#dessert dee dee


Actually felt like fiddling around with a doll project so I grabbed Dessert Dee Dee and started with her dress.

I outlined the panels and edges of the skirt with white fabric paint to give it some depth to the layers. I also painted over the sprinkles which were washed out in the print. The white cookies needed some definition, but I was stumped on how to go about it. Markers would bleed. Paint would be too thick and I do not have steady hands. So I went with a graphite pencil. Eh, it’s unconventional, but I got the result I wanted.

Sort of.

Close ups of her shoes. Look! There’s sprinkles on the soles! Cute.

And now I am stuck deciding what colors to paint her shoes.

I think I’m leaning towards the last option which has green and purple. It’ll break up the pink and pulls the green and purple streak of her hair down. Maybe purple frill instead of white?

Dessert Dee Dee, Series 6

I bought Dessert Dee Dee from Hairdorables Series 6 (not to be confused with Dee DeeSert) for my birthday awhile ago. She’s finally here and now my Dee Dee army is complete! And hopefully it stays that way. I know it’s awful to say, but I wouldn’t mind if this was the end of the Hairdorables line simply because I no longer wish to chase after these little plastic morsels. It can get pricey.

Anyway, photos.

She’s pretty plain and simple. Her shoes are cute though and have some nice molded details. A little excited to paint them up!

Her dress has these three panels on the front and it looks a little odd. The print appears to be those circus frosted cookies:

Would have been cute if her headband had little animal cookie shapes instead of a tiara. Speaking of which…

Her artwork has two heart shaped cookies. I checked around on-line to see if this was an error or variant but there’s very little of Series 6 to be found. Not even the Hairdorables website has them up. I did notice that on their Instagram she has a green tiara instead.

The gimmick in this line is thermal sensitive hair and cheek markings.

Cold temperatures make that streak go from pink to purple and some heart shaped cookies appear on her left cheek. The hair does stay purple even in room temperature, but the cheek marking quickly disappears. Wish there was a way to make it permanent.

And so this brings the total of Dee Dees up to fourteen! Sixteen if you include the Hairmazing versions.

Still need to fix up Dee Dee from the masquerade Series 5 line, but I’m still not much in a doll mood.
