#dick expansion


Growth Snaps #202

I’m officially debuting MilfUp full time! And to do this, I will now be starting #hotmomweekend!!! Let’s kick things off with a caption!!! Hope you all enjoy!

Growth Captions #30

“Jeffery! What are you doing here?! You know Thomas isn’t here today. You’re here cause of me? Can I bend over again?! I mean…Thomas isn’t here…and you wouldn’t tell a soul, right? You brought PenisMax? I mean I know I have a phat ass but do you need that much of a boost? Well…I guess I just can’t say no to a young stallion such as yourself…can I?”

(Snapchat me @ expansion_g for more!!!)

Your ASStastic Step Sister

Just a little gift from my Patreon! Make sure to join to check out the other MANY captions I have up! New one on Monday!


Kristi’s new boobs were barely a few hours big and she was already acting differently. She had asked for this months ago and after working overtime and saving you were able to afford it. Now instead she was bossing you around, making you clean the house and finish dinner. Her mom and sister’s were coming over in a few hours. All that was on her mind was showing off her new boobs and making her sister feel inadequate. 

Well, there was no room in this house for that behavior. You do love Kristi with all your heart, but you couldn’t stand by and let her do that. Her sister is very sweet and didn’t deserve it. Luckily you had a little secret, courtesy of Nurse Katie from the Clinic.


While they had Kristi in the back to enlarge her breasts Nurse Katie brought you a small cookie box. She explained that each one was infused with the growth rays energy. She wanted to give them out for free for at home testing. She also told you that a few were made for male’s specifically. 

You waited until Kristi left to change into her stripped tank top. When she walked back in the room and saw you, pants down and one of nurse Katie’s cookies in your hand. “What are you doing?” she asked.

You looked her square in the eye and took a bite. Seconds later your penis hardened to full mast and, to both of your surprise, began to grow larger. It only took a few seconds for your average sized bait and tackle to grow big enough to reach your chin. Katie’s cookies were much stronger than you thought, that was just one bite! 

Kristi was speechless. You knew that she had a thing for giant dicks and now there was a two footer in the flesh. She must have also been horrified because her family were on their way right now.

“What the fuck…” She didn’t even know what to say.

“If you’re going to be a jerk to your family because of your bigger tits then I’m going to teach you a lesson by having a huge dick!” Oh god, that didn’t make any sense even to you.

“Your plan makes no sense! How would making your dick huge teach me a lesson?”

She did have a point, you were thinking more with your dick than you head before taking that cookie bite. 

“Um, because. If one bite of this cookie made me this big what would happen if I took another? You wouldn’t want your families Christmas ruined by a huge cock would you?” Smooth. You held the cookie up to your mouth, about to take another bite.

“Wait don’t! I promise to be nice tonight, just don’t make it any bigger!” she pleaded. You lowered the cookie from your mouth. “I’m sorry that I was being mean. Do you forgive me?”

“Of course I do” you said. You looked down at your massive cock, standing tall and proud. “What are we going to do about this?”

“If my family weren’t coming over I’d say take another bite, see how big it can get.” She smiled and stepped closer. “But for now I have an idea.”

It took Kristi only a few long strokes before you blew your massive load all over her big tits. You’re pretty sure your brain shut down completely as you blasted her repeatedly with ropes and ropes of cum. 


After coating Kristi with at least a pint of semen your overgrown penis deflated to a size that was actually concealable in some loose fitting slacks. Naturally she had to go shower and change once more. She found you in the kitchen wearing her nice red dress. 

“My boobs feel funny.” She said. 

You looked over and couldn’t believe your eyes. Kristi’s boobs were growing again! For the second time in one day your girlfriend’s tits were getting bigger. It was then that the doorbell rang…


I really like this one!

“You like? I told you it would get bigger, the longer i go without cumming the bigger it gets.

“You like? I told you it would get bigger, the longer i go without cumming the bigger it gets.”

“How long? Oh it was terrible, I haven’t cum in like… 32 hours at least.”

“What do you mean that’s not that long, I have to cum at least 4 times a day to keep this thing small enough to hide. How long did you think I was gonna wait?”

“A whole week!? …. I don’t know if I can last that long, and… and it will get sooo big…”

Post link

Since tumblr is, yup, figured I’d throw up a post here just as text for now. Enjoy and please:

remember to follow me on Twitter today! https://twitter.com/MorphExpansions

Drew moaned, and thrusted his hips over and over into Emily’s face. She gagged but kept her balance, she was always an incredible cock sucker. Her tits bounced back and forth, her D cups making loud slapping noises against each other. Emily was always able to get Drew’s full eight inches down, but it always pushed her to the limit. Drew started sliding in and out of her mouth slower, with more force each time. His heavy balls drawing up getting ready to cum.

Drew humped forward one last time, pushing all eight inches into her waiting mouth. He groaned. His cock throbbed as spurts of cum shot down Emily’s throat. He groaned as rope after rope let go, until he was finally dry. Emily, being the good girl, she was, made sure to suck up every drop, dripping from a full cock filling her throat. Something felt different as Drew began to slide out, but she was too busy being crossed-eyed and feeling herself to cum.

Drew grumbled as he worked his way to the other end of the bed. Emily was completely out of it, gasping from how hot today felt. “I don’t know what it is with you today babe, but I’m ready for round two.” he grunted above her, as he pulled her dripping pussy against the tip of his cock. He never could let his eyes off her fat tits, so he didn’t even bother to look down at what was different about his cock.

Drew was still fine, same size as he was right before he came, all happy eight inches. But here’s the thing: he wasn’t hard. Emily noticed though as his tip kept pressing harder against her dripping slit; she failed to say anything in shock.

She hesitated.

Drew let his upper body fall towards the bed, his two arms pinning Emily down. In the same smooth motion, he drove all eight of his thick inches in. He bottomed out, as usual, but Emily could always take him all. She always loved feeling that full. Emily gasped, her impossible thought was true. he was barely hard enough to pull it off and he was pretty much soft. At his full size.

“I’m, fucking swelling?!” Drew shouted in joy, continuing to pump harder into her. Each pump, more of him couldn’t fit in. Emily was screaming at this point, her pussy stretching to its full limits. Moments later he slid out a full sixteen-inch cock, they both looked up realizing his now doubled size.

“Holy fuck you’re such a stud ba” Emily stopped in shock. Her voice was a few tones lower. “What the fuuuuuuuu” she moaned, each moment dropping tone, after tone. She wrapped her lengthening legs, and thickening thighs around Drew. Her torso kept growing longer, needing to make room for how her breasts were jumping cup after cup each time she shook.

Drew realized how small the room was quickly, as she finally rested towards the high ceiling, her five-foot body now ten feet towering. Her breasts were a relative P cup, pushing against the other walls of the room.

Drew got back to banging away, as milk started to leak from Emily’s heavy nipples.

Remember to follow me on Twitter today! https://twitter.com/MorphExpansions
