

The hellers keep trying to desperately insist there is LITERALLY NO OTHER WAY to interpret that scene. So it bursts their delusional bubble every time anyone says they see it as even potentiallymeaning anything else and take it as an attack and excuse to start wailing about hOmOPHobiA!!! 

Jim is reportedly saying [X] essentially the same thing Jared and Jensen said at Denvercon.  What Jensen reportedly said in that earlier M&G.  What Castiel’s Spanish voice actor said when he was asked about the scene.   It’s not inherently romantic.

Not only is it an issue that they refuse to accept it?  Even they have to realize on some level it looks increasingly dubious when the only one willing to go along with their pushing an exclusive interpretation is Queerbait McGrifter who has merch to sell them.  


A Destiel romance is when you don’t really like each other that much and their soulmate is literally someone else, to the point that it’s embarrassingly obvious, but you have low self esteem so you convince yourself and the Internet that this is actually the greatest love story.
