#deryn sharp

A work in progress. Deryn/Dylan playing a Darwinist stylized guitar, Bovril on vocals and or course

A work in progress. 
Deryn/Dylan playing a Darwinist stylized guitar, Bovril on vocals and or course Alek has been taught in the refine ways of the piano. 
I plan to make the guitar more fabricated looking and the piano more steampunk. 

LeviathanTrilogy©Scott Westerfeld

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Something I’ve been working on. Still a W.I.P but I wanted to upload it anyways. Alek and Deryn deal

Something I’ve been working on. Still a W.I.P but I wanted to upload it anyways. Alek and Deryn dealing with their personal conundrums.

Leviathan Trilogy © Scott Westerfeld

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two people kissing, while a man stands behind them holding a balloon, smiling uncomfortablyALT

i feel like this whenever i like one of my mutuals posts where they’re flirting with each other

you get one (1) piece of fanart and its for hecking vampires congrats lovelies.
