#disabled people are hot


ogrefairy.com/shop is now officially live!! Please come on over and check it out if you have any interest in prints (or a couple stickers) with disability and/or fantasy themes.

Now Shipping to USA and Canada

This is my debut as a small business! You can feel free to use the discount code: WELCOME for 10% off your order.

Please boost I would really appreciate it!

[ID: a banner stating “Michaela Oteri, ogrefairy.com” with my self portrait. followed by 6 images
First is an image showing the first 5 of my disabled cuties, now available as coloring pages both digital and physical. the next image is the second batch of 5 disabled cuties coloring pages
The next row features a Disabled Beauty Portrait simply titled “Confident” and a Disabled Beauty portrait of me. My self portrait
Last row is a #CripplePunk drawing of my best friend and I and a romantic painting of a vampire and a human (the human has a prosthetic leg) titled In Love With A Vampire

All of these images are linked to and further described on my website!]

a pinup of lana i did for twitter’s #disabledpeoplearehot ! the lingerie she’s wearing is savage x f

a pinup of lana i did for twitter’s #disabledpeoplearehot ! the lingerie she’s wearing is savage x fenty  <3

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