#dickhead deku


Miss me? I know it. That’s why I had to pop in and mention Dickhead!Deku

18+ NSFW Content| MDNI

Dickhead!Deku loves you. There’s no doubt about it. He may be mean and condescending in the bedroom. Pushing three fingers to the back of your throat, making you gag and choke while you grasp at his wrist. Chucking darkly, with sparkles in his emerald orbs and a feral grin plastered on his face, as he gazes upon your trembling figure. Struggling to accommodate him, as always, but still greedily swallowing his swollen cock with your drooling cunt. He loves this position—sitting against the headboard with one hand on your waist as you ride him. It allows him to see all the stupid little faces and hear all the silly little sounds you attempt to make when you’re stuffed full of his fingers and fat dick. Oh god—you’d swear he hates your guts by the way he’s mixing them. Burrowing deeper into your womb whenever he rolls his hips in time with yours. Licking up the sweat beading on your soft, smooth, skin and nipping at the place where your neck and shoulders meet. He knows how sensitive you are there. “Why you makin’ all of them noises, pup? Gonna wake my son”.  He knows that you love it whenever he refers to your son as his own. It makes your heart flutter and pussy tighten. But that’s just an added bonus. He really does love the little guy. The two of you are his family. He’d move mountains for you, and you know this. That’s why you never take offense when he snatches his fingers out of your mouth and smears your saliva across your face. Or when his grip tightens, fingers imprinting crescent moons on the flesh of your hip and thigh while he bounces you on his length. Please don’t get mad when he leans forward to catch a nipple in his mouth and bite down so hard it feels like he might’ve broken skin. Cause even if he did – his tongue is swirling around the bud, soothing the sting with the warmth of his mouth. Don’t hold it against him if he starts to overstim you. He’s made you cum so many times already that there’s just no way for him to keep track. Plus, your pussy is just so good. So tight and wet. The only thought in his mind is warm and soft. Nothing else is going on upstairs so he doesn’t even hear it when you tell him to slow down. He’s chasing his own nut at this point and when the faint sound of your mumbled pleas finally registers in his ears, he thinks you’re begging for more. And Deku just loves you so much that he’ll give you more. “There you go, baby. Take all that dick” is grunted in your ear. A desperate choked sound riddled with pleasure. Your whole body is shaking. He can feel the vibrations of your moans on his lips because they’re pressed to your throat. Peppering your flesh with soft kisses. He always kisses you so soft. Like a delicate flower. But he fucks you so hard. Making your body loose and you just fall against him. All dopey and dumb—lacking the basic brain function to even hold yourself up. That’s okay, he’s got you. Just another minute now and he’s – “cumming!”. Knocked over the edge by the vice grip of your velvety walls. Pumping ropes of sticky white spunk into your sobbing core. “S’good. S'good. S’good” He’s whimpering and breathing hard because he might’ve overstimmed himself on accident. How could he not? Pussy’s too good to pull out.

Hey Y'all : @yo-nn,@xogabbiexo,@bookwormsenpai,@7inaa,@plussizeficchick,@blkchxrryblyss,@38riku,@rinhoes,@not-your-damsel,@erenyeagerswhore,@tsukihime25,@hhawkz,@nasty-quillz,@nasty-quillz,@tenyaiidasslut
