#dislyte game


i hope miss sally comes home one day i would like to give her many kisses

cant have tang xuan wout his twin brother

My first 10 roll after the very first 10. Rhythm not to bad but I wish I got dups of characters I actually use.

Spoilers but this whole hurt my man drew and needs his ass beat.

As tradition dictates when ever I start a new game gotta post the UID add me!

ADD: 4447970

Ma'am you can’t fuck Anubis-

This new game is super fun u was expecting a flop when I pre-reisgter for it but holy shit. The music is good, character design is on point. It’s gacha but I’ll live.

As always the dialogue needs a little work. Like I end up just omitting shit from the text- maybe I should become an editor cause fuck me does this happen a lot in phone games.
