#dirhhennia butterfly


I’ve been getting a lot of art block, so I work on fan art. Dirhhennia also get art block. I always imagine her being voice by Olivia Olson. Anyway Dirhheania is an amazing musician but nobody knows that. She keeps it to her self because she feels it’s the one thing she can be in charge of and nobody can take it away from her.

Dirhhennia Butterfly’s newest album: The Darkest Mind. In my version, Dirhhennia is really good at guitar… like… insanely good. She can play all genres such as classical, folk, rock, alternative, and even a bit of pop here and there. Her perfered method is Death Metal.

Even though she is extremely talented, Dirhhennia never thought herself any good. She uses her songs and poems as a form of expression and keeps it a secret. It’s so secret that she doesn’t even write about it in her own diary. Instead, she keeps it all in a case underneath her floor boards.
