (Damian Wayne)

-Rose Wilson



-Two Face

-Wonder Woman


Please note that some characters we will not allow (Joker, Darkseid, Parallax, etc) as they are reserved for big events. But, there are plenty of other characters that are available!

anyways pls join we need more people and we’d love to meet y’all


we’re working on a list of wanted characters if anyone’s interested in joining this!

I didn’t see much interest in this, but we’ve established an instagram aspect too as well, and are still definitely looking for people to join!
