#deal finder


I feel like this is something we can’t talk enough about: picture posing in the fitness community.

I get it, am guilty of it, and I understand it has its time and place (i.e flexing, etc).

I was big into this my first time around on Tumblr (circa 2011/2012) found myself doing it again this morning.

Growing up, my sister had bowed legs so her knees don’t touch when her feet are together. Almost an automatic thigh-gap. My structure isn’t built for that, and I have been wanting it for as long as I could remember for aesthetic as well as practical reasons (hello chafing for 12-16 miles on long runs‍♀️!)

Picture 1: legs shoulder-width apart

Picture 2: feet together

Anyways, Tumblr has always been a place I felt like I could be real with everyone. Picture 1 is a picture I like more but it’s not realistic for me all the time unless I position my body/feet shoulder-width apart. So here’s the transparency.

ALSO PSA I got the tank from Kohl’s yesterday for $5 (used my $5 Kohl’s cash so really it was free) and I love it! Nine West Soft-Spun Tank Top - go get it!! It’s in the women’s section since it’s not really “athleisure”. Super soft and comfortable throughout my crossfit workout this morning!!
