#deleted my answer to the ask



PSA - Delete any asks you receive about “joyofsatan.org!”

We’ve been through the “Gold Star Lesbian” spam asks, as well as the amegaotaku/rekka007 ones, and it seems that the new copypasta spam ask everyone is receiving is one where people are asked what they think of Joyofsatan.org, claiming them to be “the largest Satanist organization in the world.”

These asks are mostly sent to users who frequently talk about the occult and/or witchcraft, feminist bloggers, and Jewish users, with the message slightly altered for each person it’s sent to. Here are the two most common variations of the ask:

“What do you think of Joyofsatan.org? They claim to follow the Pagan Goddess Lilith/Lalitha, they’re pro-choice and they’re the largest Satanist group in the world.” <- This one also occasionally includes “they support women’s rights” after “they’re pro-choice.” This also seems to be the most commonly sent ask.

“What do you think of Joyofsatan.org? They claim to follow the Sumerian God Enki-Satan and they’ve become the largest Satanist group in the world.”

Although these asks are usually sent on anon, they’re also sent by the burner account 88643468, presumably to bypass anyone who has anon asks turned off, so I suggest blocking that account, especially if you have anon asks turned off.

Now, the reason you should delete these asks, instead of engaging, is because the Joy of Satan Ministries in question is a Neo-Nazi group, as detailed on the Wikipedia page I just linked, and these asks appear to be a recruiting tactic, going by the types of users most commonly spammed with the asks, and how the asks are re-worded depending on who they’re sent to; instead of a singular copypasta that gets sent to everyone, it’s variations of the copypasta that are each targeted towards a different demographic.

The people sending these asks want you and your followers to go to the Joy of Satan website, so that it gains more traffic and, of course, to suck people into their white supremacist cult.

So please, please, don’t engage, just delete the asks and block the 88643468 account, and if someone you follow answers one of these asks, urge them to delete their post and to block the 88643468 account for extra measure. Right now is also a good time to disable anonymous asks, or even take it a step further and only allow asks from people you follow, just in case 88643468 isn’t the only burner account.

Please share this.

I did some digging on tumblr and found some people who received this ask and, not knowing JOS’s theology and reputation, genuinely became interested in knowing more about them.

This is a real and present threat. Please be careful folks and do some diligent research.
