#dietland needs a second season


Lemme start off by saying, I am so mad that this show was canceled. 

I have so many questions. At first I did get annoy that the show didn’t stick to the book, but I got over that when shit started hitting the fan. 

I love Plum. She made me mad at times. But, the feelings and thoughts were so relatable. My goodness. (Also, while I’m typing this, why is Chrome telling me the word “relatable” is misspelled?) 

Now I want to know what is going to happen with this feminist radical group Jennifer? What about the FBI bust? What’s going to happen to Plum? To Leeta?  Are Plum and Dominic going to hook up eventually? 

More importantly, if I’m not going to get a second season, am I going to get a sequel to the book at least? 

I need answers. 
