

Leukogender: A gender that shines brightly and luminously.
The prefix is from the Greek “leuko-” meaning “white, bright”

Term coined by: [Deactivated]


[image description: a grey flag. four concentric circles are centered on the flag. from outermost to innermost they are: white, yellow, light yellow, very light yellow]

Full size[Here]


[image description: a flag with five stripes. from top to bottom they are: black, dark grey, grey, dark grey, black. the same concentric circles are centered on the flag]

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Designed by:Pridearchive

Color meanings: The individual colours don’t have any specific meaning.  Rather the whole design is meant to mimic the shining aspect of leukogender.  The three Yellow and one White circle represent a shining light through the “darkness” that is the Grey background.

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!

Liberique or Libergender: A gender that brings with itself the conviction and/or the ability to express it, despite the external pressure to not to do so.

Latin: “free”; related to “liberation”, “liberty”, “liberate”

Not to be confused with Libragender.

Term coined by: Unknown


[image description: a flag with seven stripes. from top to bottom they are: yellow, light yellow, very light yellow, white, very light yellow, light yellow, yellow. white wings with a grey outline are centered on the flag]

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Designed by: Me

Color meanings: I see yellow as a color for freedom and expression, as well as the white wings.

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!

Lichtgender: A gender represented by, or that one describes as a big ball of light.

Term coined by: Unknown


[image description: a flag with four stripes. from top to bottom they are: very light yellow, light yellow, yellow, dark yellow. a white circle is overlaid on the flag]

Full size [Here]

Designed by:@chimericalhills

Color meanings: Colors chosen to visually represent the “ball of light”.

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!

Orbgender:A gender which feels round, without any edges.

Term coined by: Unknown


[image description: a flag with three stripes. from top to bottom they are: yellow, orange, red. a white circle is overlaid on the flag]

Full size [Here]


[image description: a flag with five stripes. from top to bottom they are: yellow, light orange, orange, dark orange, red. a white circle is overlaid on the flag]

Full size [Here]

Designed by: Anonymous

Color meanings:Unknown

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!

Lovegender:A gender defined by love for other trans people who are treated badly, and a love for your own gender as well. A strong feeling of warmth and pride for yourself and for the community.

Term coined by:@pastelmemer


[image description: a flag with three stripes. from top to bottom they are: bright pink, light pink, pink. a light red heart is centered on the flag]

Full size [Here]

Designed by@chimericalhills

Color meanings: Pinks and reds are colors associated with love.

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!

Venngender: When two genders overlap with each other, creating a whole new gender; in relation to a venn diagram. 

Term coined by: Unknown


[image description: a flag with three stripes. from top to bottom they are: dark grey, grey, dark grey. two overlapping circles are centered on the flag. through the circles, a five-striped flag is visible. in the left circle, the stripes are white, pink, yellow, blue, white. in the right, they are black, blue, pink, yellow, black. where the circles overlap, the colors combine to be grey, purple, orange, green, grey]

Full size [Here]

Designed by: Me

Color meanings: Venn diagram, the colors are taken from the polygender design.

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!

Veritagender: A gender that feels more strong and clear when you’re true to yourself. 

Term coined by:@autistic-italy 


[image description: a flag with five stripes. from top to bottom they are: dark green, green, blue, green, dark green. an orange stylized eye is centered on the flag]

Full size [Here]

Designed by:@autistic-italy

Color meanings:Unknown

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!

Aptugender: A gender that is fitted just for you, connected, and very secure in yourself. You may not know what this gender is, but it Is very strong and prepared. 

This term is based on the latin term aptus, which means fitted, connected, fastened and prepared.

Term coined by: Unknown


[image description: a flag with nine stripes. from top to bottom they are: green, dark green, very dark green, dark blue, black, dark blue, very dark purple, dark purple, purple]

Full size [Here]

Designed by:kaktusyolo13 and me

Color meanings:Unknown

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!

Turbogender:A gender that you have tried to figure out but is too confusing and tangled.

Term coined by: [Deactivated]


[image description: a flag with three stripes. from top to bottom they are: light blue, light grey, light pink. thin white lines separate the stripes. two thin black lines are centered on the grey stripe]

Full size [Here]

Designed by: [Deactivated]

Color meanings: 



Grey: Nonbinary, Agender, and people who don’t wish to label themselves.

Two Black Lines: The ‘tangled’ or difficult to follow gender.

White Spaces: The ‘cracks’ in between different genders; the confusing places turbogender people often find their gender in.

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!

Gravigender:An intense / strong gender identity. (grav- heavy)

Term coined by: Unknown


[image description: a flag with five stripes. the top is purple, and each gets increasingly darker until the bottom, which is dark. three green stars are overlaid on the flag. the outer stars are smaller and higher up than the center star]

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[image description: a flag with seven stripes. from top to bottom they are: very dark green, dark green, green, light green, green, dark green, very dark green. a purple star with a thick black outline is centered on the flag]

Full size [Here]

Designed by:kaktusyolo13

Color meanings:Unknown

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!

Inturgender:A core gender which feels soft, quiet, or subdued. May experience feelings of another gender or genders overlaying it. The name comes from the latin word “inturbidus”, meaning “undisturbed, quiet.

Term coined by: Anonymous


[image description: a flag with seven stripes. the center stripe is much wider than the others. from top to bottom they are: orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, dark blue, purple]

Full size [Here]

Designed by:@pride-flags-for-us

Color meanings: The big cyan part in the middle represents the core gender, with the colors around it being the other possible genders. The colors are softer to represent the soft nature of this gender.

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!

Romantogender: A gender that only exists when one is in a romantic relationship.

Term coined by:@pride-for-everyone


[image description: a flag with six vertical stripes. from left to right they are: white, light purple, purple, pink, light pink, white. a red heart is centered on the flag]

Full size [Here]

Designed by:@pride-for-everyone

Color meanings: The heart represents the relationship and the colors are the romantic feelings. The fading of the colors represents the gender fading away when not in the relationship.

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!

Precique or Preciogender: Could be referenced to having a gender identity that once considers valuable or has particular fondness, or having a conviction that ones gender is unique, precious, and valuable to ones self and/or the world at large. 

Precios - Old French: ”precious, costly, honorable, of great worth”. 

Term coined by: Unknown


[image description: a flag with five stripes. from top to bottom they are: light orange, orange, dark orange, orange, light orange. five diagonal stripes are slightly to the right of the center. the colors are slightly lighter in the stripes, making the flag look almost metallic]

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Designed by: Me

Color meanings: Gold is seen as the most precious metal.

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!

Videogender: Related to kingender, Videogender is a gender that feels too robotic/technological to be classified by human standards.

Term coined by: [Deactivated]


[image description: a flag with seven stripes. the bottom stripe is half as wide as one of the others. from top to bottom they are: blue, red, pink, green, light blue, yellow, black. three small rectangles of color are on the left side of the bottom stripe. from left to right they are: blue, white, purple]

Full size [Here]

Designed by: [Deactivated]

Color meanings: TV test screen.

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!
