#divination ref




I’m going to preface this by 1) saying that I wrote this “on the fly” – in that I just added every now and again with the intention of eventually posting it here so that it may – possibly, on the off-chance – be of use to someone,2) this is, of course, by no means the definitive way of reading playing cards for tarot-like purposes: but is MYway.

Or opt for the PDF download: Divination With Playing Cards

With that being said, let us begin with some very rough correspondences to both the tarot suits and the elements. People will argue for days about which suits go with which elements and yadda yadda – this is what makes sense to me. Perhaps it’s the emblazoned Catholic symbolism stamped into my brain, but Heart/Love naturally goes with passion and fire. I leave Water for emotions at large – they are fluid, changing, and as such, Water/Spades, too, is/are a symbol for change. Diamonds/Mind/Air/Wands – not any complex symbolism going on there. Club… I’m almost embarrassed to say I use for Earth merely because it looks like a clover. Spade makes sense (considering)… but it’s just never jived for me.

Here’s a handy table:

Hearts - Fire, Swords 

Diamonds - Air, Wands 

Spade - Water, Cups 

Club - Earth, Pentacle 

Now we move into the real fun, actually reading the cards. Always remember. Tarot isn’t so much this card has this meaning – “it is fact, it is unchanging.”No! Each card can and will take on entirely new meanings when placed near or far from other cards. Allow them to! 


this is simply a place to begin…


1-Solitary, adjacent to the spectrum of life – the means by which one approaches life and the challenge in brings. 

{Hearts} Heart and the pursuits of love and passion are the main focus of your life. Drive and ambition. 

{Diamonds} Mind and reason are the main focus of your life. Knowledge is the key to overcoming any challenge. 

{Spades} Your beliefs are fluid and changing. There is an element of choice in your ability to persevere in that challenges can be overcome in a number of ways.

{Clubs} Indoctrination and stubborn. Very set in ones ways – whether good or bad, you stick to what you know and have experienced to deal with new challenges. Can also mean an inability to alter one’s own perceptions. 


2-Balance, partnership, duality 

{Hearts} Can be an explosion partnership or one with a great deal of passion. Can also be a symbol of conflicting sides – another card can specify as to the details of a situation. 

{Diamonds} A partnership rendered with reason. A dynamic duo, one fixed on balance and the cohesive ability to maintain it. Can also mean, gathering focus toward one common goal – often between the heart and mind. 

 {Spades} A flexible partnership. On of a more fluid balance – in that, one man’s weaknesses are made up by the other’s strengths (and vice versa). Can also mean compromise and the power it has. When in the realm of emotion – adaptability. 

 {Clubs} A strong, but possibly difficult partnership. Conversely, it can also symbolize reliability and a steadfast companion. When in the realm of emotion – goal oriented and a hardworking spirit. 


 3-Creativity, Spirituality and Magic

++ immediately place another card on top of any {3} ;; apply the above ideology to the 2nd card ++

{Hearts} Countless meanings reliant wholly on the cards nearest by. 

{Diamonds} Countless meanings reliant wholly on the cards nearest by. 

{Spades} Countless meanings reliant wholly on the cards nearest by. 

 {Clubs} Countless meanings reliant wholly on the cards nearest by. 


4-Home, Foundation, Structure and possibly cyclical “seasons” or “ideas" 

{Hearts} Could signal basing ones personal foundation on passion and spirit, love, and power – which can be as dangerous as it is rewarding. 

 {Diamonds} Could be an allusion to “frame of mind,” but more literally, wealth and expenses. There are elements of distrust with this card – most often due to over-analyzation.. 

{Spades} The card of the vagabond. Travel, adventure and excitement – conversely, however, it can signal the inability to “settle down” or a phobia of responsibility. 

 {Clubs} The strongest foundation. One sure and steady. Can by a symbol of family or home in the literal sense, as well as compassion and loyalty. 


5-Completion, the joining of the masculine and feminine, the elements, spirit, etc. – more specifically, what is MISSING from completion

{Hearts} Heart is the missing piece of the puzzle, be it due to a lack of passion for that which is at hand, or a longing for love (both physical and spiritual) can render one feeling incomplete 

{Diamonds} A signal of rashness, being driven purely by desires – and rarely the good ones, ie. Lust, greed, anger, etc. Only through applying reason and logic might one find completeness. 

 {Spades} Rigidity, intolerance and the ability to change/adapt. The inability to compromise or evolve based of prejudices or fear is hindering your ability find completeness or overcome an obstacle. Creativity is necessary to triumph. 

{Clubs} One cannot find completeness due to over-malleability – could be a symbol of one being used as a “doormat,” being manipulated (or manipulating), and the inability to make up ones mind. Being dragged in too many (often opposite) directions. 


6-Harmony, Truth, Enlightenment, Love 

{Hearts} Romantic love is coming – and it will be a love of great devotion – one that will open doors to a plethora of new emotions; can also symbolize a marriage, a spouse, or a significant other 

{Diamonds} Enlightenment is on its way. There will be an illuminating series of events that will offer clarity to a situation. 

 {Spades} Troubled waters will calm, and burned bridges might be mended – IF there are proactive measures to remedy these turbulent situations. 

{Clubs} This is a card of Truth and Honesty – a card that can signify the curative powers of truth and the freedoms honesty brings. Can be a signal to be honest when it comes to a specific situation, or a message that the underlying truth must be sought out. 


7-Education, Learning and Scholarly applications – can refer to literal schooling, such as higher education, as well as spiritual learning 

{Hearts} You have a zest for knowledge and crave a continuous stream of information to feel stimulated. Scholarly stimulation at the forefront. This can be a sign of ones character, or a signal that one must again find the passion they have lost in regards to learning – reassessing and realigning to any lost goals. 

{Diamonds} Expertly studious by nature, but can be cold and lacking a specific passion and understanding. Scientific understanding and overly-analytical, could be a pursuit of knowledge without consideration and application: cold, unfaltering fact 

{Spades} Emotional learning, dealing with the heart, love and familial bonds. Growth in the sphere of love and learning, spiritual growth based on the control of ones emotions – and the relationships they build. 

{Clubs} Knowledge is present. All that one needs to know to overcome or enact a situation is already in place, all that is lacking is the motivation and the metaphorical “push” to fell the dominoes. 


8-Business, Wealth and Financial Prowess 

{Hearts} A born leader, strong, courageous and powerful. A risk taker, entrepreneurial pursuits – with great reward, there is a potential for loss. Can also signify rashness, wild, unchecked passions and foolishness – overspending, addictions, the dark realms of business – excess 

{Diamonds} A career built on knowledge and responsibility. These are the analytical thinkers, scientists, academics and teachers. They are a wealth of knowledge and ensure all is in-check and accounted for. Those who manage finances well, with mathematical precision, and a vehement sense of responsibility. Can also signal a lack thereof, as a message urging one to allot and plan more responsibly – a prism by which to focus ones passions. 

{Spades} A career built on guidance – caretakers, healers, social workers, counselors – a loving nature, keen on helping people and their communities at large. Conversely, they are sensitive and often lack the capacity to say “no.” Value duty over self, and can be easily distracted or lose track of finances. Can be caught up and lose themselves – often their own wellness, giving too much, overly charitable 

{Clubs} Extremely family oriented, value home and trust. Business and wealth are a means of support. These can be those who work to fulfill their obligations, but also public servants: police officers, office workers, housewives/husbands and occasionally those who own their own business. Overall a card of structure, and wealth as a means of support, but rarely to excess. These people have a tendency to be overworked, stern and responsible, and can be under a great deal of stress. They require a support network of family and loved ones (home) to unwind and lighten their loads. 


9-Success, Accomplishment, Satisfaction, Primal Energies and Crossroads 

{Hearts} Love is highly valued, a means by which to attain happiness. These people are creatures of love and require (sometimes to a fault) a lot of attention. They are also the most passionate and loving individuals. This card may also symbolize crossing paths, a love that might evolve into something great, or might be a brief affair that changes ones perspectives on life at large. This is a card of choice – a choice of heart and the opportunity for a great love. 

{Diamonds} Prospective glory, success and accomplishment garnered by intellect and brainpower. The possibility for notoriety and acclaim that is well earned. Could also allude to a promotion or thankfulness/reward for a job well done. Someone who can lend a great insight to a particular situation. 

 {Spades} Indecision, constant evolution and being torn between matters of the heart and mind. A tipping point, a decision that must be made – with great consequence or reward. Having ones beliefs tested. 

 {Clubs} Roots that run deep. Success as a means of hard-work, labor, strength, and unmatched will-power. Conversely, a missed opportunity, fear of the unknown and stubbornness standing in the way of change. To be set in ones ways.


10-Possibility, potential, the ability to alter ones own path and align it to what he/she desires – change (Feminine) 

{Hearts} A powerful and seductive woman, a dominatrix, but also one that is strong, passionate and in control of both her wiles and her desires. She has both the motives and the means to get all that she desires. 

{Diamonds} A sharp, bright woman, a masterful and just leader. She is not ruled by her emotions, but her wit – and she gains her power from her pointed dominion of her mind over her heart. The potential problem lying in a coolness or a fear of intense emotion. She fears most being taken advantage of. 

{Spades} Literally: A sweet, sensitive woman – maternal by nature, caring, giving and accepting. She is loving and nurturing. But she is also extraordinarily sensitive, both physical, emotionally and spiritually. This is both her strength and her downfall – can also be easily persuaded. 

{Clubs} A strong, resilient and ambitious woman – powerful and stern, but she does so from a place of love. She is gifted with natural power, commanding austerity and respect. She is loyal, courageous and a shelter from the proverbial storm. 


Knight/Jack-Possibility, potential, the ability to alter ones own path and align it to what he/she desires – change (Masculine) 

{Hearts} Literally: A handsome and loving man, one who is passionate and romantic, but also one with a temper – he can be prone to luxury and excess. Metaphorically: Primal passions, and a plethora of opportunities by which to utilize them. 

{Diamonds} Literally: an intellectual, a smart and witty man, but one who values thought over feeling. Possibly a man who values work, responsibility over emotion – can be as cold as he is smart. Metaphorically: The power of thought. Intelligence, calculation, and planning. Prestige and academic prowess. 

{Spades} Literally: A kind, gentle and loving man, heart-felt and sincere, but also one who struggles with illnesses, such as depression or one who bears a heavy, emotional burden. Metaphorically: Emotional turmoil, periods of great happiness concludes by periods of great sadness – one must find a means by which to balance and overcome these struggles. 

{Clubs} Literally: A family man, a man’s man – a man who is strong, proud a overflowing with masculinity. He is one who has great emotional and physical strength, but can be stubborn, insensitive, domineering and fragile in his masculinity. Metaphorically: Home, Hearth and Health/Wellness. Strength and power, but in the same sense, insensitivity and stubbornness. 


Queen-the feminine, bowels of desires, passions, etc. ruling of desires and passion aptly and emotionally 

{Hearts} Feminine strength, desire – a Queen of Hearts, a ruler of Love and Desire, Dominion. She is the Goddess of Fire, the Goddess of Passion, Desire, Creation and Destruction. 

{Diamonds} Wisdom, insight, guidance, a powerful and receptive female force of knowledge – specifically of witchcraft and esotericism. She is the Goddess of the Heavens. Comparable to the High Priestess

{Spades} She is the Queen of Emotion and the Seas. She is Calypso, she is Pomba Gira da Calunga, she is Goddess of the Depths and Recesses of the Human Soil. 

{Clubs} She is the Goddess of the Forest, Queen of the Wilds and Nature, she is the dichotomy: Life and Death – she is the bridge between the physical and the spiritual. She is the Warrior, the Huntress, the Protectress. 


King-masculine, reason, leadership, protection, but can also by tyranny and excessive force 

{Hearts} The God of Fire, Force and Smiting. He is raw power, he is life, light and vibrancy. He is powerful, but he can be equally destructive, tyrannical and oppressive. 

{Diamonds} He is Wisdom, Knowledge and the Guide. He is the wind, the eternal whisper – Ruler of the Heavens. He can, however, be wise – but lack emotional understanding. Can also be manipulative. 

{Spades} He is the understanding, the triumphant, he who rules the Dead. He is the God of the Underworld, the cold and invisible esoteric worlds. He is a force of great change, but he is also secretive, a force of trickery and places one in dangerous situations – that often provide the greatest opportunity for growth. 

{Clubs} Comparable to the Emperor, he is the God of War, Strength and Militant action. He is strategic, domineering and forceful – pushing people to the point of breaking, only to reshape them as stronger, better, more resilient. He is the General and the driving force of Conquest. He gives strength, but often at the cost of emotional/individualistic apathy. Imperialism, indoctrination, drive and force. 


Ace-Spirit {Divine Rule} ;;perfection

{Hearts} Love/Passion 

{Diamonds} Knowledge/Mysticism 

{Spades} Death/Change 

{Clubs} Life/Nature

PDF download also available, here.
