#digimon confessions

 I’d like to see a Digidestined who was born in the Digital World.

I’d like to see a Digidestined who was born in the Digital World.

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 Bastemon deserved better than to get to only one kill and mostly sit in the box. She needed more mo

Bastemon deserved better than to get to only one kill and mostly sit in the box. She needed more moments with Taiki. I would have loved for her to have been his main partner in Hunters, even.

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I didn’t like Daisuke much as a kid but he’s grown on me rewatching the series now.

I didn’t like Daisuke much as a kid but he’s grown on me rewatching the series now.

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I like the little character details that 2020 has been giving us so far. Since really I’m here

I like the little character details that 2020 has been giving us so far. Since really I’m here for the characters. I want character details and interactions.

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 In my opinion, Adventure is to Digimon what Generation 1 is to Transformers - I love it very much,

In my opinion, Adventure is to Digimon what Generation 1 is to Transformers - I love it very much, but I wish that the creators would remember that it’s not the only continuity that needs some attention.

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 I like that Mimi was the third one to unlock Perfect level in the 2020 anime. It changes up the ord

I like that Mimi was the third one to unlock Perfect level in the 2020 anime. It changes up the order that they got them to that level from the original.

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 I really want to see alternate evolution paths explored in the anime. Digimon aren’t pokemon

I really want to see alternate evolution paths explored in the anime. Digimon aren’t pokemon after all. One of the big differences is that they can de-evolve and then evolve into something different, but outside of Skullgreymon and armor evolution this isn’t played with nearly enough.

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 The only thing I dislike about the reboot so far is the lack of digivolution sequences. They were t

The only thing I dislike about the reboot so far is the lack of digivolution sequences. They were the best part of the original and I really don’t understand why they don’t seem to be doing them for anyone who isn’t Agumon or Gabumon.

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We have so many Taichis now it’s a blessing and a curse for me.

We have so many Taichis now it’s a blessing and a curse for me.

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Numemon is still missing in the reboot. I don’t care if it’s a snail or a slug it had a

Numemon is still missing in the reboot. I don’t care if it’s a snail or a slug it had a various appearances in the original, it would be a shame if they won’t place one for at least comic relief

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I’m just here to say that I want vademon’s shop to have at least a cameo in the new seri

I’m just here to say that I want vademon’s shop to have at least a cameo in the new series.

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 Gatomon is my favourite partner but what really bugs me is that the writers can never seem to decid

Gatomon is my favourite partner but what really bugs me is that the writers can never seem to decide on her mega level. 02 it was Magnadramon, PSP game it was Ophanimon, Trí it was Magnadramon again and at this rate they’ll probably swap to Ophanimon again in the reboot. I don’t mind which one just make up your mind!

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 Now that they’re updating Adventure, I wonder if they’ll update Adventure 02 or Tamers?

Now that they’re updating Adventure, I wonder if they’ll update Adventure 02 or Tamers?

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 I am waiting for December, so that I can play Digimon World on my PS5.

I am waiting for December, so that I can play Digimon World on my PS5.

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 I wish it didn’t feel like they forgot the non-Buddy appmon they collected were still there a

I wish it didn’t feel like they forgot the non-Buddy appmon they collected were still there a lot of the time. It could have lead to interesting combos of powerups. It felt sort of like how they just stopped using Digi-Modify cards in Tamers after a while after they started evolving into higher forms. Think of the potential in that!

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 I do hope we get to see SkullGreymon in the reboot. Only like, with more pathos involved if possibl

I do hope we get to see SkullGreymon in the reboot. Only like, with more pathos involved if possible.

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 “sees picture of Crescemon’s collectors cards” …. is it me or is she weari

“sees picture of Crescemon’s collectors cards” …. is it me or is she wearing tassels?

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 I hope there isn’t a big emphasis on shipping in Adventure 2020. The protags are fourth throu

I hope there isn’t a big emphasis on shipping in Adventure 2020. The protags are fourth through sixth graders for the most part, y'all. If they do explore that I hope they wait until they’re teens where that makes more sense.

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 In my opinion, out of all the Dark Masters Puppetmon was the most likely choice to make a Heel Face

In my opinion, out of all the Dark Masters Puppetmon was the most likely choice to make a Heel Face Turn, and it’s a shame it never happened.

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My wishlist of things I want to see in Digimon 2020 is rather small and probably unrealistic for a l

My wishlist of things I want to see in Digimon 2020 is rather small and probably unrealistic for a lot of them. I don’t want to get my hopes up too high, but seeing all the rarely and unused Digimon in this season, alone with some of the new cards, has gotten me excited that I may finally get to see Mistymon in the anime. He was one of my favorite cards in the original cardgame and my preference for Wizardmon’s Perfect/Ultimate, but I still meet fans who have no idea who I’m talking about.

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