

She offers you her hand, will you accept?

#pacman    #audreyii    #destwuction    #rachiesratirementhome    #adminjae    

Froggy that can’t be good for your spine.


Froggy has a lot of disfunction in her sacro-iliac joints (lower spine/sacrum), and so do I, that is why Froggy and I are friends.

Also Destwuction recently enjoyed wildie cuddles from AudreyII so this is sad to hear. Thoughts and prayers AudreyII.

#froggy    #destwuction    #audreyii    #audreyii    #adminjae    #rachiesratirementhome    

I drape my tail over my friend, Destwuction, to help her sleep.

My tail is pretty skinny, I know, but wildies and domestic rats communicate in very different ways, so I’m doing my best to show her I love her.

#audreyii    #audreyii    #destwuction    #rattusrattus    #adminjae    