

Cu will use any opportunity to steal a kiss from Diarmuid which of course means that any time Dia is the one to kiss him first he is just

Cu Chulainn would purposefully let himself get kidnapped/held hostage just so he could watch Diarmuid bust in and kill dudes for him even if it meant getting chewed out for being an idiot and reckless in the process. Romance is flirting with your lover while tied to a chair after he beheaded like 5 guys who were “guarding” you

It’s pretty amusing that in my DiarCu ships the one who’s into horticulture and shit like that changes between the Lancer and CasSaber dynamics. In the Lancers it’s Diarmuid but in the CasSaber ship it’s Cu Chulainn and this is entirely based on what I first wrote for them in my docs

Lancermuid owns the flower shop Cu helps out in the Emiya-san verse but in my Fantasy AU, CasCu works as a druidic apothecary, growing and selling his plants for medicinal (and sometimes murderous) purposes

dailycu: i’ll be honest i have no fucking clue whats going on in saber diar’s design at all


i’ll be honest i have no fucking clue whats going on in saber diar’s design at all

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