#deal made ✮answered ask✮


@faiththesinfulslayer​ asked: “When have I ever steered you wrong?” (Throwing in my bra.. HAT ;-) All caught up and traumatized, thank you! <3)

Ask Box:Open

[Wooo!!! Yus, I’m still struggling to comprehend that it’s done D=]

Lucifer lifted his head from looking in his scotch glass and scanned his eyes over Faith as she sat near him at the bar. “You never have, but what exactly are you suggesting?” He asked with a grin as he lifted his glass to his lips and sipped on it’s contents.

   He had known Faith for a while now, ever since the whole Sunnydale becoming a crater debacle. So they had gotten into a few schemes and parties together now and again. “Not that it takes much persuading to get me on board…” He added, chuckling.

@heavenguided​ asked: Look, Nick, I’m more asleep than awake so if this doesn’t make sense, I’m sorry, but I’m answering your meme, yay!!! You were one of the firsts to welcome me into this Fandom and I don’t know if I ever thanked you for that– thank you kindly! { as opposed to meanly, I guess? } Your Lucifer is so unique yours and he’s wonderful. Just like with Jamie, I can feel the love you put into him and its wonderful. Luce’s sense of humor is lovely and your writing is lovely. Thank you for sharing him with me and thank you for being you wonderful self. Never change, my friend.

Ask Box: Open

Awwww B!!!! Such sweet words! ❤ Thank you!

Anonymous asked: “So, tell me, what do I truly desire?”

Ask Box: Open

Lucifer looked rather confused by the question, an eyebrow cocking up. “Uhm, I don’t know. I think you may be getting confused as to how my mojo works…” He stated. “But do tell me, Anon. what is it you trulydesire?”

@paradiseturnedhell​ asked: “ don’t look at me like i’m a hero. you’ll only disappoint yourself. ” (from Sam Winchester, I hope sending an ask, even though we don’t follow each other is okay)

Ask Box:Open

[Of course it’s okay!! :D thank you kindly!] 

Lucifer’s head snapped up from the piano, an eyebrow cocking up at the stranger as he spoke towards him. His club was empty, a good few hours from opening time too, so the presence of this stranger was a surprise to Lucifer.

   "Uhm, I wasn’t but if that helps you sleep at night.“ Lucifer commented, an eyebrow cocking up as he stood himself up from the piano stool and lifted his glass of Scotch from the top of it. "Can I help you? Nameless, not-a-hero?” Lucifer then asked, his eyes scanning Sam to see if he recognised him from anywhere.


@real-chloe-decker​ asked:  “After last time, I’m not sure I should listen to you.”

Ask Box:Open

 Lucifer looked at the Detective a little shocked by her words. “That last time was not my fault and you know it!” He protested, his shoulders tensing for a moment before they sunk slightly while he sighed. “Okay fine, what do you suggest we do?” He then questioned in defeat raising his hands for a moment, looking at her with an eyebrow cocked up.
