#diluc being gentle and soft with his kids



before dawn / with iron and blood

word count: 7k

illustration source:Genshin Impact official webtoon

tags: Diluc Ragnvindr/reader, kidfic, graphic depictions of violence, hurt/comfort, angst

Diluc just wants to protect his children from the horrors of the world. Sometimes that’s not enough.

Read on ao3

Your daughter wails, letting out loud, hiccuping sobs that fill the manor. Diluc is up from his desk in an instant, nearly stumbling over a strewn toy horse left behind in his office in his haste to get to the both of you.

You sit on the sofa, cooing softly to your daughter, and it’s not until Diluc rounds the corner that he spots the first aid kit.

“Oh, mein Kleine,” Diluc sighs, kneeling beside you. “What happened?”

You lean over for a kiss, which Diluc obliges. Your smile tells him that it’s nothing to fret over, but it’s the protective instinct within him that makes his heart ache when he hears his children cry.

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