#devious maids


It’s about that time where we bring the quick hits happening around the TV world that you might have missed but absolutely, positively must know about:

-White Collar is entering its final season with a quick 6 episode wrap-up. I am glad that they were able to do this because that last season finale was not the way to end things being all cliff-hangery as it was. The teaser trailer for it just dropped. It is what it is. A teaser.

- One of my favourite shows is picking up right where it left off with a season premiere that got all the ratings. The next episode of NCIS promos are out now and they look all NCIS-y which makes me happy. Please do not go anywhere please Mark Harmon.

Marvel has just announced the most perfect castings for one of their upcoming and highly anticipated Netflix shows – Daredevil. Taking on the mantle of Matt Murdock‘s mentor – Stick, is Scott Glenn. This is one of the most crucial roles in the series and I am happy that they have cast it so well.

-Supernatural is back October 7. I have been with this show since Day One and it never ceases to amaze me how a show that shouldn’t have lasted more than a few episodes is just about to enter its tenth season. The new trailer for the season premiere make me happy that we are marching along with the Winchesters literally taking on anyone – even themselves now. The fact the CW has kept this going almost makes up for them cancelling Angel … almost.

- Showtime’s Ray Donovanended its second season very well on the ratings side of things finishing 40% better than the Season One finale. It really seemed to embrace what makes it tick and run with it. I am a few episodes behind and can’t wait to finish it off.

- Guilty pleasure Devious Maidshas been renewed for a third season. Either this is really good news for you or you have no idea what I am talking about. Carry on.

- the never-ending, can’t seem to escape juggernaut that is Disney’s Frozen is bringing its magic to ABC’s Once Upon A Time. My mom can’t get enough of this show and with this additional storyline, so do a lot of people as the ratings for the season premiere have come in and they are huge.

That’s all for now. See you on the flipside.

Original Article http://bit.ly/YIhkg2
