#derry girls



Great news!!!!


If you like Turning Red watch Derry Girls and if you like Derry Girls watch Turning Red

Which of the turning red squad is which Derry Girl?


this was gonna b a longer comic but I don’t think I’ll finish it so here’s some out of context girls!!


What I do find HILARIOUS in retrospect about Sister Michael’s full name being revealed to be “Sister George Michael”, apart from the, you know, obvious George Michael reference - 

is that it could potentially make sort of sense? Catholicism wise?

I mean, I have no clue if this was actually intentional, but she could have chosen her religious name in regards to Saint George, famous for slaying a dragon, and Michael the Archangel, who literally chased down Satan into hell, and doing so,  DOUBLING down on the drayon-slaying badass bitch vibe.

<Trylogia alert!>
This would make her the female version of Colonel JERZY MICHAŁ Wołodyjowski :D :D :D 


Is anyone putting this season of Derry Girls on a google drive this time?
