#din djarinyou





gif credit: @di-n

Summary: Din comes back from a hunt to find you in his bunk. 

Rating: Explicit — size kink like whoa

A/N: This is dedicated to @silksaddle who sent me the filthiest audio clip of this man followed by this gif. Thank you for being so inspiring ❤️


Maybe if you hadn’t been so deeply asleep you would have heard him.

Maybe if the kid hadn’t kept you up for the last three days, you would have been woken by the hum of the ramp, by the stomp of his boots as he climbed it, by the soft, heavy sound of a body being dragged behind him.

Maybe if you hadn’t grown tired of waiting for him, eventually crawling into his bunk to sleep, you would have been ready for him when he finally did come back.

Well, that’s not true. You were ready for him, his modulated voice echoing in your head as you got ready for bed that night, you had felt a shiver of anticipation down your spine at the memory.

“I don’t want you to wear anything but this when you sleep in my bed, okay?” 

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I was stoned when I read this and FUCK MEEEEEEE

Here is my reactions in real time

Thank you for your art, amen ❤

This is the best reblog ever — the ENERGY OF IT

I’m so happy you enjoyed ❤️
