

Desperate Revival


Getting into new roles was something Kang Joon, as an aspiring actor, always loved to do. Therefore occassions like Halloween, where he was allowed to go all out and let his creativity take over, were usually welcomed by him with open arms. There was a vast of ideas lurking in the back of his mind and even when it was hard to decide on just one costume, he enjoyed spending time on it. It was exciting to imagine himself in all those costumes, but sadly he was just able to wear one and after a lot of contemplating, he picked this costume before the black overall that was supposed to be part of a group costume for an Among Us party. Sadly he had failed to ask others to join him due to his busy schedule, which was why he went with the other option instead.

In his eyes, he looked pretty fancy in the dark blue get up, that hid an armour underneath. A sword hanging by his side, a cape around his shoulders and a helmet on his head finished off the final look for Black Knight Shinichi Kudo. For the third year in a row, he was again going for a costume that would hide his face, but he couldn’t help but find them all hella cool.

After hanging around his DE:CODE members for a little while, he decided to go ahead and look for his friends among the other idols. This Halloween Party was one of the few times where he got to see them all during their schedules and he was hoping to find them wearing some fancy costumes themselves. The more surprising it was to him, when he spotted one of his female friends from afar who was dressed in a white flowy dress with pinkish highlights here and there, a crown and a veil on top of her head. He then proceeded to look down on himself, blinking in fascination as he realized how they were wearing matching costumes without prior agreement.

When he approached her from behind to surprise her and ask her about the amusing coincidence, he saw her struggling with her dress combined with high heels and moments later stumbling forward. Without hesitation, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, making sure she wouldn’t hurt (and embarrass) herself. For a moment he looked at her through the mask, an idea slowly blossoming inside his head, before he asked with a coy voice: “Are you alright, princess?”

Luda had expected to fall, so when the impact of meeting the ground less than elegantly didn’t come, and instead she was pulled back, one might say she was surprised. At first, she didn’t manage more than to murmur a simple “thank you,” before her brain really managed to process what happened and the person standing in front of her. And what he was wearing.

Their matching costumes may have gone unnoticed by many, anyone who didn’t know or remember the episode, but Luda would recognise the knight’s costume anywhere.

“Sorry, thank you very much, mysterious, cloaked knight” she corrected  herself. It was more of a spur of the moment decision to go along with something that would suit her role, rather than to simply say thank you and admittedly a bit unusual for her, but why dress up for Halloween, if she wasn’t going to go along with her role?

Plus, for some reason, he seemed familiar, though she couldn’t quite tell who he was just yet.

The anime around the young detective, shrunk back to his childhood self, still solving mysteries one way or another was one that Luda has loved since she was young. Growing up watching it, she was still hooked and she still hoped for Shinichi to get back to his 17 year old self and, of course, get together with Ran.

Similarly, Ran was a character who’s always fascinated her, simply for how tough she was and her martial arts skills, she’d often wished to be a bit more like her. The Halloween party was the perfect way for her to slip into the role, though, especially as she still had the costume she bought some years back for a party she’d never managed to go to.

It was perfect, really. Next to their promotions, there wasn’t really enough energy left to search and buy anything new. And with the month passing by in a blur, she found herself at the party before she knew it, dressed up as princess Ran.

Of course, she stuck to the other heartz girls for the most time, finding that there were much too many people around her to really feel relaxed, plus all the media made her careful to be on her best behaviour and that was easiest done, when she was simply not doing much of anything… except that that got a bit boring.

So, after a while, she set out to see if she could find anyone familiar, after all she knew a surprising amount of idols already. But come as it had to, the long dress and high heels weren’t something she was used to and Luda found herself stumbling forward, glad that she didn’t have a glass of water in her hand.

