#dean winchester fan


This is part 4 of Angel Eyes sorry for not posted in ages. But I found this on a flash drive from like 2017 so I edited and thought I should post it. I hope you like it.

Fic Summary: This is backstory to kind help people understand Dean and Callie’s relationship. Sam, Dean and Callie go get tattoos :P 

Dean Winchester x OC Claudia

Warnings: Language maybe?

Taglist: Let me know if you want to be tagged. @magssteenkamp@deanwanddamons@lemondropirwin@vicmc624​  @lilulo-12@eternalevie@all-will-be-well-love@akshi8278

Part 1 Part 3 

Walking into the bathroom I bent over untying my boots. Kicking them off I stood up and met my green eyes in the mirror. Reaching up to take my hair down I stopped when there was no longer a black string around my wrist. I quickly opened the bathroom door shocking Sam he was behind it and I almost hit him.

“What’s wrong?” Dean asked dropping his bags by the door and walking up to me. I was taken back when he grabbed my arms softly as if I was going to pass out.

“I lost my antipossion charm.” I say biting my lip.

“You what?” Dean and Sam asked, clearly mad.

“I didn’t mean to. It was on my wrist and I guess it must have broke.”

“Great, what are we going to do now? I doubt Booby just has another one laying around.” Dean asked, throwing up his arm and walking away from me.

“Even if he did, who says she wont lose it again.” Sam says sitting on the bed.

“I’m right here, ya know. Maybe it’s in the hotel room.”

“We just got here. I doubt you lost it in the past five minutes.” Sam said.

“Well it’s not like I can just tattoo the thing to me.” I said throwing up my arms and moving to the door shutting it, probably a little too rough., but I hate being treated like I’m five.

“Wait a minute.” Dean says, making me turn to face him.

“Why not get it tattooed. It would get rid of having to keep up with it. And plus its one sure way, no demon would ever get into us ever again.”

“That’s not a bad idea.” I say agreeing. “I always wanted to get a tattoo anyways.” I say shrugging.

“And what if I don’t.” Sam says standing up.

“Oh come on Sammy it’s common sense, to get one.” Dean says lifting his hands.

“Yeah, it’s the smart thing to do.” I say smiling, getting butterflies about the thought of getting tattooed.

“Oh and what are we meant to tell the person that does it?” Sam asks.

“The truth. It looks like some tribal tattoo that people walk around with all the time. The worse case they think we are weirdos but there still going to do it.” I say sitting down beside Dean on the bed.

“Callie is right, money is money. They don’t care as long as they get paid.”

“What if they only take cash?”

Sighing I throw my head back hitting Dean’s shoulder.

“Then we go to the bar, play a little pool and go back. With cash. Why are you so against getting a tattoo?” I ask

“Yeah, Sammy it can be on your ass for all I care.” Dean says laying back on the bed’s headboard making me fall, sence I was still leaning on him.

Glaring up at him I sat back up, only getting a small laugh out of him.

“How do we even know it will work?”

Sighing again I laid back on Dean’s legs reaching back to grab my phone off the nightstand. Flipping it open I pressed 3 it calling Bobby.

“Callie, it’s 1AM what the hell do you want?” Bobby answered sound sleepy and mad.

“Sorry Bobby. I didn’t realize it was so late but I have a important question.”

“About what?” He said trying to be helpful but not hiding his anger.

“The charms you gave us. If we tattoo the symbol to ourselves will that work the same as wearing them?”

“What kind of idjit are you? Of course it will work. Next time you decide to bother me while I’m sleeping make sure it’s a damn good question.”

“Sorry Bobby, just wanted to make sure.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“I’ll let you go back to sleep. Good night Bobby. Sweet Dreams.”

“Yeah, I’ll bet.” He says hanging up.

“He is mean when he is sleepy.” I say looking up at Dean as I close my phone.

“What did he say?” Sam asked.

“Looks like your getting inked up, buttercup.” I say smiling at him.

Sighing, he clenched his jaw.

“I’ll be in the car. Hurry up.” He says walking out to the car grabbing his jacket as he went.

“I think he needs a nap. He is a little grumpy.” I say looking back up at Dean.

“I think you’re right. Better not keep him waiting.” He says smiling, clearly enjoying this as much as me.

Sitting up I walk to the bathroom grabbing my shoes and sitting on the tub to put them back on.

“Where do you think I should get it?” Dean asked leaning against the door frame to the bathroom.

Looking up at the ceiling I bit my lip, thinking of where a tattoo would look good on Dean. The first thing was anywhere. Shaking away that thought. I thought of where I like tattoos on guys.

“Hmm… Shoulder, shoulder blade, or chest.” I say tying my boot and pulling on the other one.

“What about you. Where are you going to get it?”

“I don’t know. I don’t want it super viable. Like I don’t want to have to worry about people being like what’s that?”

“I think you should get it on your ribs.” Dean says as I finish tying the other boot.

“Why the ribs. That’s the worse place to get a tattoo.” I say standing up and walking out of the bathroom, feeling Dean follow me.

“Well one because it’s hot and two I know you can take the pain.” He says making blood rush to my cheeks.

“Is that so?” I ask turning to face him, a smirk finding my lips.

I almost smack myself for how flirty that sounds but it’s hard not to when you have Dean in front of you.

“Yeah. You’re kinda a badass.” He says smirking and winking at me.

I laugh softly, him joining me. Rolling my eyes I shake my head a little.

“Maybe.” I say walking to the door, stepping out into a soft sprinkle.

“Rain!” I say smiling up at the sky loving the cool drops on my heated cheeks.

“What was about not being five?” Dean asked behind me and pinched my side, making me jerk a little.

“Shut up.” I say sticking my tongue out at him, earning a laugh.

I jump when Baby’s horn goes off. Looking at Dean’s price postion I see Sam sitting in the front seat looking like a parent who just cought his child having sex.

“Again, I repeat, grumpy.” I say looking back at Dean and stepping off the curb to get into the car.

“Why not bug him a little more.” Dean says opening the driver door for me.

Taking the hint I get in and move to the middle, Sam clenching his jaw making me laugh.

“Oh don’t be so grumpy. It’s only a little seat sharing.” I say poking his hard jaw.

“Just can we get this over with?”

“Damn Sam, Bobby is not the only one that’s mean when he is tired.” Dean says starting the car backing out.

“I just want to get this done so I can take a shower and get a few hours in before I have to get up in the morning.”

“Hey, you’re the one who wants to run before dawn.” I say shrugging.

One look from Sam is enough to make me shut up and hold up my hands as a surender. I lean into Dean to get away from Sam before he bursts a blood vessel. Feeling bad for now getting up front, for wanting to bug him more.

Maybe feeling the same or seeing Sam’s face. Dean lays his arm over my shoulders and pulls me closer to him, giving Sam as much space as he can get with all of us up front. Leaning into Dean’s side I close my eyes and just listen to the rain picking up and hitting the Impala’s roof. Moving his arm down, I shift slightly laying my head on Dean’s shoulder, feeling completely relaxed. No not relaxed. At home.

When Dean’s neck starts vibrating with him humming I let myself enjoy it till the point of my eyes don’t want to stay open anymore.

I softly smack Dean’s chest, making him stop.

“What was that for?” He asks sounding shocked.

“You’re making me fall asleep.” I say a yawn leaving my mouth, making a laugh leave Dean’s.

“Dean, maybe we should go back to the motel. Let Callie sleep.”

“Oh your not getting out of this that easy, buttercup.” I say sitting up and looking at him, making me slightly dizzy but I ignore it, it fading quickly.

“Yeah, because we are here.” Dean says pulling into the parking lot of a tattoo and piercing shop.

Getting out of the car, I quickly follow Dean to escape the picking up rain.

“Welcome. What can I do for you?” Asks the tattooed bearded main at the front desk.

“Hi, we’re looking to get a tattoo. We heard this was the place to come.” Dean says, making the man laugh.

“Well that’ll be right. I’m Chet, nice to meet you.” Chet says holding out his hand to Dean.

“Dean.” He says taking it.

“And you Miss?” He asks looking down at me.

“Callie.” I say waving and smiling.

“And the tall fella?” He asks looking over me at Sam.

“Oh that sour thing is my little brother Sammy. Sammy come say hi.” Dean says waving him over.

“It’s Sam.” He says holding his hand out to Chet.

“Well, nice to meet you folks. So like I said before, what can I do for you?”

“We all three want this.” Sam says handing Chet a piece of paper with the simbel roughly graw on it.

“You draw this yourself?” Chet asks, taking the picture and looking down at it stroking his beard.

“Yeah, I did. Look, not to be rude, but can we hurry this up I would really like to get some sleep.” Sam says, looking tired.

“Well just slow down there a minute.” Chet says not even the least bit surprised with Sam’s mood.

“How big are you three talking? Because if you want something huge It’s going to be more than one trip. Plus you have how are you going to pay and where you want it at.”

“No bigger than three inches.” I say getting an agreement from both the boys.

“Altight. That will be 75 each. That’s without color.”

“You take credit?” Dean asks.

“Yes, sir we do.”

“Well, let’s do this.” Dean says, pulling out his wallet and handing him his card.

I’m a little surprised when he doesn’t look at it or ask for ID.

“Alright, well let me go draw this up and you three can talk about where you want it and who goes first.” Chet says taking the picture Sam drew and walking in the back.

“Sam you can go first.” I say sitting on one of the black leather couches, Dean sitting beside me.

“Why do I go first?” Sam asks sitting in a plastic chair across from us.

“Because you won’t have to wait you can go out and sleep in the car while we get ours done.” I say like it’s obvious.

“Okay sure, whatever.”

“Man he really is tired.” Dean says laying his arm on the back of the couch.

“Yeah, well it will be over soon and we will never have to worry about it again.” I say smiling up at Dean, because I would probably just get a glare from Sam.

On the note I could feel his death glaze burn a hole in my head.

“So did you decide where you are going to get yours?” I ask, whoever wants to answer.

“I’m working on it.” Dean says winking at me, making me roll my eyes.

“What about you Clauda?” Sam asks

“Still thinking.” I say biting my trying to think of where would be the best place.

All three of us fall into a comfortable silence waiting on Chet. He returns around thirty minutes later.

“Alright I got everything all set up. So who is going first.”

Both me and Dean pont to Sam.

“Alright, son, follow me back.” Chet says holding the beads hanging over the door out of Sam’s way.

“Be nice!” I say getting a Yeah, Yeah and a wave from him.

Chet laughs and walks thru the door with Sam in front of him.

“So, you really don’t know where you are getting yours?” Dean asks looking down at me.

“No, everywhere I think don’t seem right.” I say biting my lip.

“I have an idea.” Dean says.

“Oh gosh.” I say covering my face, slightly worried.

“Well at least hear me out first.”

“Okay fine, fine. What is your idea?” I ask, looking up at Dean to meet bright green eyes.

“You pick for me and I pick for you.” He says shrugging.

“That way if we can get an outsider’s thoughts on it.”

Smiling, I nod my head.

“You know I really like that.” I say, saying exactly how I felt.

“See and you didn’t trust me.”

“Oh, I trust you. I trust you get me into trouble by putting it on my forehead.”

Laughing Dean ran his hand down his face.

“I was thinking more your cheek but if that’s what you want to go with, its your face darlin’.” He says pulling me closer to him and tickling me softly.

Giggling I push his hands away, just as Chet and Sam walk out.

“Well that was fast.” Dean says, sounding halfway disappointed.

“Yeah, I’ll be out in the car.” Sam says doing just that.

“Alright who’s next.”

“Me!” I say standing up and walking over to Chet.

“You gonna bring your boyfriend with you?” Chet asks nodding at Dean.

Blushing at the boyfriend comment, I ignore it and turn to face Dean feeling dumb since he is picking the spot for the tattoo.

“Oh, yes, yes, yes!” I say running to him and grabbing his forearm just to pull him up from his seat.

I hear Chet laugh behind us making me wonder exactly what life he thinks we have.

Following him back into the other room, Dean laces his fingers with mine making me smile up at him. He quickly returns it making my stomach do flips.

“Room three.” Chet gestures to the last door.

Dean quickly takes the lead pulling me behind him. When we step into the room I can help the rush I get when I see the chair with the gun beside it.

“You okay?” Dean asks looking down at me.

“Yeah, why?” I ask, confused as why he would ask that.

LIfting our joined hands he lets go to show me how my hand is shaking.

“Oh. They’re the good kind. Here feel my heart.” I say taking his hand and placing it to my chest before I can think.

Realizing what I did I feel myself blush a little but I keep his hand there. He is my “boyfriend” after all.

Smiling Dean moves his hand up to my neck, pulling me to him to kiss my forehead.

“One hell of an adrenaline rush huh?” Dean asks moving so Chet can get to his spot beside the chair.

“So do we know where we want it?” Chst asks when he sets down.

“He does.” I say pointing to Dean and moving back a little.

“Oh, alright what’ll it be son?” He asks looking up at Dean.

“She wants it on her rib. Here.” Dean says placing his hand on my right side just under my bra strap.

“And you’re okay with that?” Chet asks looking at me, making eye contact. I guess to see if I’m lying.

“Yes, it’s perfect.” I say telling the truth.

Feeling all at once how I could not picture it anywhere else.

“Alright well take a seat, I’ll fix the chair once you’re on it. Dean there is a stool in the hall if you want to grab it so you have somewhere to sit.”

“Alright.” He says walking out of the room quickly returning since the stool was just outside the door.

“Is this your first tattoo?” Chet asked, fixing the chair so he could reach my rib easily.

“Yep.” I say popping the P getting comfortable on my left side.

“Well let me tell you it’s going to hurt a lot.”

“She can take it.” Dean says sitting on the stool my face becoming even with his belly.

“Well just let me know if you need to take a break. Don’t worry though I got 20 years under my belt. Or should I say gun. You’re in good hands.”

“Thanks Chet.” I say smiling at him and laying my head on my left arm, my other one laying in front of me.

“Lift your shirt for me please.” Chet says.

“I got it.“ Dean says before I can even move. Pulling my shirt up I feel as if it’s in slow motion but maybe that’s just because I’m suddenly very aware of how many scars I have on my stomach and hips.

I realize that it’s not Dean seeing them, it’s Chet. I can hear the questions now. But they never come. Instead I feel something like paper being stuck to my sink.

"So you from around here?” Chet asked, one of us.

“No. Road trip. She got it in her head that we all should get tattoos.”

“Hey! It’s for a good reason.” I say sticking my tongue out at Dean even though he is not eye level with me. Well he is never eye level with me.

“About that if you don’t mind me asking. Your brother said something about it being in the family. He didn’t make much since. He was not in a chatty mood.

"Yeah, it’s been in his family for years. All the way back to the tribes. The people believed that it could keep you from getting posed.” I say smiling a “what the hell smile”.

“Oh thats a new one.”

“Yeah, but like I said she got it in her head. So it had to be done. But at the end of the day it’s a badass tattoo.”

“That it is.” Chet said starting up the gun making a buzz fill the room.

“Ready?” He asked from behind me.

“Ready.” I say as Dean seems to shrink down to my level. Him pulling the lever on the bottom of the stool. He still has to bend down a little to be eye to eye with me but that’s better than nothing.

When the needle of the gun first touched my skin it felt like I was being punched so hard it made my ribs brake. Groning I clenched my jaw and grabbed onto the nearest thing which happened to be Dean’s forearm.

“Are you okay?” Chet asked, pulling the gun from me.

“Yes” I say closing my eyes and groaning again.

“Man that hurts worse than getting sticked up.” I say taking a deep breath thru my nose and blowing it out of my mouth.

“Should I keep going?”

“Yeah, keep going.” I say moving my hand to Dean’s.

Feeling the pain again I bit my lip so I didn’t make a noise. It still hurts but this time I knew what to expect. It felt like someone was digging a white hot nail down my side.

After a minute it slowly turned into a dull pain as my skin in that spot went numb.

“Dean is it?”

“Yeah.” Dean says pushing my raven hair off my face.

“You got a keeper. Never have I ever seen a first timer get a tattoo on their ribs and be this quiet or still.”

“Yeah, she is good at that.”

Laughing I moved my right arm over my head and looked down as best as I could watching Chet wipe away ink from my side.

Smiling at the butterflies again I laid my arm back down. Dean laying his hand on the back of mine lacing his fingers through mine.

“That scar on her hip. I walked in on her sewing it up herself.” Dean said, sounding almost like he was bragging.

“Yeah and you should have heard the ear full I go for it.” I say, smiling softly, my eyes closed.

It seemed to help with the pain, the less I talked. So that’s what I didn’t do. I lay there listening to Dean and Chet talk about me and what happened so I had to get sewn up. Dean came up with the lie that I was a nurse in afghanistan. That’s where we met, that’s where the scar he was talking about came from. If only it was that noble. When really it came from breaking up a bar fight between Dean and some dude hitting on me very, very hard. To the point I almost stabbed him. Dean did walk in on me sowing up and I did get an ear full. But it was not just him telling me how I should not have tried to break up the fight. Or sow myself up.

It had a mix of the crystal green his eyes get when he is hurting. It didn’t take two glances to see that he was mad at himself more than me. He thought it was his fault.

Always dose.

“Callie you alright?” Dean asks, making me open my eyes and look up at him, a yawn leaving my mouth.

“Well I guess that answers my question.” Chet said laughing.


“I thought you passed out of something. I told him you were fine but he wanted to be sure.”

“No, yeah, I’m okay. Just listening to you talk. Your voice is relaxing.” I say smiling up at him, making him scratch the back of his head telling me I embarrassed him which didn’t happen often.

“Well you’re halfway done. So finish your nap.” Dean says, trying to laugh it off.

“Thanks.” I say smiling and closing my eyes.

Lucky me Chet started another conversation with Dean about what all he has hunted.

He went on about telling him something about a bear which I think was one of the werewolves we have killed or maybe a windigo.

“Alright, you are done.” Chet said, turning off everything.

“Can I see?” I ask sitting up a little. An ache in my side.

“Let me clean you up first.”

Nodding I layed back on the chair and poked Dean’s chest making him look down at me.

“How’s it look?”

“You’ll like it.” He says smirking down at me.

“I better.” I say sticking my tongue out at him.
