#dino albani


Translation of the patrol story of Dino & Faith from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’, unlocked by letting them patrol together on the map.

Dino:Ah, Faith-kun. Already heading back?

Faith:Yeah. We’re done patrolling, aren’t we

Faith: Is there anything you need from me?

Dino:No, not like that.. It’s just that since we’re here that we should go eat something together

Faith …. I’ll have you know that I’m not in the mood for any pizza

Dino:Eh, it doesn’t have to be pizza! It’s not like the only thing I eat is pizza-

(Phone rings)

Faith:Ah, it’s mine

Faith:…Hello? Ah, yeah I’m on my way right now… Yeah, that’s fine. ‘Kay, see ya in a bit

Faith: Sorry, looks like something came up for me

Dino: ….I See. Then we’ll keep it for next t-

(Phone rings)

Faith: Yeah? …Ah, I was gonna head off right now… Eh? That I said I wouldn’t come today?



Faith: Aah, sorry. My superior at work called out to me, looks like I might not be able to make it today after all

Faith: Yep, it’s not like I can go against what he says. I mean, I’m a rookie and all…

Faith:Alright, until next time


Faith: And with that we can go grab a bite together

Dino:Eh? Eeeeh? What did you…?

Faith:….I really did want to go to the club right now though

Faith:Seems that the girls caught wind of the fact I’ll be going there, and they gathered at the club en masse

Faith:Which means that it’ll absolutely end up being a bloodbath when they spot me… I need to avoid the risk of being seen.

Dino: …. So this is what Junior meant when he told me how you have a bunch of “girlfriends”

Dino: I don’t think what you’re doing is very love and peace on your part though…

Faith:Everyone says that it’ll make them happy if I date them, so like, wouldn’t that make it love and peace or whatever?

Faith:Well, it’s what it is. C’mon, if we’re gonna eat then let’s go

Dino:Ah! Wait, Faith-kun…!

[January Commissions Batch!]from top left:OC Spencer Bennett & Dino Albani belongs to RandomHLM [January Commissions Batch!]from top left:OC Spencer Bennett & Dino Albani belongs to RandomHLM [January Commissions Batch!]from top left:OC Spencer Bennett & Dino Albani belongs to RandomHLM [January Commissions Batch!]from top left:OC Spencer Bennett & Dino Albani belongs to RandomHLM [January Commissions Batch!]from top left:OC Spencer Bennett & Dino Albani belongs to RandomHLM

[January Commissions Batch!]

from top left:

OC Spencer Bennett & Dino Albani belongs to RandomHLM on twitter.

MC & Angel!Lucifer belongs to MissStoria13 on twitter.

MC Kisa & Lucifer panel and comic belongs to KimetsuYou on twitter.

Thank you for commissioning~


x) February slots filled at the moment unless there’s some changes.

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