#death do us part


Love Among Tragedies

Summary: Some say the feeling of love was like your stomach is full of butterflies,but why does it sting?

Paring:Crowley x Death!Reader

Warning: Death,Blood,Gore,Mutilation(hell hounds),till death do us part,angst,family drama,suprise ☆Fluff☆


Word Count: 2,770

Fergus was a simple man for the time he was birthed in where poverty was the only way of living if you weren’t born into lordship. The year is 1696 he was thirty-five when when he made a deal with a demon that only lasted ten years before his soul was taken. The majority of those years he almost forgotten about said deal that was until he saw her. Her h/c stood out amongst the others even if it matched a few,her s/c smooth skin with a soft glow drew him in,but it seems she was always just out of reach. As Fergus was on his final year the mysterious women grew closer to him her details becoming more clear.

Her aura was breath taking and left those you noticed her in a frozen state of shock. It seemed only few noticed her beauty though as she moved swiftly in crowds as if a shadow in the dark of night. The more he saw of her the hallucinations started the fear and paranoia of snarls and barks in the night the feeling something unearthly hidden in the shadows watching him. The butterflies in his stomach when he saw her makes him choked up everytime he tries to get near, the more Fergus saw her the more the flying insects seems to attack his insides to the point of actually pain. The hounds took him in the night. Red eyed beast of hell ripped him to shreds ripping out his soul taking his life force. Through the bloody haze she stood there looking down at him her clothes a wine red with black accents. The colorless eyes filled in e/c like paint in water as she leaned down to his body the soft stare made him feel like he was suspended within the clouds as her hand, freezing to the touch, brushed his cheek and the sudden pain of it all rushed back to the brunette man as his body tensed up. Her angelic face was right above his bloodied one. “We’ll meet again,Fergus.” The words were so faint as she leaned down placing a kiss on his lips taking his final breath away. Fergus MacLeod died at forty-five thought to be sacrificed by believers of the dark arts during the witch trails.

Dammed to hell was his eternal punishment it wasn’t until almost twelve thousand years in the fiery depths before the corruption of his soul was enough to be promoted to a crossroads demon. The year was 1806 when he first got to feel the dirt of the earth beneath his feet he turned to look at the unfortunate soul that became his first contract. “I want riches that will make the queen herself envious.” The women hissed and Crowley leaned back to stir clear for the venom she spewd towards his face. He wanted this deal wrapped up quickly if it ment he left her presence at once. “You have a deal. Let’s seal it with a kiss shall we?” They leaned towards eachother and the moment their lips touched it was like something else witnessed them. Someone who sent shivers down his spin like the first chill of winter creeping up as the last leaf has fallen.

Pulling away first his eyes caught the h/c in a proper bun and her dress was of prestige elegance of silk f/c and patterns of gold. Her lips were painted a deep color that complimented her so well. She was just as breath taking as she was when he last layed his sights upon her. Crowley almost cried out in a fit of frustration as the hag left taking along the woman he yearned for since her lips met his. That was only his first deal,but he come to notice she was there for every single one the tingle making his skin feel numb and there she was far from his and the desperate souls touch. After every ten years now the king of hell he watched as the hellhounds bounded towards the maker of the deals and he saw how she was incredibly close to them until she finally touches them on the head or check as the expel their last breath. It was 1979 when she stayed not leaving the body the moment after it’s passing she sat on the ground giving a faint whistle. “Who are you? You aren’t a reaper or a demon as far as I know.” The Scottish demon asked as she gently petted the young pups Juliette and Roman. Her attire has always changed with the ages this decade she wore a skirt right above the knees a solid f/c and a f/c and white striped polo. “I’m something far older then any reaper or demon,Fergus.” She hummed not caring for the weight of the two hounds heads on her lap. “Why now after all these years are you speaking to me again?”

Her lifeless e/c eyes looked up into his brown one’s as she sighed. “The time has come for the sword of Michael to be sheathed in the soil of a soon to be battle ground of the long awaited spat between heaven and hell.” She said feeling the life of the sword due within the month. “You’re a angel.” Crowley said in shock those winged assholes never left heaven and if they did they were not to be seen. “I was once a angel…but I left my home long ago.”

~~~~Flashback Creation~~~~

Five archangels were made by the hands of God birthed from supernovas themselves to make a light so powerful all except one. This child filled a greater purpose then her brothers one that only she could burden making her grace from the black holes and the vast infinity of the unknown he made Y/n. For eons they five siblings grew up and lived within the paradise which was heaven watch as new siblings were made every day. It wasn’t until God created man that he knew the youngest archangels true purpose would come into play.

Adam and Eve never grew old in age,but when they disobeyed God and bit from the forbidden fruit of knowledge they were punished and after Eve birthed her sons was Y/n told of what she must do. Cain and Able fought often,but it was nothing like this so aggressive filled with dangerous attacks that’s when the archangel stood close by gazing between them taking a deep breath she stepped closes to Able standing behind him as his brother picked up a rock and began to beat his brother. As the life fled his eyes she grabbed his hand as his last breath hissed out. The first death taking his soul to heaven she was stopped at the gates with his soul in hand. “What is the meaning of this father?” She asked and the all father sighed. “He also attempted to kill Cain and with that he must go to hell,dove.” This was the first time hell was mentioned after luciferd fall. She nodded her head and dive bombed down he wings breaking the surface taking her to the pits of fire,her brothers prison. Her three sets of gray wings sinnged at the heat tips of most of her feathers blacking while only some still held burning embers. She wanted to cry,but after she left the soul to his punishment she tried to go back to heaven.

“My child you hold within you the grace of heaven whilst you wings carry the embodiment of hell. You mustn’t be allowed in either place your job now lies in between both. Until one domain rains you will not belong to either.” With those words the heartbreak of loosing her home created a plain unlike any other her pain making the afterlife of monsters from her darkness. Her lost love created the second supernatural monster. Leviathans were birthed from her tragedy. She is the mother of monsters the Angel of Death.

~~~~Flashback End~~~~

“…and I refuse to be involved in that family dispute. I have one job now, take and deliver souls to the gates upstairs or the flames below.” Y/n said as she stopped the petting allowing the hellhounds to leave her hold. The demon doesn’t understand everyone feared death,but he was so drawn to her even before his passing. She chuckled and Crowley frowned confused. “I can hear every thought you have of me,Fergus.” The Scotsmans face flushed red. “Maybe you were one of my favorite souls…maybe someday you’ll realize what you’re feeling and I might return that feeling. Until then Mr.MacLeod.” With his name left her mouth in almost a whisper as she disappeared. So much was happening that the demon could barely process its been almost three hundred years since she he last heard her voice and when he does it’s to tell him about the unknown. Crowley didn’t know what she meant about his feelings. Although it was peculiar no one wished to be in deaths precise longing for her touch and cold lips to steal their life away.

Four years past til he finally spoke with her again . The birth of Lucifer’s vessel and the the darkening of his soul with the blood of a demon. Crowley watched as she stood outside of the burning house the eyes of the oldest Winchester staring through her with lose and hatred. She walked to the remaining Winchester’s her movement smooth as if she wasn’t taking steps,but floating. She brushed the small tuffs of hair from the infants forhead and wiped the tears from the child’s face. Y/n almost wanted to weep for them she can see every death they’d experience weather it be their own or those they love dying before them. She smiled as them she saw their souls or more what they’re souls will become they were just like her brothers,but with a sigh she stepped back the Winchester brothers will grow to hate her like everyone…everyone except one whiskey drinking demon.

“Well hello love.” They sat togther in a bar one seat between them as he drunk from a glass while she played with the rim of her’s. “Why hello there. What do I owe the pleasure?” She hummed still playing with her mug if ale. “Just thought we could get some alone time since this is one of the few times I see you without a deal involved. I am off the clock after all.” He chuckled,but a victorious smile overtook his face as she gave off a soft laugh as well. “Well,darling I a very busy angel. Souls to reap and reapers under my thumb. Never time to rest.” She gave a false pout.Crowley was about to say something when a extremely drunk man ran into the counter space between them spouting drunk nonsense. “Just oonnnnee more driiink, daaave. I g*hick* got the cash!~” His words dragged as the king of hell looked at him disgusted about to kill him when the h/c angel lifted her hand motioning for him to stop. She slid the drink she was playing with infront of him just as the bartender sat the same think down it fazing togther as one. “This is you last drink. Then I’m kicking you out.” The bartender,Dave, grumbled before walking away the drunk took the mug drank in big gulps. Crowley looked into her lifeless e/c eyes with confusion as the man finished the drink. He stumbled away from the bar top before falling forward his body lurching as he puked in a puddle under him his face submerged in it as he chocked himself with his own vomit. “Death or should I say myself? I always make my course. You killing him would have deprived him of his punishment his…gluttony.” She huffed as she reached over towards Crowley swipping his drink finishing it off even though the brown liquid turned to ash on her tounge.

Crowley gazed never faltered from her face. “I think after four years I know what I’m feeling for you. It’s love isn’t it? No matter how much time has pasted us I long to be with you to feel your touch upon me.” He reached out to grab her hand,but a force stopped him. “I’d kill you,Fergus. I’m going to apologize for it now. I’m sorry that you fell for me,but I’m not sorry I fell for you. Though we can’t be together. I’m death and until you take your final leave from this earth we can’t be together.” Y/n’s eyes were filled with sorrow as she knew it would be long before they can be together since he’s a demon in hell a place she can’t enter their only interaction is limited to earth. “We love eachother we’ve just come to terms with that why can’t you just take me sooner then expected,love? Isn’t there a why I can be more reckless” She shook her head with a sigh. “It not like the movies nothing with change when you will die and your time in long ways from here. It’s truly disheartening when two people love each other and can’t make that work…that’s a real tragedy.” Standing from her stool walking over the man’s body that was being treated by emt she stopped in the doorway to look at him this was probably breaking some rule her father had in place. “I suggest you stick close to those Winchester’s they often attract trouble…I won’t be far when they’re involved.” With that she was gone. She didn’t tell him that with time being involved with them will kill him,but it was setting him on their course.

Y/n looked at Kelly she was a nice woman and the angel could feel the life in her stomach she brushed her hand on the surface of the tight bulging skin. Feeling the energy her nephew held he kicked as he felt hers in return. The years have been eventful to say the least the archangel was far more busy now that she no longer had her three of her four horsemen now dawning all of the rings since she just didn’t trust Billy with the death one yet. She’s been watch from the sidelines seeing her brothers torment the Winchester’s as she sat in the distance unable to face them until it was their time. Y/n didn’t shed a tear when Lucifer stabbed Gabriel because nothing could hide from death not even her trickster older brother. The Winchester’s have seen her often having died more then once. Then finally the only thing on her mind she thinks about on a daily Crowley today was the day and she was waiting for him. Removing her hand from the pregnant woman’s stomach she frowned at what she was about to do,but birthing a nephilim was sure to kill her. The little one in her absorbing in these last few weeks the remainder of her soul leaving her weak. Y/n reached forward and dug her hand into her the woman howled in pain as a painful contraction worse then the others riooled though her body. Starting the process of killing the mother while the child was inside was always difficult especially if the unborn were to live.

The Winchester’s are outside fighting with Lucifer and the h/c archangel appears their seeing the fight Crowly doing a ritual to close the rift. He faces the blonde angel admiring that he would lose,but he will enjoy wiping that smug smile. Y/n appears next to him her hand encasing his over the handle of the blade knowing this would be the think to kill him as they both drive the angel blade into him a smile over coming his face as he looked into those eyes he loved. He died in a sacrifice way to lock up Lucifer not how he saw himself going out as his chest deflated and his body went lack a kiss was press to his lips in a chast kiss.

The woods were dark and almost lifeless,but with the howls and sounds of horror said otherwise. This was the place that held within it monsters. “Hello,darling.Welcome to purgatory. ” He turned around and there she was. Her s/c seeming to glow in a soft light that didn’t really come from any direction. With slow strids she walked closer to him and without hesitating she pulled him in for a deep passionate kiss filled with want. Crowley was sure that if it could it would kill him again with how it felt,but high off of the feeling her pushed back with equal enthusiasm. Their lives were filled with nothing,but blood,death,and danger. Even with all of the sins of hell and the grief of death…The found Love Among Tragedies.


A/n: I do love a guy with a accent that’s why my lover boy Balthazar is next because I fucking miss him.

@spnquotebingo Quote(in bold slanted blue): “When two people love each other and can’t make it work…that’s a real tragedy.” -Gone Girl
