#dean winchester x reader angst


Dean Winchester Masterlist - theweirdymcweirderson

Help me Practice series: (Dean Winchester×Reader) SMUT

Summary: College!AU
The reader has never been kissed and as a guy starts to take interest in her, she asks Dean, her best friend, to help her practice. After they kiss, none of them seem to be able to keep holding back the feelings they have for each other.

“Help me practice”Masterlist

Thank you: (Dean Winchester×Reader) SMUT

Summary: Reader and Dean are alone at the bunker, just relaxing a little, and Dean decides to help the reader relax in a more pleasurable way.

Thank you

Yes, sir: (Dean Winchester×Reader) SMUT

Summary: You go to a bar to have some fun and unwind a little, and the green-eyed stranger you meet is more than happy to help!

Yes, sir

Yes, sir 2

Little Fantasies: (Dean Winchester×Reader) SMUT

Request: Reader and the Winchesters have to go undercover in a high school to solve a case and the Reader has to go as a cheerleader, which provides Dean an excuse to live out his fantasy.

Little Fantasies

Changesseries: (Dean Winchester×Reader) SMUT

Summary: Dean walks in on the Reader changing her clothes, and he can’t help but seeing her in a completely different way from that moment on. + Imagine being friends with Dean and one day while goofing off, he finds out you have a hair pulling kink, so he makes you moan for him.


Jealous boyfriend

He knows

Hey, babe

Back together

Make it stop, please…series: (Dean Winchester×Reader) SMUT

Summary: While on a case with Dean, Crowley puts a spell on the Reader, where she almost orgasms, but never really reaches that point, so she is left all hot and bothered and frustrated; and the only way to break the spell is by experiencing a real orgasm *nudge, nudge* + imagine whispering in Dean’s ear all the things you’re gonna do to him when you get back to the Bunker.

Make it stop, please

Hunting partner

Need to touch you


Make it up

Make the most of it

Always: (Dean Winchester×Reader) SMUT

Request: I was wondering if you’d write a deanxreader fic, please? The reader is usually a happy bubblytype of person. You’d have to really get on her last nerve to piss her off. The Winchesters have never seen this side of her. So, they’re celebrating after a tough hunt. Along with Castiel and Charlie. They go to a bar. And are pretty chill. Then these frat boys start saying some nasty things to the reader and Charlie, they ignore them. They’re just drunks, but then they get pretty nasty to the point that the boys and even Castiel are gonna jump in. But the reader beats them to it. And her temper explodes. Maybe I gave to much detail, I just want a fic along these lines and somehow incorporate a deanxreader relationship. Or starting one after the incident.


You deserved it, baby: (Dean Winchester×Reader) SMUT

Request: Can you do a Dean X reader where she had been studying all night and is really frustrated and Dean helps take the stress away (smut pls) and dirty talk *I have been studying all night and could use some Dean Winchester

You deserved it, baby

I’m here now, sweetheart: (Dean Winchester×Reader) LIGHT SMUT

Request: Hey! Can I request a one shot where the reader goes missing for like a week and Dean/Sam are super worried about her, and then she calls them on a payphone crying and freaking out because she doesn’t remember anything from the past week? Fluff? Thanks :)

I’m here now, sweetheart

Ready?series: (Dean Winchester×Reader) SMUT

Summary: Reader and Dean are best friends. One day she walks in on him watching porn and they decide to make a bet.


Your choice

I always keep my promises

Screen saver

Mine: (Dean Winchester×Reader) SMUT this was the first fic I’d ever written…so yeah, it kinda sucks *grin*

Summary: Dean is in love with the reader but he doesn’t tell her and she’s convinced that he hates her till one day Sam and the reader decide to prank Dean making him think that they’re dating which leads Dean to confess his feelings for the reader.



Dreamsdrabble: (Dean Winchester×Reader) SMUT(ish)

Summary: Dean had an intresting dream involving the Reader.


Heat: (Dean Winchester×Reader) SMUT

WARNING:contains explicit gifs (it shouldn’t show in any case, but just to be sure)

Summary: Dean is working on Baby and the Reader joins him to keep him company, but things get a little more heated than expected.


Apologies: (Dean Winchester×Reader) SMUT

Summary: Reader gets mad after Dean leaves her back at the bunker during a hunt, so he tries everything in his power to get her to forgive him.


Apologies 2

Apologies 3

Apologies 4

Belong to: (Dean Winchester×Reader) SMUT

Request: The Reader wears thigh highs and Dean gets turned on by the while thing.

Summary: The Reader gets jealous and a little insecure when she sees Dean eyeing another woman at a bar, and later Dean sees a man flirting with the Reader so he gets jealous too. They go back to the bunker and have an argument which ends up being solved with Dean reassuring the Reader that she’s the only girl he wants.

Belong to

Belong to 2

Write it down for me: (Dean Winchester×Reader) SMUT

Summary: The Reader keeps reading the “Supernatural” books even after Dean asks her to stop, so he tells her that he wants to read about her as well.

Write it down for me

Write it down for me 2

Write it down for me 3

Make me wanna die: (Dean Winchester×Reader) LIGHT ANGST

Summary: Dean keeps doing everything in his power to push the Reader away, believing it to be the best way to keep her safe.

Request: Could you please do a song fic about to “Make me wanna die” by The Pretty Reckless.

Make me wanna die

Boredom takes over: (Dean Winchester×Reader) LIGHT SMUT(ish)

Summary: Dean confesses to the Reader that he thinks she’s the most boring person he’s ever met, and she decides to show him just how wrong that statement is.

Boredom takes over

Movie Night: (Dean Winchester×Reader) SMUT

Summary: Dean takes the Reader to the movies because they’re screening her favorite movie and things get heated after he gets jealous of her celebrity crush.

Movie Night

Interviews: (Dean Winchester×Reader) SMUT

Summary: Dean gets jealous when the Reader flirts with an officer to get the information they need, so he decides to confront her about it in the bathroom, ending up drawing some unexpected attention.

Request: Dean and the Reader having public sex and getting caught.


Memory Foam: (Dean Winchester×Reader) FLUFF

Summary: The Reader can’t fall asleep because of the recurring nightmares she has, so Dean helps her through them.

Request: Dean and the Reader sleeping together for the first time with no smut.

Memory Foam

Ice-cream break: (Dean Winchester×Reader) FLUFF

Request: Imagine the Reader is dyslexic, but she doesn’t tell the boys because she’s really embarrassed by it but they find out anyways because she gets frustrated and starts crying.

Ice-cream break

Animals:(Dean Winchester×Reader) LIGHT SMUT

Prompt: Something about Dean based on the song Animals by Nickelback.


Main Masterlist

Summary: After you find out you’re pregnant, your relationship with Dean grows cold and distant, causing you to leave to prioritise your growing family.
When that drives you into unimaginable damage, Dean has to rethink if he is going to keep putting his pride before his love for you, or be honest with himself for once and all.
Pairing: Dean x F!Reader
WC: 1k
Warnings: Fluff. Pregnancy. Nude people.

If you like my work, consider buying me a coffeeor subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.

A Safe Place to Land - Masterlist

You groaned into your pillow, reaching out to the other side of your bed and cracking a single eye open when you realised it was empty and cold.

“Dean?” you called, sleepily.

There was no answer, and you pouted at the empty room.

Dean was your boyfriend. Damn, more than just your boyfriend, he was your partner. You two had been together for a lot of time, since you were relatively young, and while it was something that had started as a casual romance, it had evolved into something more.

Now, you were living in the bunker with him and Sam, who had left to give you two space and privacy to celebrate for a few days. So for the rest of the week, you and Dean were all alone.

Your relationship with Dean was something you quite enjoyed. Just like your boyfriend and his brother, you had been pushed into the world of hunting when you were just a young child. While they were a family, however, and close as brothers - which kind of compensated for their shitty father, who was never present - you were alone with an uncle who had taken you under his wing after both your parents had died in a hunt.

Your uncle Gabriel was well-intentioned, and you knew he had done his best, but he wasn’t ready to raise a five-year-old girl on his own, and along with his paranoia, you were always left alone while he was out hunting.

One day, when you were 15 and staying over at Bobby in his place, Gabriel disappeared while hunting a werewolf, and John Winchester found him dead not long after. He was the one who found you and told you about it.

You had met Dean that night, and he was the only one that you remembered treating you normally, and not like a porcelain doll that would break at any touch. You were all in Bobby’s place, and when you had sneaked out of the bedroom that you were occupying there into his yard when you first spent time alone with Dean.

He had carried a six-pack of beers and another one with sodas to your side and sat there, keeping you company while you cried to yourself, feeling a little less alone for the first time in your life.

You had left Bobby’s place that night and spent years living and hunting on your own after that, but your relationship only grew after that.

Since losing your parents - so early that you didn’t even remember their faces or voices - you always felt alone and like you had no place in the world. With Sam and Dean, you had found a family; it wasn’t conventional, but it was a loving family, and it was full of extended members, with Jody and Donna and their girls, Castiel and other hunters.

“Dean?” you called again, pulling the sheets to cover your naked chest.

You heard steps by the door and raised your head, watching as Dean pushed the door out, and smiled when your boyfriend stepped into your room with a tray of food, with bacon, waffles, eggs and many other foods, filling up your room with a bunch of smells.

That was the point that made you frown.

The foods smelt amazing. However, instead of making you hungry, it had a different effect on your stomach.

The moment you sat up completely, your stomach just turned upside down.

In one moment, you were feeling lazily happy.

One second later, not so much.

“Oh no,” you groaned.

Dean started you in confusion when you shot up to your feet, running out of the room stark naked, rushing to the bathroom without ever carrying to cover up. It wasn’t like Sam was even home.

You reached the bathroom quickly enough to not dirty up the floor, and you jumped in surprise when you felt a hand on your shoulder, and Dean pulled your hair out of your face gently.

“Someone had too much to drink,” he joked gently.

You squeezed your eyes in a grimace, moving away from the toilet and flushing it before sitting on your feet, not comfortable with the idea of your naked bits touching the floor.

“I don’t think so,” you mumbled, pushing your hair behind your ears when he let it go. “I haven’t had a drink in weeks.”

Your boyfriend’s smirk turned into a puzzled look.

“Really?” he asked.

You nodded, pushing yourself to stand up.

“We got that bad hangover that time,” you reminded him. “And then the werewolf. And I got that infection.”

Dean grimaced. You had gotten a pretty bad cut, and while Sam was able to patch you up, it didn’t stop it from infecting, forcing you into the doctor’s office to make sure you were alright. Of course, everyone was okay in the end, and you only had to take some meds for a bit of time.

“Spoiled food?” he suggested.

You thought with yourself a little bit.


You two had eaten shrimp two days ago.

Maybe it was spoiled shrimp?

“Are you feeling feeling anything?” you asked.

Dean spent a few moments in silence, and threw a look at you.

“Perhaps it is your period?”

Your eyes widened.

Oh, no.

You had skipped a period.

It was supposed to be over two weeks ago, and it didn’t even arrive.

“Dean,” you spoke slowly. “I think I need a pregnancy test.”

Half an hour later, you were walking back and forth in front of the bathroom door while Dean waited inside, leaving you alone to process the answer he was waiting for inside.


A baby.

Well, maybe you weren’t pregnant.

It was best not to build up your hopes.

But it would be so good, right? To have a baby and add someone new to your little family.

To have a kid?

“Dean?” you called.

Your boyfriend opened the door, stepping back out of the room and looking at your face.

“It’s positive,” he answered, with a look you couldn’t quite read on his face. “You’re pregnant.”

. . 

“A Safe Place to Land” was posted on Patreon on February. To read the whole story before anyone else and have access to exclusive works and early access to my stories, subscribe to my page! It’s just $2 a month! 

Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth@amythyststorm33@shaelyn102@yknott81@letsdisneythings@maximofftrash@kgbrenner@thefridgeismybestie@magpiegirl80@mogaruke@shadowhunter7@musicalcoffeebean@megasimpleplan4ever@deemoriarty@05spn18@malindacath@kdcollinsauthor@random-fandom-fangirl2112@widowsfics@frozenhuntress67@averyrogers83@notyourtypicalrose@nerdypinupcrystal@giruvega
Forever SFW tags: @waywardemo @newtospnfandom-blog@thewinterhunter@amillionfandoms-onlyoneme?@fandomlover2001?@heartislubbingdubbing
      Supernatural tags: @its-daydreamer23@imagefanfictionlover@imagefanfictionlover@smalltowndivaj@tayrae515@afanofmanystuffs@oneshoeshort@andkatiethings@wakanda-sometimes@akshi8278@xoxabs88xox @izbelross@calstielwinchester @isabelle-faith@flamencodiva@lyarr24
      Supernatural SFW tags: @daft-not-punk​​@chloe-skywalker​​ @teenwaywardasgardian 
           Dean taglist: Open. 
                A Safe Place to Land: Open.
