#dclot rel


dclot summary update: for once i’m so far along with the gifset already that i can just go ahead and promise you it’ll be posted later tonight!


dclot summary gifset update: it’s pretty hard to concentrate on making jokes when there’s war on the continent, but i think i’m far enough along at this point that i’ll most likely have the gifset finished by tonight

update: i realized i didn’t update y’all, but i have indeed finished the gifset (by some miracle honestly) and it will be published on time in about 3 hours

dclot summary gifset update: it’s pretty hard to concentrate on making jokes when there’s war on the continent, but i think i’m far enough along at this point that i’ll most likely have the gifset finished by tonight

i hate having to put up disclaimers before every other new dclot episode, but i’ve got quite a lot on my schedule tomorrow. however, i’ll truly be doing everything i possibly can to get that gifset done before the end of thursday, so i can wake up on friday and start my birthday doing one of my favorite things, which is reading all y’all’s tags and comments 


good news: i’m working on this week’s lot summary gifset

bad news: i’m being pulled in a million different directions today, so it’s really hard to focus on the gifset

good news: i still have 10 hours, so fingers crossed i’ll still be able to finish it by tonight


good news: i’m working on this week’s lot summary gifset

bad news: i’m being pulled in a million different directions today, so it’s really hard to focus on the gifset

good news: i still have 10 hours, so fingers crossed i’ll still be able to finish it by tonight


it’s taking a fair bit longer than last week but i think i can confidently say i’m far enough along with this week’s lot summary gifset now that you can expect it tonight at the usual time 


it’s taking a fair bit longer than last week but i think i can confidently say i’m far enough along with this week’s lot summary gifset now that you can expect it tonight at the usual time 


lot summary gifset update: i could be jinxing myself by saying this, but things have gone surprisingly smooth so far. just gotta sharpen a few frames, adjust a few color settings, tweak a few punchlines, and i’m done! so y’all can pretty confidently go ahead and expect it tonight at the usual hour


lot summary gifset update: i could be jinxing myself by saying this, but things have gone surprisingly smooth so far. just gotta sharpen a few frames, adjust a few color settings, tweak a few punchlines, and i’m done! so y’all can pretty confidently go ahead and expect it tonight at the usual hour

dclot summary update: 95% done and 100% shocked i’m finishing on time! now i just need your prayers it’ll show up in the tags later tonight

i hate to start out the new year exactly like the old one, but you know i like to keep y’all updated on the lot summary gifs. and just like last year, my life is a mess and all my meetings/appointments somehow manage to get scheduled on thursdays. i’m kinda cautiously optimistic about finishing the gifset on time tomorrow, but i just wanted to put this out there in case i don’t.

oh, and so y’all know i’m like 1) alive and 2) still doing my thing

just saw the news of dclot’s cancelation…. i don’t really know what to say except that i love each and every one of you guys so much and it was an honor summarizing the episodes for you ❤
