#do what works for you





Bitches be like ‘I’m so tired and sleepy’ and then stay up doing hyperfixtation shit for the next 5 hours


by talos

I have been pulling a lot of covering shifts at my day care, which is exhausting because I’m also you know supposed to be the afternoon baby staff.

On Tuesday I was exhausted. Dead tired, seriously thought I was going to fall asleep at work after getting there at 7am and being stuck until just before 5pm.

I was able to turn off my cellphone just before 8pm.

The intervening time was desperately necessary, because it wasn’t just my body that was exhausted - I needed to unravel my brain into something that could sleep and not just go unconscious.

Chances are you’re “self-medicating” your stress levels when you’re hyper fixating despite physical exhaustion.

Learn what calms you down. I like craft and restoration vids on YouTube. Do you prefer reading something analog (can’t update), or maybe a round of Solitaire? Develop a sleep soundtrack - I like soundtracks, lyrical stuff to hook me and then the instrumental stuff to soothe me.

Calming down the neurodivergent brain is never going to be the same as what calms down a neurotypical brain.

Find what works for you, and start doing it mindfully.

And if your brain refuses to switch gears? Accept it’s working through something, and take periodic checks if you can disengage during a brain lull.
