#disreputable dog

Just read Terciel & Elinor (by Garth Nix) and was inspired to redraw my previous Old Kingdom folJust read Terciel & Elinor (by Garth Nix) and was inspired to redraw my previous Old Kingdom folJust read Terciel & Elinor (by Garth Nix) and was inspired to redraw my previous Old Kingdom folJust read Terciel & Elinor (by Garth Nix) and was inspired to redraw my previous Old Kingdom folJust read Terciel & Elinor (by Garth Nix) and was inspired to redraw my previous Old Kingdom fol

Just read Terciel & Elinor (by Garth Nix) and was inspired to redraw my previous Old Kingdom folks and add Terciel in! He’s hoping the rain comes down a little harder…

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Does the walker choose the path…or the path the walker.  Lirael and the Disreputable Dog. I j

Does the walker choose the path…or the path the walker. 

Lirael and the Disreputable Dog. I just finished reading Clariel not too long ago and have since then been rereading the rest of the series. 

Just a sketch right now, but I’m excited to start coloring this one. I’ve not drawn a lot of animals so I had a lot of reference for Dog. She looks very wolfish but that’s what I was going for. 

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