

I made another thing. This group didn’t really have a name that I could find, but it comes up a lot in the suttas as being things that support the development of various enlightened states of being and wisdom.

Seclusion can be physically secluding yourself to meditate, but also seclusion from sensual desires or unwholesome things, etc.

Dispassion happens when as you develop wisdom and start seeing things through a lens of impermanence and permanence, you start to lose interest in impermanent things like sensual pleasures and existence and rebirth, etc.

Cessation is what happens when you reach the various levels of enlightenment and the fetters are “cut off at the root, made like a palm-tree stump that can come to no further existence in the future.” so those beliefs and desires completely cease to be and cannot arise again. (the symbol is based on a palm tree root structure)

Relinquishment is when you are able to fully let go of things, truly freeing you from them.
