#do it all anew


Melanie, Georgie, and baby Aamal!

@kagekanecavi​ sent me this post about parents dressing up their babies like little bears at wintertime, and was saying it was perfect for Aamal’s toddler years so i just had to draw it <3

(for those who don’t know Aamal, she is Jon/Martin’s daughter from my fic Do It All Anew! she gets left behind when jmart vanish after ep 200, and wtgfs raise her as their own. wtgfs haven’t actually appeared in the story so far but i wanted to draw them because 1. cute baby 2. gay moms give me life and 3. i HAD to draw gnc Melanie she means the world to me)

Daddy Martin hours not pictured: Jon off to the side getting teary bc he loves them both so much

(Baby Aamal is from Do It All Anew!)

fuck it. excerpt from the next chapter of my wip (jmart are exes and trying to get along )

Jon’s attention catches on another oddity: a bottle of red—Pinot Noir from a Recas Cramele vineyard, he Knows without seeing the label—hiding behind a mostly exhausted sack of potatoes. He stands with the bottle in hand, frowning as a sweep of his thumb reveals a rich maroon beneath the dust-caked glass. He lifts the bottle in Martin’s direction. “For cooking?”

Martin looks up from dicing. His face remains blank for a moment before recognition colours it. “Oh. Yeah, thought I might use it.”

Ah. Jon knows that tone. It gets his hackles up far too effectively. “Gift from Nate?”

Martin looks back down. “Two Christmases ago, yeah.”

That would have been a year into Nate and Martin’s relationship. Jon feels his frown oxidising into a scowl. “Has he made an effort to learn anythingabout you?”

Deliberately but without aggression, Martin sets the knife aside. “I do drink wine sometimes, Jon.”

Jon snorts, derisive, and gestures at Martin with the still-sealed mouth of the bottle. “Yes, quite a connoisseur.”

“What do you want me to say?” Martin finally turns to face him properly, and– oh. His shoulders hang, a shadow across his brow. “My boyfriend gave me a shitty Christmas gift and I smiled and kept it because I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. Happy?”

“…No.” Feeling like the worst sort of arse, Jon sets the wine aside. “I- I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have… I just- Martin, talking to him, it- it’s like he met you a month ago. I don’t understand how he- he knows so littleabout you.”

Martin sighs, heavy. “It’s not him, Jon, alright? I have- I just- maybe I’ve got bad at sharing.I don’t want anyone to—” He breaks off suddenly, eyes slightly widened. His mouth trembles.

“To know you?” Jon breathes.

Martin takes up the knife again. “Yeah,” he murmurs. “Maybe.”

you can find Do It All Anew on ao3

Family photo! ft. Jon, Martin, Aamal, and Bunny the cat (so-named bc Aamal wanted a bunny but received a cat instead. not pictured: their other cat, Corn Snake)

Aamal is from my fic Do It All Anew. It’s angsty but it will end happily!!! Consider this photo canon

“The first hands on her skin- they were mine. (…) My hands, and- and yours, Martin. As far as she knows, there’s no one on earth but the three of us.”

back at it again illustrating scenes from my jonmartin kid fic Do It All Anew! They have a baby now!!

a moment of quiet waiting for the baby <3

thought i’d illustrate an upcoming scene from my jmart kid fic, Do It All Anew!! it’s taking me 100 years to finish this chapter but i promise im still writing


some drawings based on “Do It All Anew” by @jevonne bc this fic. just has my entire heart ok sjdfjjsk

[ID: A few digital drawings of Jon and Martin from TMA with their baby from the aforementioned fanfic. Jon is a thin man with dark brown skin and shoulder length wavy salt and pepper hair. He also has a short beard and various scars. Martin is a fat trans man with tan skin and fluffy short dark brown hair. He has a lot of freckles and some stubble. Aamal, their daughter, is a baby with medium brown skin and short curly black hair. The first drawing shows Jon from the thighs up, holding Aamal in his arms and looking down at her lovingly. His hair is in a ponytail and he is wearing a green henley shirt and blue jeans. Aamal is wrapped in a blue swaddle blanket with a sunflower print on it and she is wearing a pink beanie. The next drawing shows Martin holding Aamal to his chest. He is sat down and leaning against some pillows. His eyes are closed and he is kissing the top of Aamal’s head. He is wearing grey sweatpants with a pink stripe on the sides. Aamal is wrapped in a light green blanket and wearing a purple beanie with a little heart on it. The next drawing shows Jon, Martin and Aamal laying in bed together. They are shown from the waist up. Jon and Martin are looking at each other and smiling gently, while Aamal sleeps between them. Jon’s hand is laying on Martin’s shoulder and Martin has his hand on Jon’s waist. Jon is wearing a green t-shirt, Martin is wearing a light blue pajama shirt and Aamal is wearing a purple onesie. The next three drawings are the same ones as before but this time it’s just the lineart. The last drawing shows Martin holding Aamal and Jon looking over his shoulder at her. Jon and Martin are both s,iling softly. Aamal is wrapped in a green blanket and wearing a strawberry hat. Martin is wearing grey sweatpants. Jon is wearing a purple sweatshirt and grey pants. End ID. ]

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!



feeling under the weather can be hard but it helps when you have dads who are bound and determined to make you feel better <3

i asked for jmart family suggestions and @measureyourlifeincake​ requested “something involving a hug, a forehead kiss, and a grilled cheese cut diagonal” - and bc im hyperfixated as hell i tied it into the most recent chapter of Do It All Anew(:
