

New Linux user be like …

Did you know?

The first line in your shell/python/perl script “#!/bin/sh” or “#!/usr/bin/evn python” is called Shebang, & it is used to tell the Linux/Unix OS which interpreter to use to parse the rest of the file. You can override interpreter at the CLI:

bash foo.ksh

Run the script as python3 instead of default python3

shabang"python3 old-script.py

SeeShebang bash Linux shell scripting page for more info.

Programming Interview.


How to install Go [golang] on Ubuntu Linux

Go is a compiled, statically typed programming language developed by Google. Here is how to install Go lang on Ubuntu Linux server or workstation and write your first “Hello world” app in it

SeeHow to install Go [golang] on Ubuntu Linux

bri'ish init
