#dead tablet


I have found myself in particularly pants ruining situation, my wacom tablet kicked the bucket and I need to generate revenue to facilitate a replacement in a somewhat quick kind of fashion.

What I am offering for the time being in lieu of not being able to offer further is a clean pencil sketch commissions priced a $20 a pop for a full body character/object.  Person, mecha, tank, plane, spaceship, warship you name it.   Examples of which can be found in my previous updates.  One caveat though is in order to turn things around in a timely matter I ask you to be as concise as possible with your request.  If you’re feeling adventurous and want to spring an additional $10 dollars, I’ll bust out my pens and ink it for you, but be warned I haven’t inked in ages ;_;. 

Drop me an email at [email protected] titled “commission” with what you want if you want to hit me up on my offer and I’ll tell you were to send payment.
(I only take payments via paypal btw)

I also have a InPrnt shop where I sell finished pieces: https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/boogwerks/
not much there at the moment unfortunately but it is something to consider

I would greatly appreciate if you could help me out in this matter.
