#dk gifsets

hot 1950s air force guy slinks into a radio control room, removes his hat, leans against a cabinet suggestively, and talks to his coworkerALT
hot 50s air force guy talks on radio equipment and then removes headphones.ALT
1950s air force guy steps into a room with three other guys and at least one light bulb for a changeALT
two air force guys talk in front of other guys playing cards at a table.ALT
air force guys continue talking, and then one does this little circle gesture with his two fingersALT
hot air force guy grins at his friend and walks away. the other one gets an "oh you" expression on his face.ALT
hot 50s air force guy leans against a cabinet, talks on radio gear, and rubs his lipALT
three military guys stand around radio equipment. one is talking on it and looking annoyedALT
three 50s military guys talk to someone on a phone, then the screen cuts to airplane wheels landingALT
two military guys sit in headphones. a third stands by, smiles, and bounces.ALT

DeForest Kelley, Steve Canyon, “Operation Jettison” (1958)

I have to imagine the conversation between the producer and casting director here went something like this:

Producer: Ok, we need a really, really good-looking guy to dress up in a hypermasculine costume and look incredibly hot while being barely visible because of terrible lighting. You know anyone like that?

Casting: *Turns off The Law and Jake Wade and cracks knuckles* Boy, do I.


hot older man in a suit stands at the front desk of a hospital and turns his headALT
hot older man wears a suit, talks, and does this cute lip pursing smile thingALT
more hot older man smiling adorably while talking to someoneALT
hot DILF straightens up and bounces as he talks more seriously ALT
normal looking older man approaches a 1970s silver fox, says something, and walks away rudelyALT
close-up of some middle-aged guy's profile. as he walks off camera, camera focuses on the smirking silver fox who had been there all along.ALT
cute 1970s DILF talks to a long-faced doctorALT
70s DILF continues to be adorable, smiling and fluttering his lashesALT

DeForest Kelley, The Bold Ones: The New Doctors, “Giants Never Kneel” (1970)

De’s role in this is small, so confession, I didn’t watch beyond figuring out his role (executive assistant to some mega-rich sick guy). It’s on YouTube if anyone has the patience, though. De didn’t do a whole lot of things between TOS and TMP, so it’s kind of a treat to see him in this, esp. with the 70s hair.

Btw, if you do watch, keep an eye out for Maj. Christopher (the pilot who gets trapped on the Enterprise and massively hit on by Kirk), who is wearing glasses but not really fooling anybody.

And they spelled his name right in the credits. Oh yay!
