#didnt realize i could cross a few off now



Some quick thought prompt inspo that maybe I’ll write one day but please feel free to steal. I’m just one tiny me with too many ideas (tw: alcohol and drugs):

  1. How could you not see that he’s tailored the way he loves to exactly how he wishes you’d let him love you? That you are the inspiration to the greatest he has to offer? [In the works]
  2. He told you when you were just kids that he’d love you forever. As he stands in your bedroom doorway looking at you as adults, you just now believe him.
  3. “I’m talking too much. You should just shut me up.”
  4. He sees you and the first thing he says is, “whoa.”
  5. You can’t get him to dance in the rain. He’s fine just getting soaked and watching you twirl and leap about.
  6. He knows he shouldn’t be flirting with you, but he can’t help it when all of his friends tease him for your obvious crush on him.
  7. You boldly ask the boy you’re always teasing on a date and sweep him off his feet with how surprisingly romantic you are.
  8. Eating an entire weed cake together, facetiming your other friend(s) while high as fuck, and then falling asleep in his bed.
  9. It’s a bad and ugly day. But you’re at his apartment without notice and he swears the sun breaks through the storm as soon as he opens the door you smile at him. You’re always there for him. How are you always there for him. And why.
  10. He knows you’re stubborn, even if he doesn’t understand it. He’s going to make you say it first.
  11. The first thing you say to him after he introduces himself to you is, “Go away,” and he swears he’s never fallen in love so fast in his life.
  12. He’s drinking to drown his feelings for you. Again. And you’ve come to pick up him from the bar. Again.
  13. He isn’t ready to admit that he likes you yet, so he blurts out that he likes your friend instead. And now he’s stuck pretending.
  14. He never knew he loved you until he notices when you’re out of reach.
  15. They realized they made a mistake by asking him if he liked you. He’s quickly losing the ability to speak around you. And now he can barely look at you. And oh god- he’s running away.
  16. Sleeping in a dog pile in his bed with all your friends is a regular occurrence after a night of partying. He rolls over, not realizing how close you are and accidentally grazes his lips against yours.
  17. It was just supposed to be a quick peck on the lips to deter a stranger from approaching you. He knew this, but when you ask him if your lipstick still looks okay, he can’t stop staring or form the words to answer.
  18. He asks you what your greatest fear is. You tell him that you’re scared that no one will ever want to marry you when they find out your credit score. He just stares at you like you’re stupid and tells you that he’ll marry you.
  19. He swears you collect simps like Pokemon. Right now there are 3 guys fighting over who gets to hold your hair while you puke into bucket from too much alcohol, and who gets to hold said bucket. Another is running around trying to find a clean cup and some water. And one more peeking from the doorway to check and see if you’re okay. Nobody tell him that he’s the biggest one though, when he tells them all that he has you handled from here.
  20. You were his first crush in elementary school. And now you’re his patient.
  21. Rolling at music festival and some song comes on about taking a risk on your best friend’s lips. He makes eye contact with you and you just go for it.
  22. He grabs your hand and just starts running. You’re not even sure why you’re running, but his hand feels nice around yours and it feels like you’re getting whisked off on some strange adventure.
  23. He works at the local adult toy store and tries really hard not to be a creep when you walk in.
  24. You can’t handle your shrooms and ask him to take you to the sea.
  25. You never said goodbye, because you knew he’d come back. He hates how right you are. He’d stop coming if you’d go with him.