#dnd insp




Among the groves of the Pinelands, old jars and cooking pots sit seemingly abandoned in the faded grass. In fact, these are the shells of the Yamayaga, shadowy spirits who lurk among the trees looking for residence in forgotten knick-knacks and dropped belongings.
As these spirits grow older, they look for bigger and bigger vessels. Large groups of the creatures occasionally meet up for a “yama market” in secluded clearings, trading trinkets amongst themselves and clucking happily the whole time. When their age reaches the hundreds they tend to form a symbiotic relationships with a local witch, inhabiting their entire home and creating a Babayaga, a magical duo who are not to be trifled with.
While still young, some witches will keep a brood of Yamayaga - firstly get to know the spirit that might inhabit their cottage, but more importantly to harvest their delicious eggs. Speckled yama eggs on toast are unmatched!