#dirty 1d prefs


Harry: “Never have I ever had a wet dream about Perrie.” You all laugh and Zayn smirks and raises his drink to his lips, clearly not embarrassed. “Okay my turn.” Niall sits up. “Never have I ever…” he pauses to eyeball everyone in the group, Liam shifts in his seat. “um, never have I ever been spanked during sex?” Everyone’s eyes shift eagerly around the group to see who drinks.You take a small sip, the boys laugh as Zayn takes yet another gulp and the 4 boys start to take the piss out of him. “Hey, y/n drunk too!” he tries to defend himself. You smile at the reactions of the boys. “I think I speak for all of us when I say, that is fucking hot.” a slightly tipsy Niall remarks. A conversation sparks up but Louis suddenly coughs to get everyone’s attention. “I have one.” he announces, causing everyone else to worry. He doesn’t have the most… tame… suggestions sometimes. “Never have I ever been in love with y/n”  Your eyes automatically widened, that was out of the blue? Louis looked smug, clearly proud of his cunning plan. Out of the corner of your eyes you saw movement and turned your head to see Harry take a tentative sip from his drink. He put it back on the floor and sheepishly smiled at you. “How long ago was this?” You asked, intrigued. Harry didn’t answer, instead just awkwardly picked at the label on the beer bottle. “Try very, very recently ” Louis mumbled, but you heard him none the less.  'Now or never.’ you thought, reaching for your bottle. “Never have I ever had serious feelings for Harry Styles.” You brought the bottle to your lips and took a long sip. Louis poured himself a shot, “Well if I do say so myself, I am a fucking legend.” You all laughed but leaned to your right and gave Harry a shy kiss on the cheek. He smiled at you before you shared a kiss on the lips.

Niall: You chewed on your lip, trying to think of a saucy question for the game. You smiled as you finally thought of one. “Never have I ever had a wet dream in the past week.” You were very satisfied with yourself and sure enough you caught them all out except Harry. From across the circle you saw Liam give Niall a light punch on the arm, “Oh Niall, who knew you had had a wet dream recently.” All the boys cracked up, Zayn almost spat out his drink it caught him by such surprise. You looked from one boy to another, clearly missing something. Niall blushed a rather vivid shade of pink “Liam you said you wouldn’t” He warned. Your eyes narrowed, clearly there was a story they weren’t telling you. “C'mon guys, what’s the story!” you wanted to laugh too. Harry wiped a tear from his eye as he stopped laughing “nah, it’s nothing y/n.” You pouted, not giving up that easy. “ Please guys! Spill the beans." 
"Niall certainly did spill something anyway!” Louis could barely get all his sentence out without laughing. Another chorus of laughter erupted and Zayn slapped Louis on the back “Good one mate!”
Niall sighed, “Fine you can know y/n but you have to promise not to laugh.”  You nodded, getting impatient. 
Harry took a drink, “Okay so basically we’re in the tour bus the other night and it’s maybe 4am? and we all wake up and it’s dead silent apart from moaning coming from Niall’s bunk.” Liam let’s out a laugh again. “Anyway, Zayn drew back his curtain and Niall’s moaning "oh y/n baby… yes… right there y/n … good girl.” for a full 6 minutes. We are never letting him live this down.“ The boys erupted in laughter once again and you pursed your lips so you wouldn’t join in with them. Niall looked so guilty. ” Sorry y/n, I just, it wasn’t my fault, I was asleep!“ You smiled, seeing how awkward he felt and you laughed along with the boys.” No problem Niall, I guess it’s a compliment?“

Liam:  You’d been playing this game for a while now and everyone was getting quite drunk. You had had at least 3 shots of vodka and you were sipping on your 2nd glass of wine. It was your turn to think of a question. You took small sips of your wine as you thought of all the things you could ask. "C'mon y/n some time today.” Liam playful teased. You looked up at him then to his chest. You thought you were being subtle but you didn’t see him looking at you exactly the same way. He was sitting next to you, leaning on his hand which was awfully close to your also out stretched hand. You’d been crushing on Liam for a while but you had no courage. but you did have alcohol. “Never have I ever been extremely attracted to Liam Payne right this very moment.” You blurted out at Liam as you raised your glass to your lips and took a long gulp. Liam looked shocked, but he was smiling. That couldn’t be a bad sign right? You inched your hand closer to his and lightly put your hand on top of his.  Zayn started quietly chanting “Kiss,Kiss,Kiss…” and soon the boys joined in. You and Liam shrugged and leaned in, cementing the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

Louis:  When Zayn suggested playing ‘never have I ever’ everyone was all for it. However when you all sat down to play  Harry couldn’t find any alcohol in his house, having just thrown a party. However still being keen to play, Harry suggested you strip an item of clothing instead of taking a shot. “Well that’s hardly fair for me!” you commented on the gender imbalance. “exactly” harry said with a devilish grin and you all laughed, You were pretty good friends so you weren’t overly worried. A few rounds in and Liam was only in his briefs and socks, you had all decided to target him much to his protests. Niall and Zayn had lost their shirts, Louis was missing his shoes and socks and Harry was wearing about 5 wrist ties and had cheekily taken each of those of per round. You had done pretty well, managing to escape stripping thanks to Liam acting as the target. You still had your top and skirt but all your jewellery was long gone. Niall broke from his hushed conversation with Liam and stared into your eyes with devilish grin. Crap. “Never have I ever had a penis inside of me.” That cheeky bastard. You debated over skirt or top, quickly deciding you’d like to keep your g-string covered as long as you could and pulled your shirt over your head and threw it behind you. Thank god you had worn your push up bra today! You awkwardly smiled and tried to think of a question to ask. You noticed Louis staring at you, or rather at your boobs. “ Hey Louis, is there something on my chest? did I spill something?” you teased, not really taking any offense. He grinned, “yeah you did actually, let me get that for you ” He cheekily reached for your breasts but you pushed him away. “Oh Later then? okay babe” God he was cheeky.

Zayn: You had all gotten warmed up, and slightly tipsy, and now the really personal questions were coming out. Harry poured everyone a new shot. “Okay, never have I ever… been into the Dominant/Submissive kink?” He cocked his eyebrow inquisitively as he looked around the group.You and Zayn both leaned forward together and grabbed a shot glass, downing them in one. Your face squeezed up as you felt it burn as you swallowed, then put the tiny glass back in the middle. “ooh you think you know a person” Louis teased and you and Zayn looked at each other and laughed, everyone has a kink and neither of you were ashamed. Liam took a sip of his beer, “Hey guys, can I ask you something even though it’s technically against the rules?” Zayn nodded, “sure payno, shoot.” You leaned on your hand and nodded. “Which, like, so there’s the dom and the sub but what one do you like?”  Niall rubbed his hands together “oh nice question Liam!”

Zayn adjusted his beanie, “Dom”
“Submissive” You said at the exact same time. 

You turned your head to Zayn , instantly imagining what it would be like to have him dominate you. No, bad idea. You grabbed another drink to distract yourself and try to stop yourself getting around. “Listen I’m not saying that something should happen there, but you two should definitely 'join forces’” Louis joked. You snuck a glance at Zayn and he raised his eyebrows at you and smiled. You laughed, but maybe Louis was onto something?

A.N: Thanks for reading! Feedback and requests are always appreciated x 
