#disney tsum tsums


I apologize if any of these tips are pretty “duh” to those of you who have been playing for awhile, hehe but posting for anyone who might not know!

- Points and coins are NOT calculated the same way. Coins are calculated solely by how much you clear at once (i.e. clearing chains or bursts with a tsum’s skill or using a bubble) and Fever has no bearing on coin accrual. So a tsum that gives great coins like Beast (skill 5-6) doesn’t necessarily return a great score, and vice versa a tsum with decent scoring doesn’t always give great coins (there ARE some that do both, especially at high skill level like Jedi Luke, unfortunately I can’t speak to that since I don'f have him beyond skill 1 )

- More points are given by clearing chains than bursts, and the combo count adds bonus points to however many points you earn during each Fever.

- Keep clearing!! (ABC: Always Be Clearing!! haha) While 3-chains are not optimal (for score or coins), as mentioned, having a high combo count is very helpful to get a higher score and you maintain/add to your combo count by clearing tsums without stopping. Fever allows you to take a break and not have to worry about having a lull in clearing, but any time outside of Fever you need to be clearing (whether it’s chains/bubbles/skill bursts) See my original post about Fever (sorry it’s kinda old so some stuff is dated but the basic info is still the same!) for more info. http://tsumoverflow.tumblr.com/post/104856964367/fever-info

- Long chains + Fever + High Combo # = Lots of Points!! That said, I know clearing long chains takes forever so you have to pay attention to your fever meter and either have a bubble ready to “fast forward”
(or “clear” as I’ve heard people call it) the chain, or you can just start the chain during fever and hope a good portion clears before fever runs out. When it comes to burst tsums, if you use their skill a lot/often in the game it can also be very effective, so in the case of the event, hopefully you have good results with Belle (original)! Beast (original), unfortunately is harder to get high scores with.

- Keep playing!! Your player level adds significant bonus points to your final score, so the more you play the higher your final level bonus will be (for example I’m on level 218 and my bonus is 26%)

- Unlocking certain tsums’ score level caps CAN help. See my post about that for more info! See the post I just reblogged earlier today!

Anyhow, sorry again for posting about this late! Let me know if you have any questions!!!
