#demon sword

A child

A child

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The B-Class Toguro fights the S-Class Yusuke Urameshi before unleashing a power beyond the one he had before he died.


Tenro, the reincarnation of Makoto Shishio, finally makes an appearance and wreaks havoc against all the Reikai Senshi before facing off against the man who killed him originally: Kenshin Himura.

The original source of this idea comes from Chad Yang. I continued his story idea found here.

The rest of the chapters of my Yuyu Hakusho and Rurouni Kenshin crossover fan fiction are available hereandhere. Enjoy.

First|Previous | Next (Youtou Shinnoken) | Next (Demon Sword)

About a hundred years or so ago…

In 1878, after fighting Kenshin “Battousai” Himura to a draw, Makoto Shishio died in a literal blaze of glory (through his own spontaneous combustion when his overheating body broke its limits) and went to Hell.

When he got there, he ended up right before the imposing, gigantic figure of Enma Daio, who asked him, “What are you doing here, mortal? Go back to the Gates of Judgment in order to be judged.”

Shishio then replied, “Get out of my throne. I’m the new King of Hell.”


Youtou Shinnoken: Demon Sword

A Rurouni Kenshin/Yuyu Hakusho Crossover Fan Fiction Story by Chester Castañeda

Original Concept by Chad Yang

Tenro has finally arrived in Okushiri. How will the Reikai Senshi answer his challenge, especially after learning the truth about him?

Disclaimer:Yuyu Hakusho is the rightful property of Yoshihiro Togashi, Shueisha, Fuji TV, and Studio Pierrot. Rurouni Kenshin is the rightful property of Nobuhiro Watsuki, Shueisha, Shonen Jump, Viz, Sony Studios, Fuji TV, Studio Gallop, Studio Deen, and ADV. This disclaimer also covers all the other copyrighted materials that are far too many to mention here. Don’t sue me please, I’m very poor.


Chapter 58: Living Sin (Part 10)


Back at the Okushiri Military Base…

A shouting, crying Yahiko kneeled in front of Botan’s unmoving body, seeing the huge hole in Botan’s person.

A hole in the shinigami who somehow was also his kendo master from a former life, Kaoru Kamiya  (he didn’t quite understand it).

Had he failed again? Like before, when Enishi Yukishiro…?

No. He would not let Kaoru down again. Not after what the Kenshingumi had been through right after Kenshin Himura died and…!

“Bloody Rain,” said Yumi Komagata, who again made it rain blood mixed with what seemed like scalpels.

Right above the dark clouds filled with the scarlet squall were Houji Sadojima’s shikigami(familiars) that looked like grim reapers in and of themselves due to their ragged clothes, faceless voids covered by hoods for heads, and long scythes.

And beyond them was Gatekeeper Itsuki, who had a mini-gun at the ready in order to test the limits of a solidified ghost body before it became incorporeal once more. Knowing that gunpowder had no spirit energy for Yahiko to neutralize.

DOU GAMI! (GOD ON EARTH!)” Yahiko’s earth-shattering technique blasted away the razor-sharp precipitation and Itsuki’s suppressive fire into oblivion, allowing him to dissipate the slicing rain bullets around him and the soul-crushing pressure of the borrowed aura of theOnmyouji (Occult Priest).

“Insolent welp…!” Houji said the thing.

TEN GAMI! (GOD IN HEAVEN!)” Myojin shouted as he did a much more powerful version of the God on Earth that shot him up high into the heavens. Even the nimbus clouds parted from the strength of his slash.

This rocked and shook the military base like an earthquake while the Tokyo Samurai Descendant himself approached the Onmyouji like the resulting tsunami of such an earthquake.


It was this technique that suddenly turned the poisonous miasma of the Overfiend into something else. Something filled with positive energy and life-giving, nourishing soul power.

Sanosuke Sagara then noticed how the crimson, purple, and black miasma of jaki surrounding them changed in color, texture, and volume. Flickering back and forth from a cool blue wave to a scarlet mess.

He then checked on Botan, only to gasp in surprise despite being a ghost that didn’t need to breathe or have sudden oxygen intakes.

The hole in her chest caused by one of Itsuki’s black holes had begun healing. The jaki surrounding them, as Sano suspected, was slowly being purified into reiki, which in turn the ferry-girl used to heal herself.

Not only herself, actually. She shared the wealth by beaming the spirit energy she absorbed unto Kazuma Kuwabara and Sanosuke too. Replenishing their depleted spiritual power and increasing their health at the same time.

A full restore for all her allies, if you would.

‘What’s going on here? Is this Yahiko’s doing? Or hers?’

It was actually both.

Yahiko neutralized the overpowering potency of the Chojin’s jaki just short of making it altogether disappear. Botan then purified the weakened negative energy into reiki she used to heal herself and the others while also powering them up, as though she filled the role of the Onmyouji for the Reikai Senshi (Spirit World Warriors).

Meanwhile, Kuwabara and Botan exchanged knowing glances.

They’d gone through this incident before. To be more specific, they witnessed Yusuke do the same thing Yahiko (and Kaoru) attempted to do firsthand.

It was when Urameshi got a hold of the Meikai Crystal and attempted to use it against the last Meikai God standing, Yakumo. The negative energy almost consumed him before his sheer willpower (and at the time hidden demonic lineage) turned the jaki into reiki instead.

Yahiko had decided it was easier to weaken the Chojin’s overwhelming negative energy so that Kaoru could turn it into positive (spirit) energy instead of attempting to neutralize or seal it all at once.

The tag team of Yahiko and Kaoru allowed them to replicate what Yusuke himself did alone.

Break it down to its core components first, bit by bit.

The samurai boy then said, “BANZEN GAMI. (PERFECT GOD.)”


“Great fighters refuse to lose, but you refuse to win just to get back that feeling and exhilaration of conquering something greater than you. So what do you do now that you’re in a world where nothing is greater than you?”

Those were Younger Toguro’s words even as Yusuke Urameshi effortlessly tanked through and walked down his offense while blasting him to nigh-oblivion with the RenshyaRei-Gan (Rapid-Fire Spirit Gun).

'What the hell was that supposed to mean?!’ Yusuke thought.

Was Toguro Ototo right? Had Urameshi become too powerful? Was he holding back his power level in order to drag out fights he would’ve easily won otherwise, thus endangering the lives of those he protected?

Ha.As if.

Those words truly did sound deep. They’d sound even deeper and more meaningful if said by a guy who wasn’t getting his ass kicked care of him.

If that were true, he would’ve already hunted down and killed the Chojin himself. He wasn’t even the most powerful being in Makai (Demon World), let alone all three worlds. He was a level below the likes of Mukuro and Yomi as well as his deceased ancestor/father figure Raizen.

Not to mention Raizen’s old comrades having power levels so high they could band together and conquer both the Human and Spirit Worlds if they so chose.

No, instead of it being a case of Yusuke growing tooridiculously powerful, it was instead a matter of Toguro remaining stagnant and weak by comparison.

The martial artist who belonged to the “baby boomer” generation might’ve been powerful for a demon not trapped in Makai and blocked off by the Spirit World Barrier. However, he was a pissant compared to the likes of the monsters Urameshi eventually faced in the Demon World Unification Tournament.

On top of all that, Yusuke didn’t want to hear that nonsense from the King of Holding Back. The Emperor of Power Percentages.

“Rando’sKugai (World of Suffering) is a low-level technique used by monks to empathically feel the pain and suffering of those around them. The fact that you’re still suffering from its effects isn’t because of its curse but because of how you reacted to it.”

Yusuke frowned. Indeed, for quite sometime since his fight with Rando, every punch he threw at his opponents he also felt. For once, he found out what it was like to get punched by himself.

However, it also served as his training. The more he felt his own punches, the more resistant he became of his own power, thus raising his threshold of pain and his ability to take a punch. He could dish it out and take it.

He wasn’t sure he could say the same about Toguro.

His ripcord muscles strained to their utmost, the Younger Toguro ended up having his muscle fibers ripped apart, cracked, and shattered like pottery. The anabolic state he used to grow his muscles to absurd sizes ended up completely wasted because he couldn’t handle A-Level to S-Level bursts of power.

Yusuke nevertheless conceded one point to Toguro: The teenager did miss staking his life and limb to defeat an enemy, using all his strength to defend his friends and family.

He hadn’t really done so lately. Not really. The last time he had a satisfying match was against Yomi.

Ever since then, his enemies mainly resorted to trickery reminiscent of Kido Asato freezing him with his shadow powers or Hiei kidnapping Keiko Yukimura to defeat him.

All of the Chojin’s Shin Ju ended up as weaklings compared to Urameshi. Each and every one of them. To go against them with his full powers would be a waste of effort.

Like lighting a candle with a flamethrower or cutting grass with a chainsaw. Complete overkill.

Then again, wasn’t this also the reason why Toguro, even though he was only B-Level, tended to hide his power level or only use a percentage of his power?

Huh. They were more alike than he thought.


Botan smiled in spite of herself. Or rather, her lips curved upward on their own and then said things not of her own volition due to her astral body’s second inhabitant: Kaoru Kamiya.

“There it is. The Perfect God. That’s Yahiko’s answer to mastering the Mujinken.”

A hundred years or so ago, Kaoru originally taught Yahiko the Tenchijinken (forethought-based techniques involving the prediction of an opponent’s moves) and taught Yutaro Tsukayama the Mujinken (reflex-based techniques that reacted to whatever the opponent did in the heat of the moment) to fill in their respective weaknesses.

The two were actually more suited for each other’s techniques, since Yahiko fought more off-the-cuff while Yutaro fought more methodically.

She intentionally sealed away the techniques that played to the two’s strengths so that they could overcome their weaknesses with the opposite techniques, believing that someday they’d figure out how to do each other’s ultimate attacks down the line anyway.

While the Inga Gami showed Yahiko’s version of methodical fighting (with him focusing on every counterstrike to unleash the best counters without any wasted movement or energy), it was the instinctual Banzen Gami that showed his fullest potential.

Yahiko was more of a natural with the Perfect God than the Karmic God. It was the opposite for the more thoughtful Yutaro (who now went by the name and identity of Natsuki Shinkai/Xinhai).

“INSECT!” sneered Houji, his wide eyes glowing red, his voice booming like thunder as he produced what seemed like an endless stream of shikigami. Only for Myojin to seemingly cut and disintegrate them with a couple of reflexive waves of his sakabatou.

He wasn’t even looking at the reapers as every reflexive slice of his blunt sword blew them apart and sent them to oblivion, his gaze aimed solely at Sadojima

The miasma of black jaki turned into white and blue shining reiki as Myojin neutralized it and Kaoru converted it into pure reiki. Once he reached Houji, their respective weapons clashed, the entire area split between the morning light colors from behind Yahiko and the pitch-black darkness from behind Sadojima.

It was like the clash of day and night, with the point of impact serving as their dusk or dawn. Twilight or daybreak.

To Houji’s alarm, his scythe then started to crack and break. 'What the HELL is with this stupid brat!? I thought our only real threats are the Youkiri Battousai and Urameshi Yusuke! Chojin-sama, HELP!’


Instead of going down from the barrage of Rei-Gan shots, Toguro merely said, “Stop wasting energy,” as though Yusuke left the light or electric fan turned on or something.

To Yusuke’s surprise (or perhaps disappointment), the B-Class Toguro reacted to the Spirit Gun bombardment the exact same way as he did during the Ankoku Bujutsukai (Dark Martial Arts Tournament): By attempting to charge at the growing spirit energy bullets to stop them with his bare hands and feet as well as his purely anabolic, hugely muscular body.

And just like that, it was over. With Toguro face down on the ground, his body shattered and torn from its exploded musculature. A tall, lean husk of its former self.

Another one bit the dust. Like the rest of Yusuke’s revived enemies that came back stronger because of the Chojin but not quite strong enough to take him on.

To Yusuke’s mild surprise, Toguro was still “alive”.  Or this revived zombie version of himself made by the Chojin’s own personal Dr. Frankenstein was still moving.

The muscleman mercenary then said, “I’m merely at B-Level and I was able to push you this far? Your fighting senses have dulled, Urameshi Yusuke.”

Oh really? Well, I’ve discovered that at this point, no one could beat me but myself. You’re welcome to prove me wrong, though,” said Yusuke.

Again, Urameshi pulled something right out of Toguro’s playbook. They both looked down on people who weren’t on their level.

Toguro looked up at the night sky, which rekindled his memories. The Shichousei(Death Omen Star, also known as the Lifespan Star, Jumyoboshi, Alcor, or 80 Ursae Majoris)wasn’t present near the Big Dipper.

“I can’t see the Shichousei in the heavens.”

“W-What are you talking about, Toguro? Have you gone cuckoo?”

Legend had it that when two warriors fought to the death under the Star of Death and it shone upon one of them, that person would die.

Was the star missing because he was already dead? Or because this wasn’t much of a death match?

Fine. He’d turn this match into a death match then.

On the other hand, other Japanese myths and legends alleged that when a person couldn’t see the Lifespan Star, he’d pass away within a year. That was appropriate since Toguro himself was not alive anymore.

Thusly, every broken bone from his body reset and healed, but instead of going back to normal, they formed sharp calcified bone spurs that protruded right out of his craggy, callused body like horns or thorns.

“…I knew it! You still had another form after 100%, you son of a bitch! CHOU REI-GAN! (MEGA SPIRIT GUN!)”

As Toguro got a power boost from the way his body decided to recover from his injuries, he punched back the Chou Rei-Gan Yusuke fired at his changing form before punching the teenager as well with his bone spur claws on his fist right at the moment of impact, quadrupling its effect.

He just jumped from Class-B to Class-A in a mere second.

“Ooof!” The world-stopping punch emptied the air from Yusuke’s lungs.

“My former 100% has actually become less than a percentage point of my power, but for the sake of giving you a point of reference, I’ll base my power increases on what was 100% of my power.”

He grew about as big as his 100% of 100% form, perhaps even a little bigger, but this time around the demonized behemoth’s black hair turned as grey as steel along with the rest of his vascular body that was covered with huge bony protrusions.

“So you can call this form of mine as me at 500% of my power.”


Appropriately enough, the attack Yusuke then used in response to Toguro’s transformation was one he saw on television from his favorite anime show as a child of the 1980s, “Hokuto no Ken (Fist of the North Star)”.

The Shichousei or Death Omen Star was, after all, also referenced by the same program.

Honestly, it was just Urameshi going ham on an opponent by randomly striking his heavy-handed punches at every opening available to him, with him naming the “technique” after the fact.


The devastation of the Okushiri Military base extended outward, with the pairs of Kazuma and Yumi as well as Sanosuke and Itsuki traveling eastward in a trail of devastation that followed Yahiko’s own blaze of glory.

The green comet that was the Tokyo Samurai Descendant clashed and burned through the spherical cloud of miasma protecting Sadojima, like a shooting star entering the atmosphere.

The two pairs of enemies fought tooth and nail for proper positioning. The Reikai Senshi pushed the Chojin’s forces back to protect Myojin from their interference.

Sanosuke punched through everything Itsuki threw at him from his hyperdimensional portals and busted portal gun. Sano also dodged the dense scattershot black holes and threw pavement debris at the Gatekeeper for good measure.  

Meanwhile, Kazuma fought from afar using his blade that can literally cut through anything and anywhere in order to slash apart every attempt of the wind vampire Yumi to blast tornadoes and energy-absorbing jaki at him.

Finally, Myojin himself struck the Chojin’s (and at this point, it was the Chojin controlling the Onmyouji) scythe hard, the blade covered in miasma and dark energy.

The tides of battle then turned.

Using the jaki Kaoru purified into reiki, Yahiko’s green aura became denser and denser, creating a white shining void at the center of his body that sucked the darkness of the Chojin away. Acting like a reverse black hole or even white hole that absorbed all of the Overfiend’s darkness into his pure light.

'This is it, Botan,’ thought Kaoru “telepathically”. 'This is the power of Mu (Void). The power of emptiness.’

'Emptiness…?’ repeated the ferry-girl.

'Yes. A true martial artist is able to fight with instinct, freeing his mind of all thought and distractions, leading to a Zen State. Yahiko manifested this Zen State into his unique skill: Neutralizing spiritual energy.’

A second later, all energy from everyone dissipated, and from there Houji’s scythe shattered like glass as both he and Yahiko plummeted into the docks of the Okushiri Pier.  

The samurai spirit fell into Ryu Tsui Sen (Dragon Hammer Flash) stance and slammed Sadojima into one of the metal crates of the pier below them with an emphatic crash.  

“You stupid kid! I’ll show you! ETERNAL…! Wait, what?! My powers are gone!”

Yumi Komagata attempted to do the Hi-Ougi(Hidden Art)of Vampire Martial Arts—a move stronger than the energy-sapping Blood Wind—but nothing of the sort manifested before her. Her aura, the energy she gathered from sucking many a soldier’s blood, had disappeared.

The same happened to Itsuki, who couldn’t summon his Reverse-Man or escape into his pocket dimension any longer.

Yahiko’s reiki had also went out, which normally was dangerous for a ghost but he somehow reached homeostasis with the way he cancelled out the Chojin’s jaki.

His dense green aura had now completely neutralized the powers of everyone near him instead of merely mitigating their flow, including the now unconscious Onmyouji.

Like how no light could escape the event horizon of a black hole, not one shadow of the Chojin’s dark energy could exist amidst the blinding green light of Yahiko’s converging spiritual aura.

However, as a consequence, even Yahiko’s allies lost their powers as well, as though he was acting as the reverse version of the Onmyouji. Instead of boosting the powers of those in his vicinity, he nullified them.

Regardless, Sanosuke and Kuwabara immediately took advantage of the loss of powers from Itsuki and Yumi with their physical strength, with the former beating Itsuki to a pulp and Kuwabara breaking the umbrella and fan of Komagata bareheaded before tackling and pinning her down.

“Give it up, lady. You lost,” said Kuwabara. “You can’t cheat your way out of this one by resurrecting your goons every time we defeat them. Your precious Onmyouji’s down for the count.”

Yahiko “heaved” a sigh of relief despite being a solidified ghost who didn’t need to breathe. “It’s finally over.”

Botan giggled in glee. “We did it! You did it! The number one pupil of Kamiya Kasshin! I’m so proud of you, Yahiko!” The last few parts of that statement was Kaoru talking.  

Sano looked at his own bloody fists and winced. 'We’ve won, but why do I feel like it’s not yet over? Like there’s still something afoot.’

Even though the blood from his right fist wasn’t his own but Itsuki’s, it burned and ached something fierce. Like he broke his hand or something. 'What’s going on? I have a bad feeling about this.’

Sanosuke’s bad feeling then turned into reality.


At Class-A, Yusuke Urameshi’s Hyaku Retsu-Ken would’ve turned the B-Plus Toguro into mince meat. Or roadkill.

At Class-S, his Hyaku Retsu-Ken would’ve turned mountains like Mt. Kannon, Mt. Kamui, and even Mt. Fuji into molehills, plains, or even outright trenches and canyons as deep as the United States of America’s Grand Canyon.

Like he was a pint-sized Paul Bunyan.

The teenager harrumphed. “Really? 500%? Like I’m fighting 5 Toguros at the same time? So what? That’s still nothing compared to the demons I’ve faced since defeating you, Toguro…!”

The bone-breaking punches cracked the shell of Toguro’s chitinous muscle armor bit by bit. However, in turn, Toguro let his fists fly as well but in a more methodical manner.

Targeting his punches at Yusuke’s openings rather than punching randomly. Using his martial arts experience to take down the stronger foe.  

His bony yet muscular fists pounded on Yusuke’s smaller body, cracking bones here and there.

Yusuke’s fists ached from every punch he did on the rock-solid body of Toguro, the multitude of Spirit Cuffs holding his power back also getting pushed to their limit. The restraining cuffs and seals he placed upon himself were at their near breaking point from him merely flexing his immense power.

Thank goodness the likes of Yomi, Mukuro, Enki, and the rest of Raizen’s friends (as well as Raizen himself when he was alive) put him in his place early on regarding what real power looked like, or else he’d be full of himself right about now.

The Toguro with chitinous bone spurs and keratinous horns all over his muscle-bound body ended up breaking each and every one of his thick, calcified bones from the impact of Yusuke’s attacks.

Toguro’s bones rattled as micro-tears appeared all over his muscles and tendons. Despite this, he pushed forward. Like his older brother, he healed quickly, which alerted Urameshi that he still had something in his sleeve.

“All right. Then how about this? TAKO NAGURI!”

The Octopus Assault—Yusuke’s version of the Kuzu Ryu Sen (Nine-Dragon Flash) that hit 8 times instead of 9 times in an instant—hammered the horned gray body of the zombified and demonized Toguro before he could get the chance to stab, gore, or spear Yusuke with his many protruding bone spurs.

Urameshi once heard that it took either 23,034 slaps to cook a chicken. Either that, or a slap traveling at 1,665.65 meters per second.

He wasn’t sure about the math, but he cooked Toguro’s goose at a rate of 8-16 punches a second with every punch traveling at 1,000-2,000 meters per second, so it would’ve took about 20 minutes of non-stop Tako Naguri to get to around 20,000 punches or 2,500 super-powered Tako Naguri.

Or he would’ve cooked/burned 20,000 whole chickens with his speedy punches at around the same time it took to cook a chicken in the oven.

However, it was at the second minute that Urameshi broke his hand. He hit a hard shell reminiscent of Usui’s shield.

From the pile of minced meat, torn muscle cords, and viscera emerged yet another Toguro form.

What stood before him wasn’t the spurred behemoth Toguro but instead a fully armored Toguro, with every inch of his body covered in craggy white bone.

As though his shattered bones healed wrong and ended up calcifying right on top of his pulsating muscles. He broke the calcified armor in sections by flexing his limbs in order to give his new outer shell moving joints.

It also made him look like a white lobster man, thought Yusuke in chagrin.

“This is 1,000% of my power. 100 times the power of my 100% self.”


At the Okushiri Pier, around 9:47 PM…

The mangled remains of a man landed right in front of Reikai’s finest from out of the shadows of the dark harbor.

The Reikai Senshi (and their accompanying shinigami) then felt goose bumps form at the napes of their necks—even the ghostly ones that didn’t even have tangible skin, blood, or hair to make such a sensation possible.

Even Itsuki, whom Sano beat from pillar to post with bare-knuckle fisticuffs, looked none the worse for wear compared to the person before them.

He was bathed in blood and his torn clothes were dyed crimson because of it. He looked like he’d been ravaged by a pack of wolves.

The only thing recognizable about him was that he was male.  Probably.

Sanosuke was the first one to try and poke at the figure to see who it was. If he had a ten-foot pole, he’d prod the man with it. As it was, thanks to Yahiko manifesting his full neutralization powers, Sano couldn’t even summon one zanbatou right now.

The street fighter then stumbled back, which made Kazuma ask, “What’s wrong? Who is it? Is that one of the Chojin’s Shin Ju or whatever?”

Botan gulped, hoping against hope that the man before them was the injured body of one of the New Ten Swords instead of one of the Spirit World Warriors.

Before Sano could answer, someone else answered for him.

“That’s what remains of Hajime Saito. The former captain of the Shinsengumi’s Third Unit.”

“…What? Who said that?” demanded Yahiko.

The Reikai Tantei, the shinigami, and the Kenshingumi then turned in time to see the silhouette of a pony-tailed person from the distance.

There stood a human(?) of about S-Level power with sleeked-back hair, a lengthy ponytail, and a half-undone kimono that showed off his rippling swimmer’s muscles on his long build.

As realization dawned on them one by one, their mouths went agape, practically unhinged from their upper jaw.

The blood drained from Kuwabara’s face while the three spiritual beings’ faces (Botan/Kaoru, Sano, and Yahiko) looked more transparent than usual.

The ghosts all looked like they’d seen a ghost (ironically enough), forgetting they were ghosts themselves. Gasping for air they couldn’t breathe anymore.

Even Kuwabara, who was alive, looked like he’d seen a ghost himself or even turned into one.

The man, who himself was a bloody mess with stabs wounds and cuts at every inch of his body, held something in his arms.

It was his trophy. His prize after a hard day’s battle.

It was the head of his enemy. It was the head of Hajime Saito.

Botan screamed. Or rather, Kaoru did.

The Kamiya Kasshin Master couldn’t believe that Kenshin’s greatest rival who was so famous he became a Japanese historical figure later on had been defeated.

On the other hand, Botan—through centuries of being a death goddess—had seen worse things before, so she was desensitized enough to not scream. Her own feeling of dread was around the same level as Kaoru’s, though.

The pony-tailed assassin then took one look at the Kenshingumi sans Kenshin, the Reikai Tantei sidekick, and their shinigami babysitter then sighed.

“Oh, no one but weaklings left? Pathetic. Imagine, after such a delicious meal, I’m left with leftovers and expired food.”

The new arrival then placed Saito’s head beside the rest of his body. Almost reverently. “Rest in peace, Saito Hajime. You were truly a worthy rival. I acknowledge you.”

“You killed Officer Fujita! You BASTARD!” screamed Kuwabara, a knife-sized Rei-Ken ablaze with reiki and righteous indignation in his grip.

Kazuma would’ve produced a full-length Jigen Tou with the rage he felt, but Yahiko’s neutralizing presence kept his powers in check.

“Wait.Boke(Fool), he’s…!” Sano trailed off, moving in front of Kuwabara to block him from doing anything hasty. 'If anyone’s going to do something hasty, it was going to be me!’ thought Sagara.

“Who are you?” said Yahiko as he pointed his sakabatou at the stranger.

“I’m Youkiri Tenro (Tenro the Demon-Slayer). Remember that name before I send you back to Heaven.”


Yusuke quickly checked his Spirit Detector. Toguro was now at A-Level with his Bone Armor form. Around the same power level as the most powerful members of the Reikai Tokubetsu Bouetai (Spirit World Special Forces).

This turn of events definitely piqued his interest. Somewhat. Maybe this time, he’d get the battle he so craved from this new version of Toguro since being defeated by Yomi in the Makai Tournament.

However, the extra layer of bone armor made it harder for Yusuke to break apart Toguro’s muscle armor with mere punches, no matter what velocity he reached.

As though Toguro now had double the armor.

Also, in turn, the Class-A Toguro Ototo pummeled and stabbed Yusuke with earth-shattering strikes from his bony fists, horns, and claws as well as shattered pieces of his bone armor that kept calcifying and regrowing over and over. Layer by layer. Like samurai armor or shingles on the roof.

Stubbornly, the bloody and bruised Yusuke kept on punching the armored demon to push him away and give himself breathing room.

The bony yet muscle-bound contradiction of a monster that looked ridiculously gigantic yet unencumbered by his musculature having an extra layer of armor on top of it, turning him into a veritable tank with the speed of a Mack truck. He even hit like a truck.

However, as his wounds healed in Toguro Ani fashion, Urameshi realized that he had long ago surpassed the version of him that could get killed by being hit by a car. Or a truck. Or a tank. Or perhaps even a nuclear warhead. Maybe.

Rei-Kou-Dan (Spirit Light Wave Bullet).”

One of his Spirit Cuffs broke as he put his hip into his punches and imbued his fists with actual spiritual power. They were already harder than steel because of the spirit energy contained within his body. When he emanated reiki from inside and outside himself, his punches also become explosive.

One reiki-imbued punch was all it took for him to crack the bone armor of Toguro at 1,000%. However, he wasn’t done.

Perhaps he might have gone overboard, but he decided to punch Toguro 20,000 times in 3 minutes rather than 20 minutes. But it sure felt like 20 minutes.

Furthermore, these weren’t just physical punches. His fists were set on fire with spiritual energy this time around. He shot out 20,000 Rei-Kou-Dan blasts, to be more precise.

Every supersonic punch had the impact of a blockbuster bomb, with it breaking the sound barrier and sending extra shockwaves to Toguro and all. Perhaps he’d become even more explosive than multiple blockbusters.

Perhaps Yusuke had turned into a teenaged nuke or warhead himself.

However, out of the mangled mess of bone armor emerged yet another Toguro. The armor that should’ve served as his coffin ended up becoming his cocoon for his newest metamorphosis. Which, to Yusuke’s surprise, made him breathe a sigh in relief.

Yes! He could still push himself even further!

Was this excited feeling the same one that Toguro felt when, just a few years prior, Yusuke was able to withstand the might of 80% of his power when he killed Genkai in cold blood?

Regardless, a bronze-skinned, taller, and four-armed Toguro emerged from all that mush and burnt flesh he’d become earlier, impossibly towering even higher over Yusuke than before. His current ginormous form made his former seven-foot form look normal-sized in comparison.

His muscles were like taut steel cords now, like those used in heavy-duty tires and conveyer belts. Perhaps even harder. They were definitely harder than the pieces of thick calcified bone armor that they crushed like egg shells with a simple collective body flex.

“This is 100,000% of my power. This is what fighting 1,000 clones of my 100% self looks like.”

Yusuke thought for a second what Toguro meant by that, only for him to test the theory out with an additional 20,000 Rei-Kou-Dan blasts in a minute. 20,000 palm blocks later and Urameshi now had a better idea of what his nemesis meant, followed by 20,000 counterpunches in between those blocks.

All in a minute’s time.

'100,000% Toguro? He didn’t even bother going to 10,000%? Jeez!’ Urameshi thought as he got hit with a two-armed lariat that dragged his body across the landscape and river like a trailer home in a tornado.

This was it. This was the A-Plus version of Toguro.

Yusuke couldn’t even hide the grin from his face even as this newest form of Toguro beat him to the punch every time.

Toguro at 100,000% had even tighter and tauter musculature with enough strength and torque behind them to break bones to dust. His ripcord muscles could handle punching velocities similar to that of or even faster than Yusuke’s.

It also didn’t help that Toguro now had a body that could accommodate four arms, thus giving him twice the hand speed and arm speed due to his literal extra limbs.


“…SHISHIO!” screamed Sanosuke at Tenro, his blood (ectoplasm) boiling. His right fist, which Makoto Shishio broke, pulsating like a second heart.

Even though Tenro wasn’t wearing bandages and his skin wasn’t burned to a crisp, Sano could recognize that voice and that demeanor anywhere.

'Shishio?’ thought Kuwabara. So Tenro was the man who founded the original Juppon Gatana? Kenshin’s greatest rival? The man who ultimately caused Kenshin’s demise? The man who might actually be the alter ego of the Chojin himself?

The guy who not only pushed Hiei to his limits, but also possibly two of the Demon World’s three kings, Yomi and Mukuro? Was Tenro Shishio’s reincarnation or something…?

Before they knew it, they were suddenly faced with the final boss of the game.

The fighting spirit of Sanosuke rose high enough for him to defy the nullifying presence of Yahiko and form half of a zanbatou in his hands, which he swung at the (presumably) non-burned version or reincarnation of the ex-hitokiri and Meiji rebel known as Makoto Shishio.

With one swing of Tenro’s Mugen Jin (Unlimited Blade) sword, Sagara’s suspicions were confirmed.

“Secret Sword One: HOMURA DAMA!”

Shishio’s signature Homura Dama (Burning Soul) technique where his sword burst into flame clashed hard against the 6-foot (normally 12-foot) horse-chopping sword, smelting it in the process like a blacksmith’s forge in a shower of sparks.

“A weakling like usual, Sagara Sanosuke,” sneered Tenro. “It’s been a while, though.”

“I don’t understand. Wasn’t Shishio supposed to look like a mummy or something? He’s some guy who was burnt to a crisp and covered in bandages, right?” said Kazuma.

Sano answered, “Yeah, but obviously it’s been 100 years. He must’ve found a way to get a new body, or ended up with a solidified soul, or got reincarnated as this Tenro clown.

Myojin gulped. He considered deactivating his powers to allow either Kuwabara or Sanosuke to attack the youkiri. However, if Tenro was this powerful with his spiritual power nullified, how much more powerful could he get when Yahiko’s powers ceased working?

The disheveled Yumi then cackled in the background, the hole in her chest throbbing with a ghostly heart that the man before her had “stolen” from her.

“It’s about time you got here, Tenro. What took you so long? Don’t tell me the Miburo (Mibu’s Wolf) gave you all that you can handle and then some.”

Tenro harrumphed. “Perish the thought, Yumi. I merely gave my respects first to the Shinsengumi in the Battle of Hakodate Monument, and guess who I also found there? That’s right, our favorite Shinsengumi Captain, Saito Hajime.”

'Hakodate?!’ thought Yahiko. 'That’s four hours away from Okushiri! All the way on the other side of Hokkaido, at that!’

Sanosuke himself snarled at Tenro, his fist burning with pain and fire, as though it remembered how Makoto had shattered it when they’d faced each other back at Mt. Hiei.

'Hakodate is the place that served as the Shinsengumi’s last stand. Did Saito go there to pay his respects to his squad? In the middle of our war against the Shin Ju? It’s not like him to be so sentimental.’

The street fighter spared a glance at the remains of Hajime Saito. Unbelievable. Just earlier, he pushed several of the Shin Juppon Gatana to their limits, but now he ended up as dead as the rest of the original Shinsengumi.

Well, Saito himself was supposed to already be dead and buried in the first place, but this time around he got killed off for real by Shishio. Or Tenro, which was probably the reincarnation of Shishio.

Kuwabara turned towards Yahiko and said, “Kid, turn off your powers! I’m going to face off with the final boss one-on-one at my full strength!”

“But…!” the ghost kid trailed off before Botan filled in the rest.

“Kuwabara-kun, he can’t. He’s the only one sealing Tenro’s immense power. If he was able to do thatto Saito, imagine what he could do to us! Let Yahiko seal his power for now until either Kenshin or Yusuke arrives!” warned the ferry-girl.

“I DON’T CARE!” shouted Kazuma. “Let us face him at his full strength while we’re also at full strength! As a real man, I won’t back down!”

Tenro smirked. “Fine then. If you’re not bluffing then come at me. In this world and beyond it, the same rules of nature apply. Only the strongest survive and the weak are food for the strong.”

Sano’s eyes narrowed. That convinced him that the man before him really was Shishio. That was totally a Shishio-type line. 'It’s now or never. We just have to keep him here until either Kenshin or that delinquent best friend of Boke arrives!’


“REI-KOU-DAN!” shouted Urameshi, his Spirit Wave Light Bullets bursting through his fist like bolts of lightning from a Railgun.

The 100,000% Toguro blocked the punch with his elbow, shattering Yusuke’s hand bones in the process. “Is this the power of an S-Level? Don’t make me laugh. Me at 100,000% of my power is enough for you.”

Toguro then grabbed hold of Urameshi’s limbs with all four of his arms in a bid to tear the teenager apart literally from limb to limb.

Yusuke considered Toguro’s statement for a second and then said, “Fuck that,” before flipping the four-armed monster off with his right hand.

The mere idea that someone like Feng Xinhai or The “Beautiful” Suzuki was more powerful than Toguro just didn’t sit well with Urameshi. At all.

At any rate, the middle finger he raised at the 100,000% Toguro then flowed with energy he’d been saving for a special occasion.

Yusuke discovered that he could actually save and store his dormant spirit energy as a reserve or extra Spirit Gun blast for use in case of emergencies since it usually took forever and a day to charge his Rei-Gan.

The energy for this one he’d been gathering for weeks’ on end.

Also, in order for him to not mistakenly fire off his reserve Rei-Gan, he had this special energy bullet stored in his middle finger. This was how the new technique that he improvised when facing off against the S-Level Xinhai ultimately evolved.

This was his “Fuck You!” Spirit Gun. Also known as the “FAKKU GAN! (FUCK GUN!)”

The 100,000% Toguro chucked Yusuke away like a hot potato in order to better dodge the point-blank spiritual projectile then punted the Fuck Gun back to the teenager who fired it.

However, by instinct borne from his hundreds of fights against spiritually powerful humans and demons, Yusuke jumped away from the Fakku Gan, grabbed Toguro by the ankle, dragged him towards the ball of plasma fire he actually outran, and then threw the monster back into its path.

From there, as the 100,000% Toguro braced himself for impact, Urameshi emerged from behind him. Attacking him from the rear for good measure.

Toguro was now stuck between a rock and a hard place. Or between a demon and his energy blast.

“REI-KOU-DAN! SHOT GUN!” screamed the half-demon prince.

While the Fakku Gan blasted and disintegrated the giant from the front, Yusuke attacked with his Spirit Light Wave Bullets and reiki scattershot from behind, which kept even the four-armed monstrosity from defending himself from the upcoming onslaught surrounding him.

The charged-up blasts of energy in particle and wave forms bore on Toguro like plasma tides or a solar wind. An endless series of reiki tidal waves from the vast ocean of Urameshi’s power.

Thanks to the extra pressure brought about by his stored energy blast from many weeks ago, Yusuke’s Rei-Kou-Dan was able to penetrate deep into Toguro’s core. The technique ripped apart the steel cord muscles of Toguro as they got softened by the comet of energy that cooked him alive.  

Then, as Yusuke had hoped deep in his unbeating heart, the mangled Toguro changed form yet again.

The same heart that stopped beating after Shinobu Sensui first pierced it felt like it had started beating again in anticipation. In excitement. In nostalgia, even.

Toguro still had more forms and powers up his sleeve. Just like old times.

And from there, out of the ashes and melted muscle of the 100,000% Toguro came forth the One Million Percent Toguro.

“One Million Percent. This is me at One Million Percent of my power, Urameshi Yusuke.”


Kuwabara and Sanosuke attacked Tenro at the same time while Yahiko struggled on the spot to focus all his neutralizing powers on the Shishio reincarnation(?) alone.

Botan checked her Spirit Detector again. Hope sprouted anew within her heart. 'Yes! Tenro’s power level went down to A-Level. He’s still on the cusp of S-Level, but at least he’s not as powerful as someone like Sensui or Xinhai! We have a chance!’

Tenro frowned. His aura of jaki had become fainter and weaker due to Myojin’s powers.

'Hmmm. The Shin Ju had warned me about this impudent brat. Even Toguro Ani couldn’t heal properly thanks to this kid’s neutralizing reiki.’

As Yahiko slowly mastered his neutralization powers so that only Tenro was affected by them, the energy levels of Kuwabara and Sanosuke went up higher and higher than before, their auras flaring with spiritual might that was boosted by Botan’s healing powers for good measure.

“JIGEN TOU!” screamed Kazuma, summoning his Dimension Sword.

“ZANBATOU!” shouted Sanosuke, producing his 12-foot long Horse-Chopping Sword.

“How appropriate. Isn’t this just a reflection of today’s society? The weak are using their great numbers to suppress their betters, not realizing that without the strong to lead them or the will to become strong themselves, they will end up extinct. The world stands on the shoulders of giants.”

“SHADDAP! I don’t know who you are, but all’s fair in love and war,” declared Kuwabara.

“Not all men are created equal. Like in the Animal Kingdom, some men are simply better than others. Equal opportunity doesn’t guarantee equal results. Forcing equal results in an aberration of nature, like forcing animals to act like men, the pinnacle of evolution.”

Tenro used a bare hand to grab hold of Kuwabara’s Dimension Sword and used his other hand holding the saw-like Mugen Jin to block the full-length zanbatou.

“Ganging up on the strong can lead to the survival of the weak temporarily. However, their own respective weaknesses will sort them out. Their celebration of mediocrity will make them food for other apex predators in the future or have them subjugated by any of their own who decide to become rams instead of sheep.”

The Youkiri then broke the Jigen Tou apart like it was made of cardboard instead of pure energy and stabbed Sanosuke’s chest with it while also melting the zanbatou with his Mugen Jin’s Homura Dama.

“Regardless, it is better to live one day as a lion than one hundred years as a sheep. These are… THE RULES OF NATURE!”

“AUGH!” grunted Sanosuke, his recently recovered soul flickering in and out of existence, his chest spewing ectoplasm, and his aura dissipating into pinpoints of light like a disturbed nest of bioluminescent fireflies.

He felt the light inside him slowly fade all the while.

“Bastard…!” said Kazuma, who repurposed the broken shards of his Jigen Tou and shot it pointblank at Youkiri Tenro’s face, turning them into “REI-SHURIKEN!”

He should’ve hit him with the projectiles from a distance, though. The first few blades bounced off of the intense aura of jaki that covered Tenro’s body like armor, which reminded Kuwabara of the aura that Detective Matsudaira developed.

Reiatsu(Spirit pressure).

Tenro’s aura was dense enough to become spirit pressure reminiscent of Bui from the Toguro Team. Or Yusuke whenever he unleashed his full power.

So this was the Chojin’s secret weapon? If not the Chojin himself altogether?

The demon-slayer then grabbed the teenager’s wrist and redirected the shuriken at Sano again, injuring him further. From there, he broke Kuwabara’s hand altogether then grabbed him by the collar, declaring, “Secret Sword Two: GUREN KAINA! (CRIMSON LOTUS ARM!)”

Using his Mugen Jin to ignite the gunpowder-laced glove, the youkiri blasted Kuwabara with the force of a bomb.

The gunpowder-inside-the-glove trick that Shishio used on Kenshin was also used against Kazuma, with the explosion violently blowing him away. A hundred years ago, Makoto’s hand was kept safe from the blast using a special metal gauntlet underneath the glove full of gunpowder that resisted the impact.

Tenro somehow ended up doing an even stronger version of the Guren Kaina that was imbued with the chaotic negative energy of the Chojin, which made the explosion strong enough to injure a human with the A-Class power level of Kuwabara.

Yahiko’s power-suppressing aura didn’t help in this case.

Tenro then shot the samurai ghost teen a look that chilled him to his “bones” or “spine”. The youkiri then declared, “You will not drag me down to your level. Know your place, child.”

However, while Tenro was distracted, the flickering spirit of Sanosuke stabbed the youkiri with hot molten metal of what was left of his sword in a spectacular display of sparks.

This was Sano’s one chance of making a dent, so he had to make it count. However, as he attempted to punch Tenro’s heart out, his hand ended up crushed with the youkiri’s elbow block.

With a harrumph, Tenro proceeded to punch Sanosuke on the forehead, just like when Sano fought Shishio. “You never learn.”

“I don’t understand,” murmured the Kaoru inside Botan’s body. “Isn’t Yahiko’s aura supposed to suppress Tenro’s powers too? Why is he still so strong!?”

She then noticed the unconscious Itsuki open his eyes and wake up, which led her to keep her guard up.

The black-and-blue Itsuki chuckled, tracing his finger over the scar Kuwabara had made on his face back when the Reikai Tantei faced off against Shinobu Sensui. “Y-You don’t understand. This is him with his power held back.”

“W-What do you mean? That’s impossible!” Botan checked her Spirit Detector. “Oh no. His power is fluctuating between A-Level and S-Level when earlier it was just A-Level. That can’t be! How powerful is he?”

Sneering, Itsuki said, “Who knows? Rumor has it he’s about as powerful as one of the Former Three Kings—Mukuro, Yomi, and even the Late Raizen. He might even reach the mythical X-Level like Kurama did when he took hold of the Demon Sword.”

Botan’s face went pale blue as though unseen hands suddenly grabbed hold of her thin neck. “X-Level?!”

She remembered the event like it was yesterday.

The Spirit World went on high alert when Kurama went Class-X after wielding the Youtou Shinnoken (Demon Sword). They even called the entire Reikai Bouetai in. Not that it would’ve done them any good, since the Special Forces were composed of Class-A agents and Class-X was a level beyond Class-S.

She couldn’t even fathom how strong an X-Level was since Kurama immediately rejected the Demon Sword, which transformed him back into his “human” self.

However,strongerthan Yomi, Mukuro, or Raizen gave her a ballpark estimate of what they were dealing with. Someone as strong as or stronger than a Raizen-possessed Yusuke who ragdolled the mountain-destroying Sensui with ease.

All the same, Tenro stood victorious over the beaten figures of Sanosuke and Kuwabara.

“Will you become rams or sheep? Lions or feral street cats? Wolves or mongrel dogs? Can you evolve and turn into apex predators yourselves? It’s natural selection. Kill or be killed. Make your choice.”


The peaceful Tsurikake River had now become a war zone. A swamp in one part and a desert in another.

It was Baghdad. It was bedlam.

The 1,000,000% Toguro was there at the epicenter of the devastation. A nuke all his own. An unnatural force of nature.

An over-muscled demonized human even taller than his 100,000% version. A walking contradiction of chaos and order.

He had no skin now. He was all pure, red muscle and tendons pulsating and wriggling in every which way.

He also had six arms instead of two or four, with him towering even higher than before because he had to elongate his torso to cartoonish levels just to accommodate his extra pair of limbs.

Curious at how strong thisToguro was, Yusuke flipped the bird on Toguro with his other hand.

Yes, he had also stored another Fuck Gun on his other hand, with about the same amount of potential spiritual energy gathered for multiple weeks since he fired his first Fakku Gan at Feng Xinhai.


Again,Urameshi blasted all of his pent-up “Fuck You!” energy at Toguro by flipping him off, shooting the bolt of concentrated lightning that came out with the force of a shooting star.

Again, he outran the modified reserve Rei-Gan and came up from behind the six-armed insectoid Toguro with the intent of making sure he got hit by it.

He then attacked Toguro with both hands using the Rei-Gan and Shot Gun.


Those extra pair of hands on an even bigger and sturdier body made all the difference.

Two of six arms grabbed and held back the charged-for-weeks Rei-Gan. Another two of the arms parried and blocked all of Yusuke’s energy-laden punches as well as the projectiles blasting through them.

This freed up the Million-Percent Toguro’s two remaining hands that grabbed hold of Yusuke and pummeled him into submission.

The Younger Toguro utilized punches that carved the landscape. Made and destroyed mountains.

The kind of unnatural force of nature (as contradictory as it sounded) that could affect plate tectonics, weather patterns, or change the area forever, like in the case of Mt. St. Helens when it exploded or the nine ghost villages of France that remained wastelands to this day thanks to the Battle of Verdun in the First World War.  

If Yusuke’s reiki-dense body weren’t there to absorb the blows they would’ve shattered and sunk Okushiri right off of the map.

Even though Urameshi was breathing through his mouth, had lost several teeth, and ended up with a shattered jaw he couldn’t close, he couldn’t help but grin. Or at least do an open-mouthed smile.

“I’m beating you to the punch at every turn. So why is it…?” Toguro tilted his head to the side in askance. “Why do you have such a happy look on your face?”

Disturbingly, Yusuke’s teeth grew back. They weren’t supposed to do that but they did. Even accelerated human healing wouldn’t allow the return of lost permanent teeth. All his bruises healed. All his broken bones mended themselves. His shut black eye’s swelling subsided and went back to normal.

There he hung from Toguro’s grip. Smiling. None the worse for wear save for torn clothes that couldn’t restore themselves to their previous state.

“Come on, Toguro. You can do better than this, you son of a bitch! Gimme your best shot!”

Toguro then proceeded to smash Yusuke and his own heavenly body of a Fakku Gan together, which resulted in a mushroom cloud of pure destructive power.

Another atomic blast had hit Japan.

Toguro the Younger turned Urameshi into the atomic bomb he was afraid he had become.


Back at the Okushiri Pier, two things happened.

Botan, using the wealth of leftover negative energy that Kaoru purified earlier, again started healing the damage inflicted upon the available Reikai Senshi.

Kuwabara and Sanosuke stirred, as if shot by multiple doses of adrenalin.

Also, when the youkiri decided to deal with the shinigami herself to keep her from aiding her comrades, Yahiko himself confronted and attacked Tenro head on.

For all the good it did. Bless his ghostly heart.

DOU GAMI…! (GOD ON EARTH!)” shouted Yahiko, hoping against hope it’d land on Tenro’s head or sword or at least near him so that he’d get pelted by rocks and debris.

'So this is Shishio. The leader of the Juppon Gatana. Kenshin’s most powerful rival,’ the samurai spirit thought.

Tenro caught the reverse-edged blade between his fingers before it could make contact with him or the Mugen Jin. The God Hammer relied on recoil to give Yahiko enough space to consecutively strike something or someone three times fast in order to break their resistance and apply a zero-resistance strike.

No recoil meant the technique was neutralized.

Myojin’s jaw dropped. “How…!?”

“So you’re the brat who can neutralize spirit energy,” said Tenro with narrowed eyes that traveled from Houji’s unconscious form then all the way back to Yahiko.

Readjusting his grip of the sword tight with a gloved hand that smelled of gunpowder and negative spirit energy, Tenro again did the “GUREN KAINA!” on the blade.

The explosion blasted Myojin clear away from (presumably) Shishio, the shrapnel from his own spiritual construct of a sakabatou hitting him at the speed of bullets. His spirit fading and dissipating with pinpoints of energy.

“YAHIKO!” both Botan and Kaoru chorused in one unified body, fearing the worst.

However, the shards of Yahiko’s shattered blade also penetrated Tenro’s body, sealing his power further away from S-Level.

'What a problematic child this is.’

Myojin got up to his feet and charged with his broken reverse-edged blade, hoping to buy Sano and Kuwabara time. Buy Kenshin and Yusuke time as well.

He intended to do the Inga Gami on Tenro’s head, only to revert to the Kamiya Kasshin Ryu ougi for Hadome and Hawatari when his opponent beat him to the punch and struck first with the Homura Dama.

However, as he defended against the downwards flaming strike with a crossed-wrist block, Tenro grappled with him and kept him from parrying the strike. “Do you want to know how your idol, Himura Battousai, died a century ago? Like this. Guren Kaina. Homura Dama.”

After the explosion from the gunpowder happened, Tenro allowed the resulting fire to flare and roast the hapless ghost of Yahiko Myojin.

“AAAHH…!” screamed the burning Yahiko.

“YAHIKO!” shouted Sanosuke.

“BRAT!” yelled Kuwabara.

Tenro himself stood in the middle of the conflagration, but like in his confrontation with Hiei, he ended up none the worse for wear from the roaring bonfire.

“Too strong… He’s too strong…!” gasped Yahiko. “Even after all this time, I’m still as weak as I’ve always been.”

The bright yellow flames turned green then blue as Yahiko’s form reverted to that of a hitodama(will-o’-the-wisp).

Meanwhile, Botan shrieked, fell on her knees, and covered her eyes with her hands.

“Who is stronger? A wolf in sheep’s clothing or a sheep in wolf’s clothing? Don’t deny your true nature. Embrace what you really are. It’s either you know your place or claw your way up the food chain. Evolve. Transform. Step up or step aside.”

The entirety of Okushiri then started to rumble as Yahiko’s neutralizing reiki ebbed away.

Like a dam that was about to break.


A nuke did damage in three stages.

It irradiated heat and light, it blasted everything to Kingdom Come, and it scattered radioactive materials around.

The bigger you went, the less relevant the radioactive materials became relative to the other effects as the heat irradiation had a much greater and more noticeable immediate effect. Effectively, when a nuke went off, the temperature of the resulting fireball could go up to millions of degrees, but it dissipated relatively quickly.

However, instead of having a repeat of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1993, Yusuke’s dense aura (arguably going at reiatsu level at this point) allowed him to absorb most of the impact of his own Fakku Gan.

The explosion became a blockbuster level blast instead of an atomic bomb mushroom cloud.

Yusuke collapsed on the ground, taking the brunt of his own spirit energy.

Before him towered a behemoth of a demonized man. His exposed muscles bursting out of his skin. His six huge arms giving him an insect-like vibe.

This was Toguro using a million percent of his power. He had become the Demigod Asura, a six-armed demon of war and destruction.

However, even in the face of this absolute unit of a monster, something else from many miles away grabbed Urameshi’s attention.

Over the horizon, he felt a suppressed Low S-Level power grow and pulse. Like a leaking and cracked dam ready to burst.

Once that dam finally burst forth, Yusuke broke all of his limits at once. Every last Spirit Cuff. Every last bit of hesitation he had from the Kugai curse placed upon him by Rando.

He caught even the Million-Percent Toguro by surprise at how fast his power level rose.

He summoned his version of the Sei Kou Ki, the golden aura serving as his barrier against Toguro’s atomic punches.

His hair grew long and turned white for good measure before he proceeded to punch the Million-Percent Toguro a million times. A glowing golden punch for every percentage.

“SEI-KOU-DAN!” Yusuke cried, blasting Toguro with the Sei-Kou-Ki version of the Rei-Kou-Dan.

He had to. That dark presence in the distance sounded all of his internal alarms and red flags. His primitive flight-or-fight instinct activated.

As though feeling the rise in power from a distance spurred him into action more effectively than the golem before him that, quite frankly, took too long to get to S-Level and beyond.

Whichever Reikai Senshi was out there, they were fighting the final boss. The Chojin himself, even.


Botan rushed towards Yahiko’s side, doing her best to heal his injured hitodama form. Bu
