#dinosaur game



I 100% don’t have time to run it right now due to Other Commitments, but I’ve been kicking around the idea of a Fake RPG Jam

Like: just write a piece of supplementary material for a tabletop RPG that does not actually exist.

It can be a new playbook (class, archetype, etc.), a set of equipment options, a magic spell, a monster statblock, a writeup for an organisation, political faction, or geographic location that exists in the game’s setting, a notional system hack for playing in some alternative genre, whatever. The idea is to suggest the shape of the mechanics and lore of a nonexistent game by raising questions about what sort of game this material could possibly be for; the more perplexing those questions are, the better.

Only three rules:

a. It must include or interact with some sort of made-up game mechanics – no pure lore entries;

b. It may not be compatible with any existing, published game you are personally familiar with – the system it’s meant for must be entirely imaginary; and

c. Two hundred words minimum.

Egg Hunters - specialization (Hunter class, stage 3)

This class can be self-taught, or learned under apprenticeship. It is an uncommonclass.

For a variety of reasons, dinosaur eggs are often in demand. Egg Hunters specialize in seeking out and uncovering nests of a determined species. Those who destroy or collect eggs are colloquially known as “Oviraptors.”

Wildlife culls, research surveys or samples, rich collectors, and fancy restaurants - perhaps you chose to work in a particular field you feel passionate about. Or perhaps you simply take on the highest paying or most impressive-sounding jobs.

Digital drawing. A figure in snow gear is peeking into a cave entrance in a cliff wall, towards a nest of eggs inside. It is snowing, and the person wears goggles and a red scarf over their face.

Assignment examples

A team of researchers examining regional differences in a species may employ egg hunters to collect egg samples from nests in various different locations, or to take note of nest locations and size for population data collection.

Hunters may hire oviraptors to destroy large raptor nests, in order to keep the local predator population low and game population high.

Collectors and high-end restaurants will pay handsomely for rare or hard-to-acquire eggs.

Digital drawing. In the foreground, a pair of hands exchange a bag of gold coins for a red and gold egg, which is accepted by a second person. Behind a half-drawn curtain are shelves and tables.

Personal connections - decide on up two personal connections belonging to the following list. You don’t need to decide on the specific person or circumstance right away - that can be determined later during play as necessary.

-Game hunting guilds from any particular region

-The Wildlife federation

-A private dinosaur research lab, anywhere on the continent

-Black market


-Dinosaur hunters


Bonuses - In addition to all regular bonuses from the general Hunter class, you gain a bonus towards:

-Field knowledge: Tracking

-Field knowledge: Moving undetected

-Field knowledge: Dinosaurs

Chose two:

-Field knowledge: (specific region of your choice)

OR Biology: Dinosaurs

OR Charisma: Negotiation

Choose one:

-Culture: Academia

OR Culture: Underworld

OR Culture: Marauders

Digital drawing. A person in travel clothes including a vest and hat is parting large ferns to reveal a nest of spotted eggs on a pile of dried grass. The person holds a brown notebook.

Here is the trailer for our Triceratops playable update! You can get your hand on this game over at Steam. You can also join our Discordto talk to other community members and share in screenshots of your Hell Creek adventures!
