#dio rambles


TB Notes: Conflicting Dynamics

Fresh eyes looking over the latest chapter and realizing that right after it’s established Garnet and Beau do NOT get along, their second time working together is to talk a teenager down off a ledge. Which, goes well! And from anyone watching, it’s a fairly flawless negotiation.

But anyone listening in on their comms is probably sweating bullets.

Garnet is there in person, trying to talk this boy down while Beau is acting as his virtual research department at the boy’s apartment, getting information on how Garnet can relate to him. And Beau is being entirely technical and flat, if not a little bit of a smartass to Garnet who keeps making snarky remarks under his breath in the comms.

“I just came out for a smoke,” [Garnet]spoke around the cigarette between his lips, but didn’t move forward or to go back inside. Nathaniel stared at him, hands balled into fists at his sides.

“Aren’t the cops here?”

“Aren’t they always?” Garnet chuckled, “When you need a smoke, you need a smoke. I don’t give a fuck who’s got barriers where.”

|Lieutenant, that language isn’t appropriate for his age or the situation.|

They’re literally fighting behind the scenes

Because Garnet is NOT certified as a crisis officer, but he’s the only one there at the moment, and he does NOT do things by the book. Beau DOES do things by the book and he’s IRRITATED that Garnet seems so careless about what he’s doing. Beau has sociological protocols that are erroring out at the way Garnet is going about things, but Garnet’s way is actually speaking to this teenager and getting him to listen.

I almost cut it, but it’s actually a great early on point in showing how they do work really well together AND it’s a learning point for Beau that protocols aren’t always best. You can go off-script given the situation.

Plus, it’s both a hilarious and a heartfelt way of showing Humans are complex creatures, man.

You know it’s time to go to bed when you write it cereal number.

Beau: Ah, yes, it is I… Cinnamon Toast Crunch

I’m having one hell of a time getting anything done (including writing) because my hand keeps going numb.
