
Decisions Decisions so many sweaters but so much winter here in the south. Oh and can you we talk ab

Decisions Decisions so many sweaters but so much winter here in the south. Oh and can you we talk about these insulated boots? Todays goal stay warm and look cute #sweaterweather #boots #winter #sputh #deepfreeze #ooftd (at The Bramblewood Cottage)

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I don’t mind early mornings disguised as night,  disguised as twilight  disguised as late summ

I don’t mind early mornings disguised as night, 

disguised as twilight 

disguised as late summer sunsets.

The sky is black; the sky is a shade of mauve, gray,

the sky.

The sky swallows my dreams, spits them into a cup of coffee and they swirl round and round


There are no birds to greet the morning.

Nobody survives the winter chill.

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