#destiel is real


What if the thing Cas “could never have” was specifically to spend forever with and loving Dean? Objectively, his life as an angel is basically immortal - therefore, his true version of forever could never happen. But through this sacrifice, he can spend the rest of his life with Dean - and even more so, a Dean who knows he is so very loved - even if the rest of his life is only a few moments. Therefore, he got his greatest happiness.

Moreover, this implies that Cas knows it is not impossible for Dean to love him back - as the line in question may led us to believe. He knows that Dean versus his own insecurities and self-hatred is the barrier to their relationship. By breaking down that wall, Cas leaves the door open for their relationship should he escape the Empty.

Fingerscrossed. Been shipping this for 11 years, I’ll hold out hope for two more episodes.
