#denji x you


Pairing: Denji/Female Reader

Summary:A flowerful breeze breached the pathway onto your overstudied heart, signing you off with a sense of tranquility. Melodic petals from irresolute trees stayed afloat from the sky and into your trail, trailing each step you tread. The spring season was set to begin, meaning for you: more pivotal tests to prepare for. The sun did its job at minimum wage and the clouds spread and shifted as you continued your steps, walking down the street towards your favorite food stand. After vigorously studying at the library, you find an odd guy getting yelled at for dine and dashing; without the dashing part, at your day to day food stand. At the sight of him you’re flushed with a sense of nostalgia, a sense of remembrance for someone you have never met?

Word Count: 2190 Words

Authors Note: Wow, just wow, I’m actually posting something! I know it’s been however many years, decades, centuries, who knows at this point. Anyway, this is a rewrite of a dumb drabble I wrote a good while ago. I recently found it in my old google docs and decided to rewrite it, been trying to write more anyway. CommentsandReblogs are also always appreciated! Not to sound needy, but please, bless me with comments. It brings me so much joy

A flowerful breeze breached the pathway onto your overstudied heart, signing you off with a sense of tranquility. Melodic petals from irresolute trees stayed afloat from the sky and into your trail, trailing each step you tread. The spring season was set to begin, meaning for you: more pivotal tests to prepare for. You for one considered yourself a “studyholic,” another accurate term would be a ”schoolholic;” face and shoulders slouched into a workbook, pen and pencil in hand, tidy notes, and even neater grades. Just like how each student had a club of interest school was your hobby, and you enjoyed it. You enjoyed the feeling of accomplishment whenever you aced an exam. From weekly quizzes to national tests, you always had that jubilant feeling of seeing an outstanding score beside your name since forever.

Your father was the same in that sense. Many family members and friends teased, saying you had gotten that trait of fixtation from your workaholic father. Well, you wouldn’t say they were completely wrong. He was the one who raised you after all. After your mother up and abandoned you at your fathers care, he had to step up and provide the best for you alone. He also didn’t have any hobbies, his work was his hobby, and he damn sure put his all into it. Getting a similar feeling of achievement as you whenever he gets a raise or promotion. 

You both found the blissful praise of accomplishments addicting. In a world full of evil and devils, you and your father saw the good things. You both saw and knew the things that made you happy; your fixations and the other, but loneliness in your hobbies seeped often. During those times of total dependency on your separate addictions, and when you both find yourselves not there for the other, you’re both left in a state of dread. The need between you and your father was always impactful. Especially as of recently as he buried himself alive in his recent work project and hasn’t been home as of late, leaving you in an empty household. You didn’t mind, you only saw this as an opportunity to study even harder on your upcoming exams.

An itch or scratch shook your senses. You stop in your step in search of this irritation. The wind howled harder as you stilled from your stroll pushing you backward, and your scarf into obscure directions. During your search you find the cause of your itch. You remove a leaf that flew its way between your scarf and ultimately neck, the leaf endingly being the cause of this scratch. Before it could hit the ground as you removed it, it flew along with the cooling breeze. 

You sighed.

It was a meek day. The sun did its job at minimum wage and the clouds partly spread and shifted as you continued your steps, walking down the street towards your favorite food stand. After your routine of five hour, no breaks, studying plan; you had gotten to the point of intensity that the school librarian kicked you out, lecturing you like a mother to take a break like the other kids. When exiting the building, with the mention of food from the old librarian, you found yourself craving some junk food. 

Luckily, you still had money left over from the last time your dad gave you your allowance weeks ago. With a step a kick’s length, you found yourself passing through a variant of vendors, old and new; fresh and fit. This street was filled with vendors selling their delicious goods. Your eyes searched for your favorite stand that sold bags of cheesy nachos for cheap. The truck mostly sold baggy food, otherwise food for people who will be walking and wanted something to snack on. You enjoyed the food and talking to the owner. The meek breeze from before picked up its pace and mixed the air with a smell of hot food, making you kick up your step like a hog, book bag strapped to your back tightly, wallet in hand.

In under a few minutes of walking you find the colorful truck you were searching for in sight. Thankfully there wasn’t a long line, except for one person your eyes picked up from the distance. The closer you got the more features you got. In sight, you find a boy around your age with scruffy hair that dimmed in the warm setting sunlight, standing in front of the mentioned food stand. He wore a uniform of some kind, well, not really; just a button up, tie, and slacks, all messily done to point out. 

The voice of the owner yelling shook your eardrums, now standing no more than five feet from the truck you could actually hear what they were saying, and could tell that they were very angry. However, the boy stood there, mindlessly listening to the older males behind the stand angrily shouting at the boy who was lost in his thoughts who did not pay any mind to his situation. Normally you never put yourself in anyone else’s business. Mr. Kawasaki tends to never get upset or angry at a customer, unless someone was trying to dine and dash him. But you felt bad for the guy, he looked tired and confused. It was test season so he probably over-studied like you, though very unlikely. Well you just like to believe there’s people like you out there, why not think that?

You cup your cheek and shout, picking up your pace. “No worries!” At your voice the boy seemed to break out of his daze and turned around, finding you there, making eye contact, showcasing his deep brown eyes. You moved your gaze to Mr. Kawasaki’s confused gaze then back to the boy’s eyes, back and forth. “Um, I’ll pay for you,” you ease, smiling at the dazed boy. When you stared at his eyes, despite it being the first time, you felt a recollection of a memory. You felt a comfort near him. You knew him. At least, you felt like you did. Shaking off this nostlogia you lower your book bag from your back, and begin removing your Hamilton themed wallet despite the protest of Mr. Kawasaki. As you requested the price the guy owed and began counting up your cash. Denji stared silently: admiring you.

He watched as you paid for Power’s snack. While out with that vile fiend he got paired with, she ran off and ended up ordering food she wasn’t planning on paying for, before ditching him with her tab. Denji could have just left at this point, you seemed to have it under control; he liked that. You were calm, a little awkward but cute overall. It was mostly the school uniform you wore he found cute, maybe it was your squiggly smile, or just the fact that you were a nice girl. For a minute the world seemed to quiet down for you two; the booming crowd and mean man disappeared also, it was just you and him, the setting sun in the background, unforgettable. You spoke animatedly while placing your cash onto the wooden counter, lightly laughing at whatever the old guy said. Denji couldn’t really hear a thing, he only awkwardly stood in place. 

The crowd drew back in and the pressure of the wind blew through his hair. Denji recognized this feeling in his heart, this heat in his mind, this haze behind his eye, and hell was he pissed! Was this…love? Was he yet again blessed to meet another girl, a possible girlfriend? He unconsciously grabs his chest, feeling for his chainsaw cord, for comfort. Godammit, he shouldn’t be falling in love with every girl he meets! His mouth quivered as his thoughts continued. But you’re such a cute and nice girl. You’re paying for Powers, but to your knowledge, his food even though he’s just a mere stranger. Hell, Denji knows he wouldn’t have. Before he knew it the older man was gone, and you turned to him, beginning to place your book bag back on. While doing so a few pencils, pens, and sticky notes begin to fall out from the pocket you forgot to zip. You mutter a curse as you squat down to grab them all. 

Denji yet again didn’t say anything, why was he still here anyway?! He had to do something or else he’ll look like a total dork. You place all your supplies back into your front pocket and zip it up before placing your bag on your back yet again. “Sorry ‘bout that!” Your lips quirk up for a second, giving him a smile. Denji stuttered, moving his gaze to the ground, while staring at the ground awkwardly his eyes picked up a black market on the ground; you must have forgotten it. Abruptly, he crouches and grabs the market, pushing it into your open hands. “YOU FORGOT THIS ONE!” He wailed. 

Okay, this guy is weird, you thought. However, he had this familiar boyish charm that lightened your heart. You smile, biting the inside of your cheek. You grip the marker from his sweaty palm, placing it on your ear. “Thanks. So what happened?“ You ask, motioning to the food stand. “Uhhhhhh,” Denji rubbed  his already messy hair, "my friend left me to pay…” he explains, his voice so tiny he’s surprised you heard his response. You pout, shifting your weight. “Aww that sucks, they must be, uh, quite the friend.” You try not to say anything to mean since you both are strangers but, in your opinion, that was a horrible friend, but again you didn’t want to sound rude. He unsurely nods. “Yeah she is quite the friend?” He repeats, watching you. In his head he was thinking: what does ‘quite’ mean? Does it mean rude, stupid, loud friend? If so, that is exactly what Power would be to him.

Standing in front of him, that weird sense of nostalgia still wouldn’t go away. A river flow of clouded memories drowned your head. As Denji stared into space you pointed a finger at him. “Didn’t we go to kindergarten together?” you ask. Denji opens and closes his mouth, tilting his head. “No, I never went to school,” he replies, honestly. Instantly he felt like he damned himself. Did he know you? He didn’t recognize you one bit! His childhood was mostly a repeated day on loop so most things he didn’t remember anyway. However, he couldn’t place you in any memories, how would someone like you have ever gotten involved in his life anyway. Plus, no way he forgot meeting a girl as cute as you! Though, no matter how much he poked his brain nothing came!

“That’s so strange,” you mutter before becoming a stuttering bomn, “n-not you not going to school, which is sorta strange but its just that I feel like I’ve met you before.” Denji wasn’t sure if this was your flirting with him, he was overall just confused. He shakes his head and erratically gives you his hand to shake. “Well I’m Denji!” You thought that it was possible you both had met but logically, you didn’t recognize his name one bit. You look back into his face, observing his boyish features. 

When you look at him, he looks so recognizable; such a harsh sense of remembrance, but you aren’t sure when these sudden memories took place anyway. You grab his hand, shaking it. "I’m _____ _____. Nice to meet you, Denji-kun.” Denji’s mind goes blank as you unhurriedly shake his hand. Denji for one wondered if ‘kun’ was a nickname thing. It sounded cute and all. "Nice meeting ya too _____-kun!” Denji gleams, still holding your hand. “That must mean we’re meant to meet then right?” he observes. “To make the memories you have real right? I’m not very smart but that sounds reasonable!"  You were stunned for a second. Firstly, he used the male honorific for you? Though, you couldn’t help but smile at his cute words. Very boyish indeed.

The clouds in the sky were all spread out now. It looks like different shades of orange, pink and a little turquoise blue cotton candy under an intense light of the setting sun. It’s like a scene from those cliché romance movies. It’s also like a memory you have in your head, one where you’re with him; it was getting late. You really should get home for curfew and to study a bit more. You  leisurely remove your hand from his, smiling down at it. "Yeah, I’d also like for them to eventually come true.” You stare back up, earnestly into his young, hopeful eyes. “I’m glad I met you today, Denji-kun.“ He nodded, rubbing the hand you held with his other hand. "M-Me too _____-kun.” Denji doesn’t know what in the hell he meant by those words before, but it felt truthful and nice, just like your smile.

That day, that odd familiar guy you met at the food stand walked back home in the dispersing sun, staring at your phone number scribbled in black marker on his pale, sweaty palm.

Thank you for reading.

Please do not repost my work without permission. Contact me for translation or asmr request.

© All rights reserved - @underscar
