


Title: Glory Be
Pairing(s): Dean/OMCs, implications of Dean/Sam
Word Count:~1,100
Content/Warnings: pre-series, glory holes, bathroom sex, blow jobs, anonymous sex, thoughts of sibling incest, pining, introspection, implied past suicide ideation
Summary: It’s been one year since Dean last spoke to his brother. Dean’s coping about as well as he always does.
Author’s Note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY @shiftylinguini!!! Because nothing says “birthday celebration” like some introspective glory hole smut! Probably not quite as hot and filthy as the kink would imply, but I figured you wouldn’t mind some Wincest feels sneaking in. :D It’s been so wonderful diving into a whole new fandom with you, and you’re truly a saint for putting up with my cross-timezone texts and musings on all things Sam and Dean and Supernatural. I hope you have a brilliant day, and I hope you enjoy this little ficlet. <33

Thanks so much to the wonderful @writcraft for the brilliant beta and gracefully putting up with the Wincest undertones. ♥

This birthday fic was written for the Glory Hole square for the 2022 @spnkinkbingo, and it takes place pre-series, a year after Sam left for Stanford.

