#did this get way too emotional


2014 has been a big year for me. Seriously big.So I thought I would talk about it, explain why I haven’t been around these past 3 months, and get on to 2015 and all it’s splendour.

To be honest with you all, 2014 didn’t start off well for me at all. I was attempting to manage ever-worsening OCD whilst trying to get into university (a feat that would not have been possible without four kickass people at my school and one spectacular canadian).

This accompanied with the sudden surge of popularity that the blog received was all a bit much. I absolutely loved the comic strips and the shipping and the wonderful messages, but, at the time I didn’t really know how to respond to it all, so when I was suddenly thrown into an entirely new world at university, I had to take some time out for myself.

The past 3 months (ish) that I’ve been away from the blog (and a bunch of other crap in my life) were much needed. For the first time in years I’m not feeling like hell 24/7. I’ve gotten used to life at uni, made some brilliant friends - even talked about police brutality on lexcanroar’s channel (which was brilliant btw. I cannot thank Lex enough for offering her platform to us, and you all for the incredibly kind and supportive words). 

Most importantly though, I started to get control of my brain again, which I didn’t think would happen any time soon.

I’m sorry for not being around, and not explaining anything, but I’m crazy excited for 2015. If 2014 was a big year for ZoologyBro, 2015 can only be bigger. Thank you so much staying around whilst I tried to deal with my brain and stuff, even though you didn’t know it was happening.

Peace out chikas, see you next year (it’s gunna be a good one).

