#disliked drawing with - cause i do like the effect

A grey pencil drawing of Beauregard Lionett and Yasha Nydoorin from Critical Role. They are both shown in profile, facing each other, Beau on the left, Yasha on the right side of the image. Yasha bends over slightly to press her forehead against Beau's, and looks at Beau's eyes. Her body is turned toward the viewer and her right hand rests on Beau's back. Beau on the other hand looks at Yasha's lips, and strokes the side of Yasha's face and neck with her right hand. Her lips are slightly pouted. They both wear soft smiles. Beau has her hair in a long rope braid, the top of which is tied up in an bun. One untied lock of hear is tucked behind her right ear. She wears a light coloured sleeveless crop top with triangle patterns on the collar, around the arm hole and the bottom. Yasha has her hair tied up in a high pony tail with a thick braid at her temple. She wears a loose white shirt with a flower pattern on the top portion.

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Without realizing it I’d already drawn half of the Mighty Nein in the past couple of weeks, so I might as well finish what I started hahah. So Jester and/or Veth next!
