#do i have too many maybe


Just a quick list of all the different brines and where they fit. Mainly just a list I can refer to later but hey if you guys wanna know as well be my guest. If you have any questions about any of them, feel free to ask!

Also slight trigger warning; mentions scars/injuries, mental health issues, (implied) substance abuse and all that.


- biologically the youngest. Although he’s technically reaching his thousand year mark, he’s pretty much physically and mentally frozen at very early 20s (we’re talking just barely out of teenage years)

- Survivors guilt to the extreme. Please someone tell him that it’s going to be ok

- His “turning point”, despite being almost centuries ago at this point, is still relatively recent compared to others. As such there’s still a lot of inner turmoil, guilt, fear, distress, and much more. All around just a bundle of mental and emotional issues that he has yet to confront.

- Kind of canon? It’s the same, but just with a different character at a different time

- Has a slight issue with blaze dust

- Doesn’t actually know the extent of his powers just yet

- scar trait; most notably missing finger and part of his leg. Caused by injury that did not have much chance to settle and heal properly. A little roughed up otherwise, with scratches all over. Some accidentally caused by himself. He’s not aware at this point that he can easily come back to life after death, so he’s just hanging on for the moment


- in a weird spot. Sort of au, but not really?

- World had long since flooded. Only thing on surface is scattered islands. Major cities are underground instead

- Victorian-esque setting. Both the good and the bad

- Sailor. Used to be in the navy. Still curses like one

- Proud cat dad

- More associated with water and the deep ocean than fire

- His coat comes from his old navy days. It holds enchantments similar to selkie skin. (Aka lets me indulge in mermaid au without having to make separate au)

- Scar trait; permanent Lichtenberg figures. Was struck by conjured lightning (intended to assassinate his brother, hit him instead). Severe nerve damage and limited motor control in his arms

- Has depression and anxiety issues, but can’t really talk about them

- Terrified of storms. Keeps himself knocked out cold during stormy nights

- He prefers to keep his distance in a fight. Competent with elemental abilities, but due to injuries he cannot hold himself in close up combat


- the old bugger who’s still around for some spiteful reason. Kind of wants to just live life as an isolated nether farmer but he still gets dragged into things.

- Lost his name ages ago. The name herobrine is more of a title than anything personal

- Last of his kind

- Probably the closest to actual canon. More so set a bit further into the future

- Has a bunch of sick tattoos, both from aetherial prison and from piglin tribes

- He’s not old. I mean he is, but his appearance is more caused by his body beginning to collapse. His back hurts just thinking of all the stuff he used to be able to do effortlessly

- Raises strider chicks in the nether. Because there the only nice thing in this damn place and you will treat them nicely or else

- Can’t stomach pork. Makes him feel ill looking at it

- Scar trait; apart from old battle wounds, most notable is his eye. It’s still there, but no light emits from it anymore due to blindness

- He misses Steve.

Hero (sci fi au. Still a bit of a work in progress)

- strictly au

- An android originally built a while ago, but was deemed too “alive” and dangerous. After killing a few people (unknown if accidental or not), got his memory drive wiped and was dismantled. Was actually being transported for scrap metal when Steve found him

- Sort of restored. Definitely more calm and placid. Takes things a bit too literally though. Overtime he starts regaining lost memories and his motives become more…personal

- He likes collecting rocks. Especially the shiny ones

- He copies a lot of things he sees. Both to the entertainment and annoyance of his friends

- Scar trait; he’s…kind of missing his skin. Most androids at that time have a human-like synthetic skin over exposed machinery, but since there’s nothing like that on board, he has to do without
