#dell parker


I may tap out of PP after season 3…the interpersonal relationships are horrific.

Cooper is horrid to Charlotte and I know they ended up together but…yikes red flags!

Pete is gross. Like I get it you loved Violet but his feelings have always came first and his and every male viewpoint of thinking Violet can just snap out of it has never understood numbness that follows rage and the horrible depression that follows it.

And maybe they’d understand if they didn’t blow Violet and Sheldon’s opinions off like psychiatry isn’t real medicine. They (everyone) are so casually aggressive to both Violet and Sheldon because they think you can speak to therapists all wild and it won’t make a difference.

Sam used to be a decent guy but lord how does this man not understand the power or importance of friendship? What person in their right mind thinks their ex-wife’s best friend is good person to date? And then acts irrationally when that is brought up and tries to make a false equivalence with one of his friends. He doesn’t even bat an eyelash when Naomi is pouring her heart out about feeling betrayed. It’s pretty jarring to watch. And wildly selfish.

And speaking of selfish WTH is wrong with Naomi. How shitty of a mom do you have to be to FLIP out when your daughter is dressed too provocatively and still not think you need to talk with her about her feelings and how to be smart and responsible instead you get mad throw a tantrum and then don’t speak with her? Then be surprised when she ends up pregnant, smack her, and drag her into gettin an abortion even though Naomi’s supposed to be anti-choice….it’s horrible. If you aren’t ready for things to not go your way as a parent you are not ready to parent. Grow up.

Dell’s ass. The way he acts like he knows as much as everyone. On one hand I can understand it because everyone is foolish but on the other…no. His idiocy with Heather and their jacked up situation and then the cruelty shown to Heather AND Betsey…Not to mention his messy beliefs around abortion and his treatment of Meg. Yuck.

Ya’ll these people are ghoulish in nature. Like the men are so misogynistic and verbally abusive it is…YIKES.

Who am I supposed to like on this show?
